Outbreak Prime

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"Vex encryption. Unbreakable? Ha, so they say."
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"I've done the math. When you pull this trigger, one plus one equals zero. Every time."
— Shiro-4
Outbreak Prime
File:Outbreak Grimoire.jpg
Production overview


Shiro-4, The Guardian



Rarity class:


Weapon type:

Pulse Rifle

Is craftable:


Patterns needed:


Required level:

40 (D1)

Min-max accuracy:


Min-max impact:

27 (D2)

Min-max stability:

48 (D1)
50 (D2)

Min-max handling:

30 (D2)

Min-max reload speed:

45 (D2)

Min-max magazine:

36 (D1 & D2)


Feed system:

Clip Magazine

Ammunition type:


Fire mode:

Three-round Burst

Rate of fire:

900 RPM (Mid burst D1)
180 RPM (BPM D1)
450 (D2)


Kinetic Kinetic

Effective range:

64 (D2)

Hidden stats

Aim assistance:

65 (D2)


17 (D2)


100 (D2)

Bounce intensity:

0 (D2)

Bounce direction:

Tends Vertical

Airborne effectiveness:

29 (D2)

Service history

In service:





Outbreak Prime is an Exotic Kinetic Pulse Rifle introduced in Rise of Iron. It is acquired by completing the quest Channeling the Corruption, available only by completing a puzzle within the Wrath of the Machine Raid.

It would be reissued in Destiny 2 as Outbreak Perfected and could be acquired from completing the Zero Hour Exotic Mission. After the mission was initially sunset in Beyond Light, it was obtained via the Monument to Lost Lights. After the Into the Light update, this weapon was reprised with guaranteed Deepsight Resonance; making this exotic craftable.


Destiny 1


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Intrinsic perk

  • The Corruption Spreads: Enemies that take repeated hits from this weapon spawn SIVA nanites that attack other enemies. Fallen take extra damage.

Barrel upgrades

  • Smooth Ballistics: Increased recoil. Boost to range.
  • Accurized Ballistics: More range and impact. Increased recoil.
  • Smart Drift Control: Predictable and controllable recoil. Penalty to range.

Special perk

  • Outlaw: Precision kills with this weapon dramatically increase reload speed.

Stat modifiers

  • Lightweight: This weapon grants +2 agility when held.
  • Hand Loaded: This weapon is effective at an extended range.
  • Fitted Stock: Increase weapon stability.

Exotic perk

  • Virulence: Precision kills release a SIVA nanite swarm that attacks other enemies.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

"This is an advanced Golden Age technology tied to the death of some of the Light's greatest champions. It's currently being used as a tool of the Fallen to push the limits of bio-evolutionary realities. And you’re kit-bashing it together with projectile-based war systems to make a handheld mechanism that delivers aggressive nano-mites?" –Ghost

"That's one way to put it. All I know is... when you pull this trigger, one plus one equals zero every time. I’ve done the math." –Shiro-4

Destiny 2


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Outbreak Perfected is the third Exotic Pulse Rifle introduced into Destiny 2, the first two being Vigilance Wing and Graviton Lance. Much like its previous incarnation, it has the potential to be a highly versatile multipurpose weapon in the hands of a player with good aim. In PVE, the weapon can clear groups of enemies with relative ease, and can deal considerable damage to boss enemies once enough nanites attach to them, especially in a full fireteam of Outbreak Perfected users.

In PVP, the gun, as of The Witch Queen, falls into a pulse rifle archetype that finds it hard to compete with the likes of other pulses, legendary or exotic. The nanite swarms produced by the weapons traits can be useful to tarry other players, though securing them in the first place can be a difficult task.


Season of the Drifter

  • Intrinsic: The Corruption Spreads - This weapon creates SIVA nanite swarms on rapid hits and precision kills.
  • Extended Barrel: Weighty barrel extension.
    • Increases range.
    • Decreases handling speed.
    • Moderately controls recoil.
  • Accurized Rounds: This weapon can fire longer distances.
    • Increases range.
  • Outlaw: Precision kills greatly reduce reload time.
  • Exotic Trait: Parasitism - This weapon does more damage to enemies based on the number of SIVA nanites that attach to them.
  • Fitted Stock: This stock makes the weapon stable but heavy.
    • Increases stability.
    • Moderately controls recoil.
    • Slightly decreases handling speed.

Into the Light

  • Intrinsic: The Corruption Spreads - This weapon creates SIVA nanite swarms on rapid hits and precision kills.
Intrinsic Trait Intrinsic Frame Barrel Bowstring Blade Haft Sight Magazine Arrow Guard Perk 1 Perk 2 Stock Grip Origin Catalyst

Extended Barrel Accurized Rounds Outlaw Parasitism: This weapon does more damage to enemies based on the number of SIVA nanites that attach to them. Fitted Stock
Arrowhead Brake Alloy Magazine Rapid Hit Short-Action Stock
Corkscrew Rifling Flared Magwell Rewind Rounds Composite Stock
Chambered Compensator Steady Rounds Headseeker Hand-Laid Stock
Smallbore Appended Mag
Full Bore Tactical Mag
Polygonal Rifling Extended Mag
Fluted Barrel
Hammer-Forged Rifling


The Exotic Catalyst for Outbreak Perfected was initially obtained through the Zero Hour mission on Heroic difficulty, with subsequent clears progressing the catalyst. Since the release of Beyond Light, the catalyst became a playlist activity reward until the reintroduction of Zero Hour in Into the Light, which will now drop on first clear of the exotic mission's Legend-difficulty variant (on-par with Heroic Zero Hour).

Once obtained, players need to perform 500 kills with the weapon to unlock the catalyst perk:

  • Exotic Trait: Disease Vector - Increases nanite damage. Enemies that die with nanites attached to them generate additional nanites.


List of appearances
