Eramis, Kell of Darkness

Revision as of 13:23, September 28, 2022 by CursedLamp (talk | contribs) (Changed her biography to correctly state how long Eramis was stuck in Stasis for.)
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This article is about the Kell of Darkness. For the original Shipstealer, see Veekris.
Eramis, Kell of Darkness
Biographical information

Other name(s):

The Shipstealer
VIP #2029
The Once-Shipstealer
The Kell of No House
The Firebrand of House Devils
The Archfiend of Twilight Gap
Kell of Kells







Political and military information


House of Devils (formerly)
House of Salvation


Baron (formerly)



Notable info:

First known living Fallen to use the powers of the Darkness.
Second known Fallen to become Kell of Kells and unite multiple Houses


"To my Eliksni sisters and brothers out amongst the stars, and here at home on Europa. We are the future of our kind, and we will destroy all who threaten us. Remember, Light only burns bright so long, but Darkness is forever."
— Eramis

Eramis, Kell of Darkness (formerly known as Eramis, the Shipstealer) is the Fallen Kell of the House of Salvation and former Baroness from the House of Devils. Variks mentions her in his dialogue, indicating she was taken sometime during Skolas's rampage.

Thanks to the mass breakout from the Prison of Elders initiated by Variks, Eramis escaped the Prison and rallied Fallen traditionalists into creating the House of Salvation and becoming a new "Kell of Kells" as claimed by Variks.[1]

She is the main antagonist of the Beyond Light expansion and later Season of Plunder.


Early history

Eramis was an Eliksni born of the planet Riis during an era of peace and prosperity when the Great Machine uplifted their civilization much like the Golden Age of Humanity. During this time, she and her mate Athrys had many hatchlings together, and she was a friend of Variks. However, their prosperity ended with the arrival of the Black Fleet which brought the Darkness upon the Eliksni in a massive extinction event called the Whirlwind. With the Great Machine having fled during the ongoing chaos, Eramis was one of the few Eliksni having witness it abandoning her people and left Riis to its own destruction.

Eramis survived the Whirlwind consumed with rage for the Great Machine. Starting a new life as a nomadic Fallen of the House of Devils, Eramis elevated herself to the position of Baroness and earned the moniker of the Shipstealer. She would later lead the Fallen charge against the Light-bearing Guardians of the Last City during the climactic battle of Twilight Gap, slaughtering hundreds of Lightbearers in their final deaths.

Sometime during the Wolf Rebellion, Eramis would be captured and incarcerated in the Prison of Elders by the Reef-born Awoken.

Reuniting the Devils

Vanguard intelligence on Eramis considered her the most likely candidate for Fallen reunification, describing her as trying to rally together a new House of Devils. Seven months after escaping from the Prison of Elders, a large amount of Fallen united under Eramis attempted to enter the old Tower and steal an old weapon forged two years ago by The Guardian, presumably to use the SIVA within. They were thwarted, however, thanks to a joint effort between the Guardian and Mithrax, the Forsaken. Due to the failure, she abandoned the House of Devils banner and united the Fallen under the House of Salvation.

The Dark House

Eramis, Kell of Darkness

She would later abandon the Devil banner, proclaiming herself as the Kell of the House of Salvation in the shadow of a Pyramid in Europa. This empire consists of the former Houses of Devils, Wolves and Dusk. They began utilizing the Darkness as a means to destroy the Guardians and The Last City, going against the Fallen's traditional rules and ideals by willingly using and harnessing the very thing that destroyed their home. Furthermore, Eramis seeks revenge against the Traveler for abandoning her people centuries prior.[2]

Unfortunately for Eramis, Variks would learn of her hateful plans, disappointed that Eramis had turned their shared dream of rebuilding elisksni civilization in peace on Europa into an opportunity to forge an empire for herself. Desperate to save his people, Variks had stolen one of Eramis's Splinters of Darkness and sought a means to contact the Guardians to warn them of Eramis's threat. Though nearly killed with the Dark Kell caught him to him, Variks was successful in getting the Guardian to aid him in combating Eramis and her House of Salvation. However, Eramis's use of Stasis. along with that of her lieutenants, proved too much for the Guardians to handle, forcing them to agree to work with the Exo Stranger in wielding Stasis themselves.

After enough training, the Guardians are able to take out the members of Eramis's inner circle, such as Phylaks and Praksis, growing in strength with their Stasis abilities. Hearing of her council being decimated, Eramis became enraged. Though Kridis advised caution, Eramis sought to retaliate, initially through gaining reinforcements from the remnants of the old House of Devils but after the Guardian caught wind of her plan and routed the devils before they could reach Europa, the Dark Kell became further enraged and desperate. Seeking reinforcements of a different nature, Eramis began to activate a Vex portal that Clovis Bray was studying, which would allow the Vex to pour through and overwhelm Europa. Believing that Eramis had truly gone mad, Variks directs the Guardians to stop the Vex portal in haste, succeeding in doing so after destroying Belmon, Transcendent Mind. Eramis nonetheless gained something from the massive amounts of radiolaria the portal had created.

With Eramis backed into a corner, the Guardian entered Riis-Reborn once more to confront the Kell of Darkness. As they proceeded, Eramis entered into one last argument with Variks, who furiously denounces all that she has committed, calling her a coward for turning her back on the eliskni chance to live in peace. Infuriated, Eramis silences the Judgment Scribe before finally facing the Guardian. Though they put up a fight, Eramis nonetheless manages to trap the Guardian in stasis along with their Ghost and destroy their Splinter, robbing them of both Light and Dark. Heeding the Exo Stranger's words to looks within, the Guardian embraces the Darkness, allowing them to break free and wield Stasis fully, sending the Dark Kell reeling. Battling against each other once more with their Stasis powers, Eramis quickly becomes desperate as the Guardian bests her forces and overcome her power, leading her to rant and rave at them.

Ultimately, despite her stasis powers, the Guardian beat her to submission. Refusing to admit defeat, Eramis attempted to rise again but noticed that Stasis began to encase her. Unable to accept that she had failed to meet the Darkness's expectations, Eramis attempted to reach out to the Pyramid but was nonetheless completely overcome with Stasis, rending the Kell of Darkness a statue. Without their leader, the House of Salvation began to fracture and flounder, as the Guardians dismantled their operations on Europa and helped fleeing eliksni. Though Atraks and Kridis attempted to continue the war against the Guardian through separate means, they too both fell against the Guardians, rendering the House of Salvation a shell of what it was under Eramis.

Broken Free

After spending almost two years frozen in her Stasis prison on Europa, Eramis would hear a voice, demanding her to gather those who would serve her and claim relics that had been lost in the Dark Ages. The Dark Kell agreed and was released from her prison. Furious over the state of the Fallen, from her broken house to the knowledge that Mithrax and his House of Light had sided with the Last City, Eramis begins her task of finding the relics by gathering those who would know their locations: the Old Crews, pirates of Fallen legend. As her name still carries great weight amongst the pirates for her reputation as the Shipstealer, many of the pirates do answer her call and begin searching for the relics.

Eramis's efforts however, would catch the notice of the Guardians after they had rescued the Spider from some of her Salvation Fallen on Europa as he was being smuggled to the Last City. Working alongside Drifter, Mithrax, Spider and Eido, the Guardian battles with Eramis's pirates and mercenaries, claiming their treasure for the Eliskni Quarter and the relics before Eramis could claim them. During their clashes, Eramis would get into heated arguments with Mithrax, expressing scorn for his decision to continue worshiping the Great Machine and siding with the Guardians while Mithrax expressed disappointment in Eramis continuing the cycle of violence though attempted to reason with her. The Shipstealer, however, was not receptive to the Light Kell's calls to back down.

Ultimately, the first pirate, Val'aug, the Brute, managed to located the first relic but failed to deliver it to Eramis as the Guardians located her hideout, killed her and claimed the relic for Eido to study. The second relic managed to be claim by Iriks, the Sharpshooter but the pirate was bold or foolish enough to think he could extort Eramis with it. The Shipstealer was not amused by this, sending Iriks a threatening message for him to deliver the relic or he will face the wrath of a power he had no comprehension of. Unfortunately for the Kell, the Guardian managed to located Iriks's hideout and claim the message, with Eido finding Eramis's message. The Light Scribe would claim that the power Eramis was referring to was the Witness and would come to the conclusion that Eramis had abandoned her calls for Eliksni unity. The third and fourth relics would ultimately be claimed the Guardians but Eido would find a message Eramis had left in the fourth relic that Alaaks, the Beast Tamer initially claimed: a rallying cry for the Old Crews and Fallen to rise above their current squalor, claim their "rightful place" in the Sol System and begin a new age of Eliksni prosperity, with an implied threat towards Alaaks to join her cause. This makes Eido wonder what the Witness offered Eramis for the relics.

Personality and traits

Once, Eramis was described as a classical Fallen traditionalist, as in being vicious and uncompromising yet possessing cunning of the highest degree. She may have once been a believer in the Fallen's old ways and had a fierce loyalty to the House of Devils. Eramis's leadership was proven when she managed to gather various amounts of Fallen of different factions under her banner to reconstruct the House of Devils and was bold enough to make an attempted theft of the Old Tower if it meant to restore her house and people to glory.

However, driven into utter desperation and ruthlessness by the Fallen's continual losses as the hands of the Guardians, Eramis has become conniving and power-hungry, not afraid to resort to infiltration and violent conquests to achieve each of her goals. Following her failed raid during Zero Hour, she broke a major Fallen taboo, gaining Darkness abilities in the form of Stasis during her journey to Europa. Eramis is a new breed of Fallen, one that is willing to use the powers of the very same enemy that destroyed her home and broke her people, in order to achieve the power and absolution that she feels the Fallen deserve.

Eramis presumably commanded at least a Skiff or probably a Ketch before her capture and was known for stealing ships for the Devils.

As the Kell of her house, she believes that the only way to save her people is to destroy the Traveler and take vengeance on it for abandoning her kind, desiring to make the Great Machine feel the pain the Eliksni have endured. Variks has stated that Eramis had always been brash and reckless but did indeed care for her people as despite her resentment towards Variks, she joined forces with him to create a new home and future for the Eliksni. However, her constant hatred towards the Traveler and the Guardians ultimately brought her to the point of madness, especially after accepting the power of Stasis from the Darkness. She turned her people's hope for a new future into her opportunity to begin a new empire and was willing to kill members of her own kind if they were not aligned to her cause, deriding them as traitors.

As Eramis continued to her reign as the Kell of Darkness she displayed heavy traits of arrogance and megalomania, refusing to believe her way could ultimately destroy the Eliksni, the people she was trying to save. Even when she attempted to unleash a flood of Vex unto Europa, which would no doubt negatively affect the Fallen, to destroy the Guardian, Eramis believed she was in the right.

The Kell of Darkness had nothing but complete contempt and resentment for the Guardians of the Last City, believing them to be but pawns to Traveler, ready to be cast aside like the Eliksni were. This hatred ultimately led her to underestimate the Guardian during their efforts on Europa, as Eramis's anger and frustration clouded her judgement. Further, she refused to accept that the Guardians were capable of wielding the Darkness as she did, believing her kind were more fit and worthy of Stasis.

Upon reemerging from her Stasis prison, Eramis ultimately remained bitter and angry as she was when the Guardian bested her, only now more enraged since seeing her house crippled and showing complete contempt towards Mithrax and his House of Light for siding with the Guardians and the Last City. She remains somewhat deluded in her beliefs, stating that her violence is necessary to bring an end the cycle of violence the eliskni are a part of and refuses to back down peacefully when Mithrax tries to reason with her. Further, she believes that as Kell, the obedience of her followers, including the notorious Old Crews that aligned with her, was her right. Towards Mithrax, it appears that the Shipstealer once respected him for his brutality and cruelty but is now disappointed that Mithrax had continued to worship the Great Machine and more so for siding with the Guardians, stating that his piety doesn't hide the fact that he is still a killer.


Eramis fights like many of her brethren, with a Shrapnel Launcher and Stasis at her fingertips. However she tends to move around less frequently, tending to stay near the back center of her arena. Instead, she tends to not be the focus of the fight, but to be a support to her subordinates, periodically attempting to freeze the player with her Stasis Strike and Eramis' Wrath attacks, all the while softening the Guardian and preventing regeneration with her shrapnel launcher.

However Eramis can be outsmarted as she tends to fire her Stasis where the Guardian is instead of where they will be. This can be used to outsmart her by jumping and rapidly changing directions. A Warlock's healing rift can protect themselves if they're frozen, a Titan's barricade can negate her attacks, and a Hunter's dodge usually can avoid it outright. Her shrapnel launcher tends to not do enough damage to be a threat due to how far away she tends to be, but it shouldn't be forgotten as it can clean up a kill one of her Wretches softened for her, or she can use it to weaken the opponent enough for a Vandal's homing Shock Rifle barrages to easily finish the job.

Eramis is also easy to stun, a precision shotgun shell or Stasis super attack to the head can stun her long enough to get some breathing room, but don't overestimate how long she's stunned, as her slam can easily knock the opponent into more danger or off the arena outright to certain doom.


  • "I will give these Guardians the destruction they crave."
  • "Chains! For centuries we have been bound by them! We have become pawns of our own devices. No Longer!"
  • "One by one, we will rise again. This is our future. Our enemies stand no chance against this power. The Great Machine will finally know our pain!
  • "This power is a gift, one I will share with all of you in time."
  • "Remember, light only burns for so long, but darkness is forever!"


  • Eramis is voiced by Salli Saffioti.[3]
  • The unspecified entities reported on Eramis's threat judge her to be the greatest threat for Fallen reunification.
  • Due to her heist for Outbreak Perfected, it may be possible that she was also trying to recreate the Devil Splicers.[1]
  • She is the first Fallen to use a pure manifestation of the Darkness.
  • She is the second main antagonist to be female, with the first being Riven.
    • Unlike Riven, Eramis was revealed to be the main antagonist at the beginning of the campaign. Riven was revealed to be the hidden antagonist in the last campaign mission of Forsaken.
  • Eramis is the first known female Kell to be encountered in Destiny.
  • Eramis is missing two of her eyes.
  • Eramis was thought to have been first mentioned in House of Wolves, however, this is a mishearing. Variks says something that sounds more like "Veekris" rather than Eramis.[4][5]
  • She is the first known Eliksni to reproduce with another Eliksni of the same gender, leading to the theory that Eliksni of the same gender can reproduce.
  • Both of Eramis' feet are mechanical prosthetics up to the ankle. Whether she is a double amputee or they have been replaced voluntarily, as in the case of Taniks, is unknown. The Devil Splicers similarly replaced their legs, though she is the first Fallen not to feature a peg leg arrangement.


List of appearances
