Arunak, Beloved by Calus

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Arunak, Beloved by Calus
Biographical information




Savathûn's Hive
Loyalists (Unwillingly)





Combat information


The Menagerie


Summon Hive
High Durability
Ground Slam
Eye Blasts
Immunity Shield
Summon Arunak's Attendants
Void Ground Explosion
Berserker Rage
Summon Treasured Knight


"In the gladiator pits of Torobatl, I saw dozens of mighty boxers compete in hand-to-hand combat, armorless and glistening with blood. This Ogre is worthy of them."
Emperor Calus

Arunak, Beloved by Calus was a Hive Ogre who served as one of the weekly-rotating final bosses of The Menagerie activity. It was one of Calus' favorite specimens within his Menagerie aboard the Leviathan, where he let it lurk in the Undercroft[1] until he had pitted against a band of glory-seeking Guardians who swiftly terminated the beast, surprisingly much to Calus' enjoyment, sometimes even after he pretends to morn for them mercilessly killing Arunak.


Arunak behaved like any Ogre, laying into Guardians with its Void Eye Blasts and slamming the ground if any got too close, but did have a smaller range on its slam attack than most other ogres of its size. Arunak could also release Ground Explosions, attacks similar to a Psion' Psionic Blast, which tracked every player's last known location. Arguably, the most challenging aspect of the boss fight was the tight corridors and the lack of cover. Arunak was coated in an immunity shield; to destroy it, players must have located Cursed Thrall, named Arunak's Attendants, which dropped explosive charges when killed. Much like Vosik, the charges are to be thrown at Arunak, and would gradually degrade its shield's health. Once destroyed, players had the opportunity to deal damage to the boss, potentially even getting off a third of its health with enough firepower. Once at the last third of its health, Arunak would go berserk, moving slightly faster and becoming melee-focused. It would also spawn Treasured Knights, which had the potential one-shot a Guardian with their axe (players could also avoid killing these Knights and unlock a triumph). From there the fight ended when Arunak was killed.

List of appearances


  1. ^ Bungie (2019/6/4), Destiny 2: PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Season of Opulence: The Menagerie