- "With your own hands you forged the mighty Bolt-Caster. Now take it in hand and unleash its thunder."
- — Weapon Description
Bolt-Caster is an exotic Sword introduced in The Taken King.[1] It is the upgraded version of Arc Edge, obtained through A Sword Reforged.
The Bolt-Caster's special attack is Sword of Thunder, which fires a large lightning bolt forward. Bolt-Caster is the only sword with a ranged attack. This consumes five ammo to cast. It also comes equipped with an Arc guard for protection against Solar and Void attacks, and increased armor. Even so, the Bolt-Caster is widely considered the least effective of the three exotic swords for PvE, but is actually the best sword available for PvP.
Column 1Edit
- Sword Strike-Used to Attack with Sword
- Arc-Forged Guard- Use to guard. Effective against Solar and Void attacks, less effective against Arc attacks.
- Infuse- Consume a more powerful Weapon to boost the Attack value of this Weapon.
Column 2Edit
- Tempered Light-Increased Armor when wielding the sword.
Column 3Edit
- Scabbard- Increases Sword Ammo Capacity
- Live by the Sword- Kills with the sword have a chance to grant Orbs.
Column 4Edit
- Sword of Thunder- Use to shoot a beam of Arc Light from your sword creating a lingering electrical storm
Column 5Edit
- Scabbard- Increases Sword Ammo Capacity
- Warrior of Light- Increased damage for your attack.