Age of Triumph

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Age of Triumph.jpg

"We thank you, Guardian. And we will never forget."
— The Speaker[1]

Age of Triumph is a live event released in Destiny as part of the Rise of Iron expansion on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. It delivered content on a similar scale to the April Update during The Taken King expansion. Bungie hosted a series of streams to present some of the new content coming to the game throughout March[2] until the 22nd.[3] The update itself was released on the 28th.[4]


"For three years, Guardians have fought the Darkness. They have defended the City and everything it stands for. And hope, once lost, has sprung up in every heart. Now the City celebrates its Guardians and all they have done."
— Event Description[5]

Age of Triumph is the final content update to be released for Destiny, being the finale to Guardians' adventures before Destiny 2 was released later in September 2017. As with The Dawning, the content featured in this event remains permanently in the game once it went live,[3] with the exception of Sparrow Racing League, which will not be making a return to Destiny. There was not an increase in the maximum Light level that Guardians can achieve,[4] but there was additional loot and PvE content added into the game,[4] including updated Raid rewards.[4]

There is also a 13-page Record Book to keep track of your Guardian's achievements and to commemorate your legacy throughout the last three years. Players that have played Destiny since the first three months of the game's release were awarded with an exclusive emblem that celebrates their dedication, as well as receiving a code for redeeming a t-shirt with your Guardians Gamertag/PSN ID on it upon reaching rank seven in the Age of Triumph record book.[4] However this shirt promotion has since concluded.

Story missions[edit]

A weekly Story mission playlist became available with a recommended Light level of 380 and features up 3 modifiers at once. Guardians can earn Legendary Marks up to 5 times a week and one Treasure of Ages a week.



"The Light flows through you, Guardian. Seize it. Feel its power. Unleash it on the minions of the Darkness. They will fall."
— The Speaker[6]

The Weekly Nightfall Strike playlist features a new modifier by the name of Daybreak, which drastically increases the recharge rate of grenade, melee, and Super abilities similar to the Mayhem Crucible modifier. The recommended Light level for this playlist remains at 380. There were a few reinvented versions of some strikes such as The Nexus, The Shadow Thief, and The Summoning Pits, which include new mechanics, textures, and rewards. There were no new strikes added into the game with Age of Triumph.


"The greatest champions of the Darkness have stood against you and been defeated. Face them once more. Teach them fear. Atheon. Crota. Oryx. Aksis."
— The Speaker[7]

All four Raids gained a brand-new node featuring a Light level increase to 390 with new challenge modes added, as well as a chance to earn additional loot and exclusive emblems that drop once players complete the challenges. Many primary raid weapons also gained an Exotic version with Elemental damage and higher stats. In addition, a weekly featured Raid playlist became available and is where the challenge mode is held. When a raid has been selected for the playlist, the Heroic modifier and all raid challenge modes will be activated and players will be able to earn exclusive ornaments for Raid gear that can be applied to any piece of raid gear from any hard mode (380 or 390) version of any raid. Raid ornaments dropped from one raid can be used on any other raid armor, such as ornaments dropped from Wrath of the Machine can be used on Vault of Glass armor.


Besides the new raid modes, there is also a weekly Challenge of the Elders playlist available with a recommended Light level of 390. An Elders' Sigil is still required to participate in this activity, which can be acquired in The Reef from Variks, The Loyal for one hundred Glimmer. Guardians are awarded Legendary Marks for up 3 times a week and a Legendary Engram once a week.


"The Light gives us strength. Test that strength, and you will find it has no limits."
— The Speaker

Several balancing changes came out with the Age of Triumph having to do with the concerns surrounding special ammo changes that went live in patch, including that ammo for special weapons now drops directly into the magazine like heavy ammo, the flinch on the No Land Beyond was increased, range drop-off on Hand Cannons was furthered by another 3 meters sooner, and that the Memory of Skorri now requires a kill to activate the super fast-charge, and only lasts for one minute at a time before resetting if the player using it doesn't keep getting kills. The change affects both PvE and PvP.


There was some new Weapons and Armor coming out with the new event, most of which will be related to the new, revamped versions of Raids,[4] and they'll drop up at 390 and up to the Light-level cap.[4] Some of these weapons have two versions: Legendary and Exotic. The exotic versions of the weapons Fatebringer, Abyss Defiant and the Fang of Ir Yût are some of the new weapons that were re-introduced into the ecosystem, among others. Other exotics such as the Vex Mythoclast were also made available to earn once again through the new raid modes, including earning adept weapons with elemental burns applied from completing raid challenge modes. Only the adept versions of the new raid weapons come with elemental damage burns, with the Legendary versions remaining kinetic. Armor drops from the new raids also were raised to relevant light levels, and now have slots for optional ornaments to be applied. The ornaments only drop after completing the challenge modes to a particular encounter. The last notable section of the new loot pool are the new emblems that drop from completing raid challenge modes in the 390 versions. These can also be used to complete one section of the new Age of Triumph record book if a player acquires a certain number of them.


  • The new Age of Triumph record book has one page dedicated to each class, as well as pages for each of the new raid variants, the Trials of Osiris, collecting weapons, armor cosmetics, etc,. Completing the book (reaching rank 7) rewarded players with a code for a shirt emblazoned with the logo for the Age of Triumph on it, with the Gamertag/PSN ID of your Guardian on it as well as an optional extra for no charge. The shirt required that players complete their record book by September 1st, 2017 and costed $24.99 + tax and shipping.
  • Players who first played Destiny within the first three months of launch (September through December 2014) received a special emblem to commemorate their status and cement bragging rights.
  • There are challenge modes for every raid boss in Destiny, meaning that there are over 10 different raid challenge emblems to collect.
  • Bungie's raid developers have said in the Age of Triumph live streams that the challenge mode for Atheon, Time's Conflux is the toughest one they had made up until that point.

