The Coil

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The Coil
Riven Lair-The Coil.jpg


Destiny 2


Season of the Wish



Recommended Power Level:



Riven's Lair, Dreaming City

Enemy faction(s):

Sol Divisive

Hostile race(s):



Delve ever deeper into the myriad pathways of Riven's Lair in The Coil. Face greater challenges and retrieve greater rewards.


The Coil is a seasonal activity that was introduced in Season of the Wish. It follows a Fireteam of Guardians as they progress through Riven's Lair within the Dreaming City, defeating the Taken, Vex, and Scorn within and claiming the treasures hidden behinds its trials. Each replay of the Coil is randomly generated though it follows a similar formula each time. Much like Deep Dives before it, the game mode uses rogue-like elements with players being able to find currency within the activity to later take to Riven for buffs to their weapons and abilities after completing a round in the Coil. However, unlike other rogue-likes, the Coil is not infinite, the activity stopping after 4 rounds.


Each round of the Coil follows the same formula as Riven's Lair.

The SensoriumEdit

The activity begins with the players entering the Sensorium. There is a destructible pot that will explode into a pile of Wishing Glass, the currency players will be using in order to purchase upgrades from Riven. Wishing Glass appears throughout The Coil, with destructible pots and Glass Collectors carrying both blue and red shards. Blue shards grant 5 Wishing Glass and red shards grant 25 Wishing Glass. Players will also be able to interact with Riven in order to purchase upgrades, broken up into Tier 1-3 upgrades that cost 100, 250, and 400 wishing glass respectively. Players only have 60 seconds within the Sensorium before they are kicked out into The Coil. Players can choose to leave the Sensorium early by standing on the three plates located up the stairs. When all players are on the plate, one of three portals will open up and allow players to progress. Every time the players complete a round in The Coil, they return here.

Platforming SectionEdit

Players will have to platform their way through Riven's lair in order to find 3 plates to stand on and activate the portal at the end of the section. Each platforming section has destructible pots full of Wishing Glass as well as a secret chest hidden somewhere within the level. There are three mechanics that are possible. The platforming section will repeat between the first encounter and the final boss.


Players will be encountered by a dangerous foe or an obstacle that is in their way which can take the form of a mini-boss with mechanics or add-clear. Players will need to overcome this obstacle in order to progress. After completing this objective, players will move on. There are three possible encounters.

Final BossEdit

Players will face off against the final boss of the round, taking the form of a dangerous Scorn, Taken, or Vex enemy. After defeating this enemy, the portal will open up which will return the Guardians back to the Sensorium. There are currently four possible final bosses.


The Coil shares the same objectives as the Riven's Lair activity with the following additions:

  • Break the Pot
  • Use Wishing Glass to purchase Dragon's Gifts from Riven
    • Opportunity to acquire Dragon's Gifts ends in 1:00
  • Return to Riven
  • Choose a chest and claim your rewards


The Coil shares the same transcript as the Riven's Lair activity with the following additions:

"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

Approaching RivenEdit

Spirit’s Anchor, Riven’s Lair, The Dreaming City

The fireteam breaks the pot, and collects Fused Wishing Glass.

Pre-Chiasmus (Week 1-6)

The fireteam approaches the Spirit of Riven.

  • Riven: Approach me. We have bargains to strike.


  • Riven: You have wants and wishes to trade.


  • Riven: You want for SO much, Guardian. It's... salivating.


  • Riven: Another run around the loop. What voices will they hear this time?


  • Riven: This run will be different. You'll get what you came for... if you wish it.


  • Riven: You work so hard to keep these halls clear. I’m sure you wish it could be easier.


  • Riven: My benevolent wardens return, laden with glass and desire.


  • Riven: Do you know what an infant Ahamkara is called? A whim.


  • Riven: You are my favorite of the death-dealers, O Guardian mine.


  • Riven: Their desires are so… thin. Meagre in their simplicity. Not like yours.
Post-Chiasmus (Week 7)

The fireteam approaches the empty space where Riven's Spirit was conjured.

  • Riven: [Deafening silence]

Purchasing Dragon's GiftsEdit

The fireteam wishes for enhancements for the coming battles.

Pre-Chiasmus (Week 1-6)

The fireteam approaches the Spirit of Riven.

  • Riven: All the years in the universe won't make you as strong as this.


  • Riven: The wish kept in that glass — a tragic vengeance, so... poorly worded.


  • Riven: Do not tell the others. They will envy you.


  • Riven: This one? Are you certain?


  • Riven: [chuckles darkly]


  • Riven: What power you now possess...


  • Riven: Is that what you desire? I will grant it!


  • Riven: This glass formed from a wish for wealth, and instead… became it.


  • Riven: An old wish for love, now spent.
Post-Chiasmus (Week 7)

The fireteam approaches the empty space where Riven's Spirit was conjured.

  • Riven: [Deafening silence]

Collecting Shards and TokensEdit

The fireteam begins a run through a pathway of Riven’s Lair, breaking pots and defeating foes to collect clear, red, and purple shards.

When the Guardian collects a shard:

Clear Shard collected
Red Shard collected
Purple Shard collected

When an ally collects a shard:

X collected a Red Shard
X collected a Purple Shard

The fireteam finds a revive token with one of their shards.

The Guardian found a revive token!

During their run, a Glass Collector arrives.

A Glass Collector has spawned!

If the Glass Collector is defeated in time:

The Glass Collector has been defeated!

If the Glass Collector is not defeated in time:

The Glass Collector is about to escape!
The Glass Collector has escaped...

Unlocking A Secret ChestEdit

During their run on the first pathway, the fireteam unlocks a hidden alcove.

First Pathway: A secret chest lies in wait...
First Pathway: A second chest lies in wait...

During their run on the second pathway, the fireteam unlocks a hidden alcove.

Second Pathway: A secret chest lies in wait...
Second Pathway: A second chest lies in wait...

During their run on the third pathway, the fireteam unlocks a hidden alcove.

Third Pathway: A secret chest lies in wait...
Third Pathway: A second chest lies in wait...

Within one of the alcoves, the fireteam finds two chests; one of which is a spiked trap labeled with the following:



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Dragon's GiftEdit

At the beginning of each pathway, players will be allowed to use thier collected Fused Wishing Glass to gain enhancements. The gifts are sorted into three tiers with increasing effect and cost.

List of Gifts
Tier 1 (costs 100 Fused Wishing Glass)
  • Airborne Enhancement: Damage increases by 25% from all weapons and abilities while airborne.
  • Boss Protection: Incoming damage from bosses decreases by 20%.
  • Class Ability Accelerant: Class abilities recharge 300% faster.
  • Grenade Accelerant: Grenade abilities recharge 500% faster.
  • Grenade Enhancement: Grenade ability damage increases by 10%.
  • Kinetic Enhancement: Weapons in the Kinetic slot have their damage and reload speed increased by 10%.
  • Melee Ability Accelerant: Powered melee abilities recharge 300% faster.
  • Rank-And-File Protection: Incoming damage from rank-and-file combatants decreases by 20%.
  • Revive Token: Add one Revive Token to your fireteam's pool.
Tier 2 (costs 250 Fused Wishing Glass)
  • Arc Enhancement: Arc damage increases by 10% from all weapons and abilities.
  • Energy Enhancement: Weapons in the Energy slot have their damage increased by 10% and gain passive ammo regeneration.
  • Lethal Class Recharge: Any final blow has a chance to immediately recharge a large amount of class ability energy.
  • Lethal Grenade Recharge: Any final blow has a chance to immediately recharge a small amount of grenade energy.
  • Lethal Melee Recharge: Any final blow has a chance to immediately recharge a moderate amount of melee energy.
  • Miniboss Enhancement: Damage to minibosses increases by 10%.
  • Solar Enhancement: Solar damage increases by 10% from all weapons and abilities.
  • Stasis Enhancement: Stasis damage increases by 10% from all weapons and abilities.
  • Strand Enhancement: Strand damage increases by 10% from all weapons and abilities.
  • Void Enhancement: Void damage increases by 10% from all weapons and abilities.
Tier 3 (costs 400 Fused Wishing Glass)
  • Jolted Arc Damage: Dealing Arc damage has a moderate chance to apply the Jolted debuff to targets.
  • Power Weapon Enhancement: Weapons in the Power slot have their damage increased by 20%.
  • Precision Enhancement: Precision weapon damage increases by 25%.
  • Scorched Solar Damage: Dealing Solar damage has a moderate chance to apply 50 Scorched debuff stacks to targets.
  • Shield Accelerant: Shields recharge 50% faster and have 10% increased capacity.
  • Super Accelerant: Super abilities recharge 200% faster.
  • Suppressed Void Damage: Dealing Void damage has a moderate chance to apply the Suppressed debuff to targets.

Chamber of WishesEdit

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Unique EnemiesEdit


Mini BossesEdit

Final BossesEdit


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List of appearancesEdit
