April Update
The April Update (sometimes referred to as Destiny Update 2.2.0[1] or The Taken Spring) is a free content update for Destiny: The Taken King that was released on April 12, 2016. The Update features a continuation of The Taken King's storyline, as Guardians aid Variks in tracking down Malok, Pride of Oryx, a pretender to Oryx' vacant throne as the Taken War rages on.[2][3]
Content UpdatesEdit
Story missionsEdit
- Pretender to the Throne - Dreadnaught, Saturn
- Fight Fire with Fire (PlayStation exclusive)
- At the Gates
- Return to the Prison
- Essence of Darkness (PlayStation exclusive)
- Blighted Chalice - Ocean of Storms, Moon
- Winter's Run (Taken version) - Ishtar Sink, Venus
- Level 41 Prison of Elders mode
- Challenge of the Elders - Level 42 Prison of Elders mode featuring three back-to-back random boss battles
- Elders' Sigil scorecard for bonus loot
- Bounties for Prison of Elders modes
- Sterling Treasure - Contains Chroma and Taken-themed items. Can be acquired weekly by visiting the Postmaster after a weekly reset, completing a Level 41 Prison of Elders activity, or completing a match in the Weekly Crucible Playlist. Additional Sterling Treasures can be purchased at the Eververse Trading Company.
- Legendary items
- Desolate Armor - Taken-themed armor sets for Guardians, acquiring a full set unlocks the "Shiver" Emote.
- Spektar Armor - Chroma-compatible armor sets
- Year Two versions of Prison of Elders-themed armor and weapons
- Year Two versions of fan-favorite Year One Legendary weapons
- PlayStation exclusive legendary items:
- Armor
- Barkhan Dune I for Warlocks
- Long Tomorrow 9G for Hunters
- Jovian Guard for Titans
- Sparrows
- Velumbra
- Armor
- Exotics
- Improved Year One Weapons
- Improved Year One Armor
- 1 New Year Two Exotic Weapon
- Zen Meteor (PlayStation exclusive)
- Eververse Trading Company items
- 4 Legendary Emotes
- 8 Rare Emotes
- Vault space is increased even further to three pages each for weapons and armor, and two pages for general items
- Rebalancing for various individual weapons, weapon types, and all three Warlock subclasses
- New Chroma feature for certain sets of armor and weapons, players can select the color of an accent light (White, Blue, Yellow, or Red)
- Two new kiosks added to the Vestian Outpost for the Eververse Trading Company and abandoned quests
- Infusion mechanics changed: Infusion now upgrades gear to the existing Light of the consumed item directly
- All Prison of Elders loot chests will no longer require Treasure Keys to open
- Increased special ammo drop rate in PvE; player reserve ammo for machine guns, shotguns, and sniper rifles is reduced
- Player HUDs will be removable
- Vanguard and Crucible reputation gains are increased
- PvP rebalancing:
- The player revive radius is reduced
- A 7-second extension is added to the revive timer each time a player dies, so subsequent revivals of that player take longer
- Special ammo is redistributed: players have special ammo at match start again, and special ammo crates drop at three minutes after start followed by two minute intervals (does not apply to Mayhem)
- Heavy ammo crates now only drop once during a match, at the five minute mark (does not apply to Mayhem)
- Maximum Light level increase to 335, and activities will drop loot at new Light levels:
- 310 Light max loot sources
- Non-Exotic engrams
- Heroic strikes
- 320 Light max loot sources
- Level 41 Prison of Elders
- Iron Banner rank 3 and 5 packages
- King's Fall Normal Mode
- 330 Light max loot sources
- Faction packages
- Trials of Osiris bounties
- 335 Light max loot sources
- King's Fall Hard Mode
- Court of Oryx Artifacts
- Iron Banner rank 5 packages
- Trials of Osiris Flawless Victory rewards
- Strike unique items
- Exotic engrams
- Challenge of the Elders
- Elder's Sigil
- 310 Light max loot sources
- The April Update is lovingly called "The Taken Spring" by the Destiny fandom.
- The April Update was revealed over a series of Livestreams via Bungie's Twitch account. [4]