- "Lay those unquiet thoughts to rest."
- — Weapon flavor text
Barrow-Dyad is an Exotic Submachine Gun introduced in Episode: Heresy Act I acquired by completing the "The Taken Path" quest and its associated Exotic Mission Derealize for the first time that will drop with guaranteed Deepsight Resonance. It deals Strand damage.
Intrinsic Trait | Intrinsic Frame | Barrel | Bowstring | Blade | Haft | Sight | Magazine | Arrow | Guard | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Stock | Grip | Origin | Catalyst
Panic Response: This weapon generates blight as it deals damage. While not firing, blight depletes, and the magazine is gradually refilled. Reload the weapon to convert stored blight into Blighted Seekers. | Fluted Barrel | Flared Magwell | Taken Divergence: This weapon resonates with your choices. | Combat Grip | |||||||||||
Panic Response II | Extended Barrel | Alloy Magazine | Taken Resolution: Hitting three different targets generates a large amount of blight. Blighted Seekers bore through targets. | Heavy Grip | |||||||||||
Panic Response III | Polygonal Rifling | Extended Mag | Taken Ambition: Blight generated increases the longer this weapon remains on a target. Blighted Seekers burrow into targets and explode. | Polymer Grip | |||||||||||
Panic Response IV | Hammer-Forged Rifling | Steady Rounds | Smooth Grip | ||||||||||||
Panic Response V | Corkscrew Rifling | Accurized Rounds | Textured Grip | ||||||||||||
Smallbore | Ricochet Rounds |
Exotic Catalysts can acquired from completing runs of the Exotic Mission on Expert difficulty.
Intrinsic Trait | Intrinsic Frame | Barrel | Bowstring | Blade | Haft | Sight | Magazine | Arrow | Guard | Perk 1 | Perk 2 | Stock | Grip | Origin | Catalyst
Target Lock Refit: Damage increases the longer this weapon remains on a target. | |||||||||||||||
One for All Refit: Hitting three separate targets increases damage for a moderate duration. | |||||||||||||||
Hatchling Refit: Precision final blows or rapidly defeating targets with this weapon spawns a Threadling at the target's location. | |||||||||||||||
High-Impact Reserves Refit: Rounds at the end of the magazine deal more damage. |
Lay those unquiet thoughts to rest.
I, Xir-Kuur of the brood of Xivu Arath, challenged Oryx. He had communed with the Deep and fashioned the bones of the great worm into his Dreadnaught. So for the sake of the sword, I challenged him, full of the weight of purpose and the hunger for war that drives us all.
| Take up the knife. |
Against my sword, there was swallowing emptiness, a void that should have held stars. I thought myself blind. I thought myself dead, bone-mortar to shape the foundation of eternity.
| Take up the knife. |
Oryx Took me then, but I did not crave what he offered.
| Take up the knife. It is shaped like [unparalleled victory.] |
If it is not done by my own power, it is not earned. Thus has the sword logic ever been taught to us, and thus I have lived.
| Take up the knife. |
And so here I have stayed in this Dreadnaught: living and not-living, Taken and not-Taken. It might have been yesterday. It might have been an eon ago.
| Take. Live. Kill. Live. I am here. I am power, and I am victory. I am the knife itself. Come, take what you need. Your objective. A new weapon. |
Others come. And to the Taken, I say: take me if you can. I am Hive. I do not surrender. I do not—
| We are the knife. |
- Destiny 2: Episode: Heresy (First appearance)