Worldline Zero
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- "A single strike can alter the course of history."
- — Weapon description
Worldline Zero is an Exotic Sword created by Elsie Bray, and introduced in Destiny 2 during the Warmind expansion. It was previously acquirable after players destroyed thirty-five Memory Fragments scattered around the Hellas Basin on Mars and then opening a secret cache in the Core Terminus. After Beyond Light, the weapon can only be acquired from the Monument to Lost Lights kiosk.
- Intrinsic perk: Tesseract - [Heavy Attack] : Use while sprinting with full energy to launch a heavy blink attack. Press again after the strike to blink a second time.
- Tempered Edge: Increased sword damage and ammo.
- Infinite Guard: Sword Guard has very high efficiency and balanced defense.
- Assassin's Blade: Sword Kills boost movement speed and damage.
- Tireless Blade: Sword ammo granted for every other powered sword kill.
Worldline Zero catalyst has a rare chance to drop when killing enemies with Tesseract. Once acquired, players must strike five different Escalation Protocol bosses with Tesseract, marking for a five week acquisition. Once completed, Tesseract will charge faster. As of Season of the Chosen, players must now have to kill 300 enemies with the weapon to masterwork the weapon and unlock the following traits:
- Another Dimension: Reduces the activation time of Tesseract.

Domain: cbcorpMARS
User: elbray
Password: ************
Connecting to Bray network.
You are now logged in.
> cbmail -inbox
You have 1 new message from wibray.
> cbmail -read 1
"El, congrats on your success! I saw the latest readings. This will be huge! I did have some thoughts on potential applications of your research. Let's have a chat, dinner will be on me. :-)"
> cbmail -del all
Message has been removed.
> cd /
Directory changed to root.
> sudo rm -rf /*
[sudo] Enter password for superuser> ********
Are you sure? > y
Deleting 1452832 files...
Error! 1 file HEINDX-005 could not be deleted.
1452831 files successfully deleted.
> logout
Fatal: No shell: Permission denied.
Worldline Zero was a weapon more special than it appeared. The "Tesseract" ability on this weapon interacted interestingly with a Warlock's glide double jump, able to make the wielder go much farther and faster than any other non-vehicle ability. This was removed in patch 2.8.0.
List of appearances