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Production overview


Sol Divisive Vex

Rarity class:


Weapon type:

Trace Rifle

Min-max impact:


Min-max stability:


Min-max handling:


Min-max magazine:



Ammunition type:

Special ammo

Fire mode:


Rate of fire:

1000 RPM


Arc Arc (Overload Anti-Overload)

Effective range:


Hidden stats

Aim assistance:


Inventory size:






Bounce intensity:


Service history

In service:

Kentarch 3


Kentarch 3
Sol Divisive


"Calibrate reality. Seek inevitability. Embody divinity."
— Weapon description

Divinity is an Exotic Trace Rifle in Destiny 2. It is available via an exotic quest in Shadowkeep. Divinity is able to project a steady beam that can be focused down upon targets which weakens enemies.


  • Sky/Perdition - Equip this Weapon Ornament to change the appearance of Divinity.
  • Atropos - Equip this Weapon Ornament to change the appearance of Divinity.
  • Judgment - Sustained damage with this weapon envelops the target in a field that weakens and stuns them. Strong against [Disruption] Overload Champions.
  • Polygonal Rifling - Barrel optimized for recoil reduction.
    • Increases stability
  • Particle Repeater - Improves stability.
    • Increases stability
  • Penance - Targets under the effects of Judgment long enough are struck with a burst of damage.
  • Composite Stock - This weapon has a versatile dual-purpose stock.
    • Slightly increases stability
    • Slightly increases handling speed[1]


Divinity is an incredibly unique weapon that has been prized for its presence ever since its introduction to Destiny 2. The weapon, when fired upon an enemy for at least 0.65 seconds, creates a cage of energy around them as long as Divinity is still fired at them. Any damage inflicted on this cage that is capable of producing a crit is automatically translated to one. This means Divinity can help accrue hugely boosted easy damage for fireteams if a player is assigned to use it, and it can also assist solo players in landing high damage as a quick swap to another weapon can allow the player to hit the cage before it disappears, capitalizing on the extra damage. On top of the crit conversion, an extra 15% damage buff is applied to attacks made to the enemy currently caged. This has meant that Divinity has become an almost required weapon for clears of 6 player content at low/capped Power levels, such as day one raiding, Master content and more. Using Divinity in 3 player scenarios is not as advised, as the damage gained is often less than can be done by the third fireteam member if they were to use a meta weapon. However, with 5 other fireteam members using high damage precision weapons such as Linear Fusion Rifles, the loss of damage from Divinity's relatively low damage can be more than made up for.

Due to being a constant stream of damage and the built-in Overload capacity of the weapon, Divinity sometimes has the effect of triggering many stuns at once to Overload Champions when they are struck. This can be amusing as the action feed will fill up with many messages regarding this effect, and can also help quickly clear any bounties, quests or challenges requiring Champion stuns.

The exotic perk, Penance, will trigger when sustained fire is held on a Judgement cage with Divinity for about 4.4 seconds. This will cause the bubble to collapse on the enemy with the cage on them, dealing a small amount of burst damage. It is important to note that when Penance triggers, the cage will reform immediately with no cooldown.


Lisbon-13 looked back toward where they'd left Yardarm-4. Separating the team always felt wrong, but Rekkana needed uninterrupted time to confer with the Senior Sybil, and if the Vex had detected their crash landing in the Black Garden, Yardarm-4 would give them that time.

"You'll have to move quickly," the Sybil said to Rekkana. Lisbon-13 shared her secret channel; Rekkana trusted him. "The Vanguard have discovered that our order persists, as Osiris predicted."

"They'll send a fireteam after us, then."

"And after any other Cryptochrons they learn of. But your path is more dangerous than most. The Circle has foreseen many fireteams following in your footsteps. You can find the knowledge the order seeks at the Tree."

"Can? Not will?" For the first time, Rekkana sounded concerned.

"The Circle has had limited success in piercing the veil that surrounds the Black Garden, so the order offers no certainties. They say that a group of Guardians will discover secrets about the origin of the Black Garden at the Tree. The Oneiromantic Circle foresees no reason why it will not be the Kentarch 3."

"Nor can I. But…?"

"There is another thread in the tapestry, entwined with this one. The Vex, or some fractal faction of them, worship or honor a… divinity there."

"The Black Heart? It was destroyed."

"Yes, but this is something different. An object. Something like a sacred relic. It is important to the Vex for reasons that we have not yet fathomed. The Circle has determined that it is dangerous—"

"A Vex weapon?"

"Perhaps," the Sybil sounded annoyed at the interruption. "Rekkana, the Circle concluded that it is a danger to you."

"To me? But then, why send me on this mission?"

"When the Circle dreamed of the object, you were beside it."

"All right. We'll see what fate we will find ourselves in. Sybil…" Rekkana paused a long while. "I don't know that we'll see each other again."

"The veil around the Black Garden, the influence of the Vex—they make such matters difficult to know. I choose to believe we will meet again."

"Then I won't say goodbye," Rekkana said and closed the channel.

Rekkana stood, eyes closed, for a time. Lisbon-13 waited.

"Lisbon, when we find it," she said, opening her eyes, "you should carry it."

"The object? This divinity?"

"I can think of no one whom I'd trust more with it than you."


List of appearances


  • The crit-cage can be kept up longer by rapidly firing rounds instead of continually holding the trigger, extending the duration between reloading.
