Zhagal, Disgraced Colossus

Revision as of 18:59, December 3, 2022 by Scorn Enthusiast (talk | contribs) (expanded and corrected image (old pic was a normal Centurion))
Zhagal, Disgraced Colossus
Zhagal Infobox.png
Biographical information




Red Legion
Blood Guard




Blood Guard Centurion

Combat information


Warden of Nothing


Cabal Bronto Cannon


High Durability
Rapid Movement
Solar Absorption Shield
Void Sword
Strafe Thrusters
Limited Flight


Zhagal, Disgraced Colossus is a Cabal Blood Guard Centurion encountered in the Warden of Nothing Strike.[1]


Zhagal is called by the Mad Warden when the servitor reaches the last quarter of its health. The Centurion will appear alongside several Cabal reinforcements, and will attack the fireteam at the best of their abilities. Soon after, Edyx, Exothermic Mind will be summoned by the Warden as well, and the two bosses will begin attacking each other if they can't see any Guardians. If left to their devices, Zhagal will eventually win thanks to their shield. If the Warden is killed before the Centurion, they will Transmat away alongside their remaining troops.


  • In the Warden of Nothing strike, Zhagal is introduced as Val Aru'un by the Mad Warden.
  • Although they have the title of Disgraced Colossus, Zhagal is actually a Centurion.
  • Despite Zhagal's giant size, they maintain a normal Centurion's animations and behavior, and their shield is still the size of a regular Centurion's, only covering them up to their chest (this is only a visual glitch).


List of appearances

  1. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Strike: Warden of Nothing