Guardians wearing Osiris gear
"Only the worthy may face the Trials of Osiris, for only the worthy are strong enough to endure what is to come. A string of victories will earn great rewards - but lose too many matches and you're out."
— Event description

The Trials of Osiris are a Crucible event presided over by the Disciples of Osiris. It is an endgame Crucible event first introduced by the House of Wolves expansion.[1] It is available every weekend, from Friday to the weekly reset on Tuesday.


To enter the Trials of Osiris, players must acquire a Trials Passage by completing the House of Wolves Story. The Trials Passage, which acts as the player's scorecard, and only one can be carried at a time. Additional passages can be purchased from Brother Vance at the Vestian Outpost. In addition, he offers score-altering consumables (Boon of Osiris, Favor of Osiris, and Mercy of Osiris) and tier-based rewards packages. Tiers are based on how many wins are earned on a single passage. To purchase the consumables, players need passage coins from the Daily Crucible Event or random crucible matches.


The Trials of Osiris use a variant of the Skirmish game type called Elimination, with two teams of three players competing against each other. Matches consist of a number of 2 minute rounds; a team wins the round by completely wiping the other team. Winning a round gains a team 1 point toward victory, and the first team to 5 points wins the match. Players can be revived by teammates at the site of their death (Fireborn Sunsingers can also revive themselves). The first team to eliminate the other completely wins the round. If the match goes into overtime, the first team to secure a capture point that appears in the middle of the map wins the match. Failing that, whoever is closest to the capture point wins. Heavy ammo only drops after one team has won 3 rounds, and heavy ammo does not carry into the next round. Supers and special ammo do carry over, however.

Further differences between the Trials and standard Skirmish include: the Trials take place on only one map each week; player level advantages are enabled as in the Iron Banner; fireteam matchmaking is disabled, requiring players to manually assemble a full fireteam of three. Lastly, players can play for a maximum of nine wins or three losses on a single passage, whichever comes first. Quitting counts as a loss.

Flawless Victory

Players who have a Flawless Scorecard (nine wins, zero losses) are able to visit The Lighthouse on Mercury. Rewards include Osiris-themed gear and an exclusive, limited-time emblem. At the launch of House of Wolves, the emblem was the exotic-tier "Eye of Osiris" (currently the only exotic emblem in the game); The Taken King featured "Hic Jacet"; and the April Update introduced "Bastet's Dream". Once an emblem has been rotated out, it can no longer be obtained.
