Zhalo Supercell

Revision as of 19:08, December 12, 2015 by OmgHAX! (talk | contribs)

"An upcycled torrent of righteous thunder."
— Weapon Description
Zhalo Supercell
Production overview

Rarity class:


Weapon type:

Auto Rifle

Required level:






Zhalo Supercell is an exotic Auto Rifle in The Taken King that shoots chain lightning.[1]


Zhalo Supercell is the only exotic Year 3 primary weapon that does elemental damage, making it potentially useful against shielded enemies and arc burns.

The intrinsic perk, Zhalo Supercell, causes bullets to have a chance of causing lightning to chain to nearby enemies. This perk tends to activate fairly regularly, given the large magazine size, making it very useful for dispatching large groups of weaker enemies. Combined with Bolts from the Blue, double kills will recharge super energy much more quickly and return ammo to the magazine. It is less useful against solo targets, but the base damage is still sufficient. With the perk persistence, continuous fire makes the weapon more accurate.


  • The weapon was originally named "Ukonvasara", which comes from a mythological Finnish weapon similar to Thor's hammer.
  • The weapon looks like a bullpup conversion of an AK-series rifle. The weapon's fiction implies this, as it is a weapon built from salvaged parts.



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