Public Event

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A public event where players fend off a Fallen attack.

A Public Event is a type of encounter in Destiny in which several players in the same area can work together to achieve a common goal.[1] Events may occur while on Patrol or within Strike missions.[2]

Public Events are rated after completion based on the Guardians' performance; if time runs out before the objective is met, it is a Bronze-Tier rating. If time runs out but the Guardians manage to almost complete the objective, it is a Silver-Tier rating. If the objective is completed before the timer runs out, is a Gold-Tier rating. Guardians are rewarded with Glimmer, Motes of Light and experience instantly. Earlier in the game's history, it would reward Ascendant Shards or Ascendant Energy for Gold-Tier ratings. Guardians could pick up their rewards at the Postmaster if it was their first Gold-Tier rating of the day.[3]

Destiny Public Event Types

  • Defeat Extraction Crews—defeat three waves of enemies before time runs out to deactivate the Glimmer Drill.
  • Defend the Warsat—have your Ghost scan the warsat; the more Guardians that stand near it, the faster it can download the data. Defend yourself from waves of enemy reinforcements.
  • Defeat the Fallen Walker—destroy a Fallen Walker before time runs out.
  • Eliminate the Target—a powerful enemy with a high health count and rapid shield regeneration (depending on whether or not it has a shield) will appear. Defeat them before they reach a checkpoint; this will require heavy firepower from several players.[3]
  • Prevent Vex Sacrifices—similar to Defend the Warsat, keep the Vex away from the object/area, allowing up to 10 sacrifices until failure. There is a countdown to defend the object/area. [4]
  • Court of Oryx—a series of player-initiated boss battles exclusive to the Hall of Souls in the Dreadnaught.
  • Archon's Forge—a series of player-initiated boss battles exclusive to the Plaguelands in Old Russia

Destiny Public Event Schedule

Note: Sometimes instead of a Public Event, the player will receive the message "The enemy is moving against each other", and a large group of two types of enemies will start fighting. Most of the enemies found in these events will be very powerful (i.e. Hallowed Knight, Reaver Captain). Fighting in this event does not reward the player with any bonus experience.[5] This will happen in the Skywatch, The Barrens, and Ishtar Commons. Also, the player might receive the message "A roving band of Pikes is nearby." In this instance, several Dregs on Pikes will appear. This can happen at the Forgotten Shore as well as on the Moon.

Additional Note: When fighting Hive Wizards for the Kill an Enemy events the Wizard will sometimes "teleport" near the end of the event if the players manage to slow them down sufficiently for an extended period, usually resulting in failure of the event due to the time taken to re-engage the target.

Destiny 2 Public Event Types

In Destiny 2, completing certain goals in Public Events will eventually unlock Heroic objectives to increase the difficulty, as well as the value of the rewards upon completion. Failing an event will still provide the player with one Token for the relevant planet, but completing will yield armour and weaponry loot. Events can be found on the map screen for the planet they are on, with five-minute countdowns until they activate. Players who arrive early for a Public Event will find a flag marking the location to the site - Rallying to the Flag will recharge the player's abilities and refill all ammunition instantly.

  • Cabal Excavation—Halt a Red Legion mining operation through overriding a Cabal Mining Lander, defending against a Red Legion crew as you do so. Destroying all Threshers will eventually trigger the Heroic version, where Guardians must seek out and kill the Excavator Valus leading the mining operation.
  • Injection Rig−Stop a Red Legion drilling crew from using an Injection Rig to uncover new secrets in newly found territory. Killing all the Infiltrator Psions and shutting down the flame jets on the rig will eventually trigger the Heroic version, where Guardians must hunt down the Infiltrator Valus leading the mission.
  • Glimmer Extraction—Expel Fallen Glimmer Extraction Crews as they attempt to extract a cache of Glimmer. Destroying the mining machines will eventually trigger the Heroic version, where Guardians must defend a pile of glimmer from a Fallen onslaught led by a Wretch Captain.
  • Hold Off Elite Vex—Prevent Vex from fortifying their underground structures. Defeating all elite Vex will eventually trigger the Heroic version, where Guardians must destroy the Integration Mind erecting the underground structures.
  • Ether Resupply—Destroy the Prime Ether Servitor to cut off the Fallen Ether supply. Killing all the Transport Servitors will eventually trigger the Heroic version, where the Prime Ether Servitor gains increased damage resistance, a faster fire rate, and the ability to teleport players into the air and have them fall to the ground.
  • Taken Blight—Kill Taken to sting the Blight.
  • Eliminate the Target—Defeat a powerful enemy with a rapid shield regeneration and a more profound health pool.
  • Destroy the Arsenal Walker—Defeat the Resilient Captain and Arsenal Walker protecting the caches. Unlocking the caches will unlock the Heroic version, where another Arsenal Walker will drop in.
  • Witches' Ritual—Only found on Titan. Capture Hex Circles and defeat Wizards to prevent a Hive portal from opening. Destroying the shielded crystals on either side of the portal will trigger the Heroic version, summoning a Darkblade-like Abyssal Champion through the portal who must be killed.


List of appearances


  1. ^ YouTube: Destiny E3 2013 Demo
  2. ^ Destiny the Game: Game Master July 2014 Destiny Cover Issue & PlayStation UK Magazine June 2014 Destiny Hands-on: Breakdown
  3. ^ a b Bungie (2014-7-17), Destiny: Beta PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard.
  4. ^ Bungie (2014-9-9), Destiny: Xbox 360, Activision Blizzard
  5. ^ Reddit: Public Event Schedule