The Oracle Engine

Revision as of 13:44, November 17, 2024 by NotPlagiarised (talk | contribs) (added infobox objective that appear ingame verbatim, added objective. didnt check thoroughly through forasaken era; just Wish's version.)
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Broken Courier (Forsaken)
Tautology (Wish)


Dark Monastery (Forsaken)
Enthymeme (Wish)

The Oracle Engine
Dreaming City Weekly Missions.jpg


Destiny 2






Divalian Mists, Dreaming City, Reef

Enemy faction(s):

Xivu Arath's Horde
Savathûn's Brood

Hostile race(s):



"We lost contact with one of the Techeuns out in the Mists. Scope it out, Guardian." —Petra Venj (Forsaken)

The Taken threaten to take control of an irreplaceable Awoken communications device. (Wish)

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The Oracle Engine is the second post-Last Wish story mission in Destiny 2 and a mission in the Wishing All the Best quest of Season of the Wish. The Guardian is tasked by Petra Venj and Sedia with defending the Observatory above the Oracle Engine from an assault by Taken and Hive forces.


  • Travel to the observatory
    • Barriers destroyed: X of 3
Destroy the Taken barriers blocking your path to the Spine of Keres.
  • Storm the observatory
Fight your way to the top of the observatory.
  • Defend the observatory
Repel the Taken assault.


Loop 1

Mission begins

Divalian Mists, Dreaming City

  • Sedia: It is far more than that, but – yes. The Oracle is immeasurably valuable. We cannot repair it. We cannot replace it. And so, we cannot allow the observatory to fall.
  • Ghost: Understood.
  • Sedia: I'll call for reinforcements.

The Guardian defeats An Ragaar, Son of Xivu Arath, Tir Balok, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and Xavan, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and uses the Arc charges which drop after they are each defeated to destroy the barriers blocking the path to the observatory.

Spine of Keres, The Dreaming City

The Guardian continues towards the observatory, defeating the Hive and Taken which they encounter, including Val Pros, Tower Sentry and Orm Vashyx. The Guardian picked up the Arc charge dropped by Orm Vashyx.

  • Ghost: Approaching the observatory now.
  • Petra Venj: I'm trying to send you some backup. Bear with us.

The Guardian uses the Arc charge to destroy the barrier blocking the entrance to the observatory. The Guardian defeats Mukor, Soulkeeper and Ugroth, Soulkeeper.

  • Ghost: Petra, come in. Observatory's clear. No damage to the Oracle.
  • Petra Venj: Good! That's good – but I can't shake the feeling that we're being outmaneuvered. First the relics; now the observatory. I just don't see how it adds up.
  • Ghost: It may not. The Hive aren't renowned for their strategy. Neither are the Taken.
  • Petra Venj: I suppose that's true. Good work, anyway.
Loop 2

Mission begins

Divalian Mists, Dreaming City

  • Sedia: Everything is as it was last time. The Taken have laid claim to the observatory and sealed off all ground access. Petra and I met last night to plan a defense. We thought to fight magic with magic. But when I reached for my powers to cast a ward of protection, I found - nothing. So, Petra led a unit to secure the observatory on foot. As they got close, they all broke formation and scattered against their will. The curse is cunning. Whoever cast it deserves our respect.
  • Ghost: I wouldn't go that far. We'll take care of the observatory.

The Guardian defeats An Ragaar, Son of Xivu Arath, Tir Balok, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and Xavan, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and uses the Arc charges which drop after they are each defeated to destroy the barriers blocking the path to the observatory.

Spine of Keres, The Dreaming City

The Guardian continues towards the observatory, defeating the Hive and Taken which they encounter, including Val Pros, Tower Sentry and Orm Vashyx. The Guardian picked up the Arc charge dropped by Orm Vashyx.

  • Petra Venj: Come in, Guardian.
  • Ghost: We're en route to the observatory. Everything's fine.
  • Petra Venj: No changes from last time?
  • Ghost: None that I've observed.

The Guardian uses the Arc charge to destroy the barrier blocking the entrance to the observatory. The Guardian defeats Mukor, Soulkeeper and Ugroth, Soulkeeper.

  • Ghost: Petra - we're clear. Two Taken Ogres, just like last time. No other changes.
  • Petra Venj: Incredible. I've been sending out requests for help to every channel that will listen. Osiris replied earlier today. He said that only Vex simulations approach this level of fidelity, but there's no evidence of Vex anywhere in the City.
  • Ghost: This can't be the Vex.
  • Petra Venj: I know! It's the Taken! It's the Hive. And it's that Ahamkara. I don't know how to stop it.
Loop 3

Mission begins

Divalian Mists, Dreaming City

  • Sedia: The Oracle that you fight for is more than just a beautiful computer. Imagine it as the bridge of a ship. The City is a part of a fleet, in a manner of speaking. Our stargates connect to illimitable worlds full of illimitable possibilities. That's why the Taken want that device. That's why they lay siege to the observatory.

The Guardian defeats An Ragaar, Son of Xivu Arath, Tir Balok, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and Xavan, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and uses the Arc charges which drop after they are each defeated to destroy the barriers blocking the path to the observatory.

Spine of Keres, The Dreaming City

The Guardian continues towards the observatory, defeating the Hive and Taken which they encounter, including Val Pros, Tower Sentry and Orm Vashyx. The Guardian picked up the Arc charge dropped by Orm Vashyx.

The Guardian uses the Arc charge to destroy the barrier blocking the entrance to the observatory. The Guardian defeats Mukor, Soulkeeper and Ugroth, Soulkeeper.

  • Ghost: Sending on video of the fight for after-action analysis.
Loop 4

Mission begins

Divalian Mists, Dreaming City

  • Sedia: Did you participate in the Taken War? I was there when it began. On the eve before battle, Mara gathered my coven to tell us of a dangerous plan. She told us that it might cost us everything. Our lives, our loves, our legacy as a people. We understood the risks. And we all agreed that the plan was worth it. That plan is still in motion. We have lost so much... We will lose so much more. But not here, not like this. The City cannot fall. Get to the observatory. Drive back the Taken.

The Guardian defeats An Ragaar, Son of Xivu Arath, Tir Balok, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and Xavan, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and uses the Arc charges which drop after they are each defeated to destroy the barriers blocking the path to the observatory.

Spine of Keres, The Dreaming City

The Guardian continues towards the observatory, defeating the Hive and Taken which they encounter, including Val Pros, Tower Sentry and Orm Vashyx. The Guardian picked up the Arc charge dropped by Orm Vashyx.

The Guardian uses the Arc charge to destroy the barrier blocking the entrance to the observatory. The Guardian defeats Mukor, Soulkeeper and Ugroth, Soulkeeper.

  • Ghost: Sending on video of the fight for after-action analysis.
Loop 5

Mission begins

Divalian Mists, Dreaming City

  • Sedia: I see why the Queen favors you, cousin. You are courageous and relentless. To me, that is what it means to be Awoken. Earthborn or not, you're on of us. Luck go with you as you defend the observatory again.

The Guardian defeats An Ragaar, Son of Xivu Arath, Tir Balok, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and Xavan, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and uses the Arc charges which drop after they are each defeated to destroy the barriers blocking the path to the observatory.

Spine of Keres, The Dreaming City

The Guardian continues towards the observatory, defeating the Hive and Taken which they encounter, including Val Pros, Tower Sentry and Orm Vashyx. The Guardian picked up the Arc charge dropped by Orm Vashyx.

The Guardian uses the Arc charge to destroy the barrier blocking the entrance to the observatory. The Guardian defeats Mukor, Soulkeeper and Ugroth, Soulkeeper.

  • Ghost: Sending on video of the fight for after-action analysis.
Loop 6

Mission begins

Divalian Mists, Dreaming City

  • Sedia: Even before this curse, I always thought our people were tragic. We came from humanity, but we are not of humanity. And when our friends and siblings and lovers die, it's always a gamble. You hold your breath, wondering, "Will they be resurrected as a Guardian?" "And if they are, will they forget me?" I've seen some of the corsairs recognize you as you pass. Taboo to speak of the old times, though. [sigh] They don't matter. It's just the here and now. The observatory has fallen again.

The Guardian defeats An Ragaar, Son of Xivu Arath, Tir Balok, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and Xavan, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and uses the Arc charges which drop after they are each defeated to destroy the barriers blocking the path to the observatory.

Spine of Keres, The Dreaming City

The Guardian continues towards the observatory, defeating the Hive and Taken which they encounter, including Val Pros, Tower Sentry and Orm Vashyx. The Guardian picked up the Arc charge dropped by Orm Vashyx.

The Guardian uses the Arc charge to destroy the barrier blocking the entrance to the observatory. The Guardian defeats Mukor, Soulkeeper and Ugroth, Soulkeeper.

  • Ghost: Sending on video of the fight for after-action analysis.

Wishing All the Best

Mission begins

Divalian Mists, Dreaming City

  • Queen Mara Sov: Communion with my Harbinger requires we access the highest point of the Spine of Keres. But Riven's curse remains.
  • Petra Venj: The curse brings new Taken to the region every cycle. So hunt them, and our work can begin. Once the Spine is secure, Sedia and the Techeuns can light a beacon for the Harbinger.

The Guardian defeats An Ragaar, Son of Xivu Arath, Tir Balok, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and Xavan, Daughter of Xivu Arath, and uses the Arc charges which drop after they are each defeated to destroy the barriers blocking the path to the observatory.

Spine of Keres, The Dreaming City

The Guardian continues towards the observatory, defeating the Hive and Taken which they encounter, including Val Pros, Tower Sentry and Orm Vashyx. The Guardian picked up the Arc charge dropped by Orm Vashyx.

  • Petra Venj: You'll find two Ogres within Guardian. As all Guardians have since the curse began. All across this region, the Corsairs remain as well. Reliving this nightmare as a matter of course. As we bend backward to aid the Ahamkara that unleashed this.
  • Queen Mara Sov: One crisis at a time, my Wrath.
  • Petra Venj: Yes, my queen.

The Guardian uses the Arc charge to destroy the barrier blocking the entrance to the observatory. The Guardian defeats Mukor, Soulkeeper and Ugroth, Soulkeeper.

  • Queen Mara Sov: Well struck. The observatory is secure. Sedia and the Techeuns are now free to signal my Harbinger. We'll use it to pull the clutch within our reach. The Harbingers once aided the Awoken against the likes of the Taken King. But your actions today will allow a Harbinger to aid in diplomacy, for perhaps the first time.
  • Petra Venj: Even if it is with an enemy of the state.
  • Queen Mara Sov: Just the same. All things are handled here, Guardian, thanks to you. I need your strength elsewhere.




  • Across the mission, one can find several Scorch Cannons near corpses of Scorn, but the Scorn have never been seen using the weapon.

List of appearances
