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Destiny crest.png This Guardian enjoys the Hunter, Titan, and Warlock classes equally.
HouseLightSymbol.jpg This user is a senior liaison to the House of Light, the Cabal Empire, and the Reefborn Awoken after the Witness announces its arrival to the Traveler.
Banner of Empress Caiatl. This user participates in the Rite of Proving occasionally, and became an Optus after winning 11 Rites of Proving.
Crown of the Sovereign.jpg This user completed their training with the Techeuns in the Dreaming City and became a Paladin during the Invasion of Earth.
Witness D2.png This user participated in the War against the Witness and aided The Guardian in preventing the Final Shape from being enacted.
Psions.jpg This user is aspiring to become a leader like Freeborn Otzot, but unite other species as well.
Biographical information

Other name(s):

Avatar of Matthew-11








2.54m (8'4")


164.2kg (362 lbs)

Eye color:


Political and military information


The Coalition
Allied Conclave




Psion Flayer

Notable info:

Master of Arc and Stasis
Senior Coalition Liaison
Active participant in the War against the Witness
Eido's Friend
Member of Empress Caiatl's War Council
Founder of the Allied Conclave

Biographical information




The Coalition




Psion Flayer




2.54m (8'4")


164.2kg (362 lbs)

Combat information


Arc Cabal Slug Launcher
Arc Wire Rifle
Psionic Staff


High Durability
Telekinetic Manipulation
Arc Stasis Absorption Shield
Arc Stasis Psionic Blast
Stasis Bleak Watcher
Stasis Coldsnap Grenade
Stasis Crystal Wave
Stasis Winter's Wrath
Arc Flashbang Grenade
Arc Psionic Entropy
Arc Voltaic Strike
Arc Gathering Storm
Solar Solar Seekers
Solar Song of Flame
Void Void Prison
Void Twilight Arsenal
Strand Weavewalk
Summon Coalition Allies


Optus Hyrusic is a powerful Psion Flayer that serves the Coalition as a senior liaison. They help Eido in her duties as the Scribe of the House of Light, have an unusual ability for a Psion to commune with the Prime Servitors, serve on Empress Caiatl's War Council as an Optus, and protect Queen Mara Sov as a Queensguard Paladin. After Crow becomes the first Guardian to enter the Pale Heart and allows the Coalition to enter it, they would be chosen by the Exo Guardian Matthew-11 as one of his fireteam members to raid the monolith constructed by the Witness constructed alongside the Colossus Primus Derund, the Paladin Eliys Kni, the Captain Jekiliks, and the Techeun Carri


Early Life

Hyrusic was born on Brand, before the time in which the Guardian was resurrected in the Cosmodrome on the eve of the Darkness's return to the Sol System. They would leave their home world and begin their military service after the Taken War and arrive at the Sol System before the death of Cayde-6 at the hands of the Scorn. They would temporarily reside in the Tangled Shore as the Guardians hunts down the Scorn Barons, prevent the Kell's Scourge from stealing Black Armory technology, investigate the Drifter and his connections to the IX, and investigates the secrets contained in the Leviathan after Calus sent an invitation to participate in glory via the Menagerie.

Ascension into a Flayer

They would continue to reside in the Tangled Shore and work for Rakis whilst the Guardian discover the existence of the Lunar Pyramid, push back the Sol Divisive invasion on the Moon, defeat the Red Legion Psion Flayers Ozletc, Tazaroc, and Niruul, and destroy a star-killing weapon called the Almighty using Rasputin's Warsats. After the Arrival of the Black Fleet in the Sol System caused Io, Titan, Mercury, and Mars to disappear, they would ascend into a Psion Flayer and begin leaving the Tangled Shore. They soon join Caiatl's fleet as they arrive in the Sol following the Fall of Torobatl and also Crow and the Guardian's victory against the High Celebrant of Xivu Arath, who was causing the rise of the Wrathborn in the Sol System through the Cryptoliths.

Alliance with the Vanguard

Hyrusic join Caiatl's forces

They would meet Caiatl's forces as the Vanguard was challenging her War Council via the Rite of Proving. The Vanguard would soon discover the formation of the Psion Conclave, a rogue group of Psions that were formed after the death of the Psion Flayers within the Sundial. Hyrusic would meet the Exo Stranger and learn from her how Stasis can be used with falling to the Witness's corruption. After finishing their training on Stasis, they then travel to Nessus to attend the signing of the armistice between Empress Caiatl and the Vanguard. Despite Qalec and Valir's attempt to sabotage the armistice, the alliance between begins to blossom. Hyrusic was sent by Empress Caiatl to hunt the Psion Conclave. After defeating one of the members of the Conclave, they discover the ability to use Arc powers. They then travel to Europa to seek out Misraaks, Kell of the House of Light and a Sacred Splicer, who is busy picking up defectors from the House of Salvation on Variks's request.

The Endless Night

Hyrusic assisting the House of Light on Europa.

After the Vex shot down a Skiff carrying the defectors, the Psion would assist Misraaks in protecting the survivors. They meet Eido, a Scribe of the House of Light and Misraaks's adopted daughter and discover their unusual ability to commune with the Servitors providing the Eliksni a hormonal substance called Ether. They would soon learn the entire history of the Eliksni from Eido until the same Guardian that participated in the Rites of Proving would seek out Misraaks for his assistance in dispelling the Endless Night, a Vex simulation threatening the Last City, the home of the Guardians located beneath the Traveler. The Psion would keep the survivors safe in the cave within Asterion Abyss until the Guardian returned from their exploration of the Vex Domain. Misraaks and his House of Light would accept Ikora Rey's invitation to reside in the Last City, and the Psion would escort the House of Light to their new home.

They finally meet the Guardians and the Vanguard leading them as the people there deals wth the Endless Night and the Eliksni living in the Last City. Before returning to Eligos Lex V, they would meet Ada-1, who is now the Armor Synthesis vendor using Synthweave. After accepting the Synthweave cape from Ada-1, they finally return to the Empress's flagship. Caiatl invites them to participate in their 1st Rite of Proving, and they emerge victorious as the Future War Cult led by Lakshmi-2 begins to spread anti-Eliksni propaganda throughout the Last City. As the Eliksni Quarter came under assault, their 2nd Rite of Proving began, and they emerge victorious again in the aftermath of the Eliksni Quarter's assault. They return to the Last City to check up on the House of Light and witness an argument between Lakshmi-2 and Misraaks before they leave the Eliksni Quarter. They soon talk to him on his state of mind since the assault. He would tell them the tale he told Saint-14 following his argument with Lakshmi-2. After the discussion between them was over, the return to the flagship and begin preparations for their 3rd Rite of Proving.

The 3rd Rite of Proving begins after the Vanguard and the House of Light discovered that Quria, Blade Transform, was the Vex Mind orchestrating the Endless. Only this time, the Psion Flayer battled a powerful Gladiator in melee combat. The Gladiator submitted to Hyrusic, emerging victorious yet again. They soon receive a message from Misraaks, revealing to them that Quria was responsible for the Endless Night and is working with the Guardian to uncover Quria's location in the Vex Domain. The Guaedian was eventually able to locate and finally confront Quria, with the Psion witnessing their battle against the Vex Mind in a metaconcert. They soon express relief after the Guardian destroyed Quria and the Vanguard begins an official alliance with the House of Light despite Lakshmi-2 continuing to spread anti-Eliksni propaganda. They soon return to the Last City after the Endless Night and celebrate Solstice for the first time before returning to the flagship to begin their 4th Rite of Proving of Proving before emerging victorious again. They receive a vision: Mara Sov has returned to the Dreaming City. They would travel there and seek out Kalli, Sedia, and Shuro Chi to enhance their Flayer abilities.

Rescuing the Techeuns

Hyrus as they begin their training with the Techeuns.

As they begin their training with the Techeuns in the Dreaming City, the Guardian, Crow, and Saint-14 pursue Savathûn, who disguised herself as Osiris, throughout the Awoken stronghold whilst also battling her sister's forces being led by Kelgorath. Savathûn eventually reveals her true form before she became encased in a crystalline prison by Mara Sov. Mara Sov and Petra Venj task the Guardian to rescuing the new coven of Techeuns lost within the Ley Lines from the forces of Xivu Arath, who is commanding them to stop the exorcism from commencing at the behest of the Witness, a gestalt of the first civilization uplifted by the Traveler made manifest in the Darkness they learned through the Veil. The Flayer would assist the Guardian in locating the lost Techeuns, including Austyn, Sjari, and Ylaia as part of their training to enhance their abilities. After the Guardians rescued all of the new coven of Techeuns needed to allow Mara Sov to perform the exorcism ritual, their training is complete with their new abilities of resurrection and using Supers similar to those used by Guardians.

After their training with the Techeuns is complete, they return to partake in 3 more Rites of Proving, with the 7th one involving archery combat. They would almost lose it, but they were able to fake their death and win against a Red Legion Bracus. After being victorious in 7 Rites of Proving, they would take a break and celebrate the Dawning for the first time alongside their Cabal, Eliksni, and Vanguard allies. After the Dawning was over, they would travel to Uranus to investigate a Psion Conclave activity. Using the Cabal Shield the Empress gifted them, along with a Wire Rifle gifted to them by Misraaks, they were able to stop the defectors from gathering more followers and would discover a weapon of Pyramid origin: Tessellation. They were able to escape Uranus using the Pyramid weapon attuning to their Stasis abilities. After their escape, they would recover on Venus before returning to participate im more Rites of Proving. By the time they emerge victorious on their 11th Rite of Proving, Caiatl promotes them to the rank of Optus following the exorcism ritual performed by Mara.

Promotion to Optus

Hyrusic ascending to the rank of Opus as overseen by Empress Caiatl.

As part of their promotion to the rank of Optus, Caiatl would send them to act as a liaison to the Vanguard after the Coalition is formed between her people, the Vanguard, the Eliksni of the Housed of Light, and the Awoken of the Reef to prepare them for an upcoming war. They would assist the Psion Emissary and Lord Saladin gather intel on the Lucent Brood's plans for the Light stolen from other Guardians. It is soon revealed that the Lucent Brood were conducting a ritual on the Moon to manifest Savathûn's Throne World into the physical world. They would investigate the H.E.L.M. and witness Crow attempting to shut down the Psisorium, but accidentally kills the Psion Emissary running it. They would inform the Empress of the revelation. Both the Psion and the Empress travel to the Tower to discuss Crow's punishment. Rather than taking Crow's life, Saladin saves him and becomes a Bracus serving on her War Council. They would Bracus Saladin Forge face off against Valus Guhrn Or'ohk in a Rite of Proving. Saladin emerges victorious and ascends to Valus, being able to create a sublegion of Imperial Cabal warriors called Iron War Beasts. In addition, Saladin and Hyrusic would assist in training the Cabal warriors in the Iron Banner until the latter begins to leave to patrol the Sol System.

The Witness Approaches

After the Guardian works alongside the Hidden to stop Savathûn from placing the Traveler into her Throne World and inform the Coalition that they must begin preparing the Witness's arrival in the Sol System, Hyrusic would begin preparing the Sol System to push back the encroaching forces of the Witness and its Disciples. Their first stop was on Venus. They would be joined by a Dawnblade, an Arcstrider, a Captain from the House of Light, a Colossus, and 3 Phalanxes to investigate the Vault of Glass. The fireteam soon encounter the Taken infesting the area. They were able to escape thanks to the Dawnblade's ability to create a Well of Radiance. After they escape, Hyrusic would create a field report on the encroaching presence of the Witness in the system. After the report was submitted, the fireteam would make their next stop on the Moon and discover that the Derelict Leviathan is in Lunar orbit as Emperor Calus begins his plan to ascend into a Disciple of the Witness via his connection to the Lunar Pyramid once piloted by Nezarec. The fireteam would eliminate the Loyalists on the lunar surface as the Guardian and Eris Morn help Crow, Caiatl, and Zavala face their worst trauma as manifested by the Nightmare resurgence. The Guardian was able to sever Calus's connection to the Lunar Pyramid after they and Caiatl confront his projection inside the Chantry of the Darkest Hour. However, they were too lote to stop Calus from ascending into a Disciple of the Witness. The firetean goes on their own ways as Solstice is celebrated in the Last City with some changes. Now, a bonfire is lit inside the EAZ. They would celebrate and have the Cabal celebrate Solstice for the first time. After Solstice is over, Hyrusic would return to battle.

The Optus assisting Eido in her research on the reliquaries.

Their next stop was Phobos, where a Cabal base was established before Oryx arrived in the Sol System following the death of his son, this time accompanied by a Sunbreaker, a Voidwalker, a Revenant, 4 Psions, and 3 Splicers. They would infiltrate the Loyalists occupying the base. They soon discover the Loyalists on the base became deserters after the Guardian severed Calus's connection to the Lunar Pyramid and the local forces allied themselves with the Eliksni pirates, and are also occupying the base. They soon eliminate the Cabal commander and discover that the Eliksni pirates wish to defect to the House of Light as the local pirate forces had a Prime Servitor. Hyrusic was able to commune with the Prime Servitor, earning the title of Archon by the Splicers and the local pirates. The fireteam would escort the defectors to the Eliksni Quarter. Upon their arrival there, the Psion learns that their former boss, Rakis, has moved into the Last City with assistance from the Guardian and the Drifter. The Psion meets up with Eido, who is learning information on the relics of Nezarec and learn that Eramis has broken free from Stasis prison. The Psion informs her of their ability to commune with Prime Servitors. She recognizes them as an Archon and asks them to help in the research efforts. They accept and the research assistance pays off as they manage to recover the relics of Nezarec from the Old Crews scattered throughout the Themis Cluster. After recovering the relics, they would celebrate the Festival of the Lost for the first time as they also help her in the research on mysterious monsters called the Headless Ones. They would leave to return to combat to discover that Xivu Arath's presence in the Sol System is growing stronger as the Witness begins to approach the Sol System whilst Mithrax is able to reduce the relics to a concoction.

They first travel to the Dreadnaught, the former flagship of Oryx to gain more information. As they were there along with a Striker, a Centurion, and Corsairs, they would discover the Wrathborn are mobilizing on Europa to capture the AI of Clovis Bray I on Xivu Arath's order to prevent the Guardian and Ana Bray from obtaining the knowledge needed to rebuild Rasputin. They would also encounter the avatar of Xivu Arath as they make their escape from the Dreadnaught. After leaving the Dreadnaught, they would travel to the Hive-infested moon of Jupiter known as Callisto to gain more clues. They would encounter a Wrathborn presence throughout the moon, and learn that Xivu Arath has ordered Kelgorath to capture the area where data containing Charlemagne, a submind of Rasputin, is found, in addition to summoning a giant Shrieker called the Warwatcher, Eye of Xivu Arath on Europa inside the place where Rasputin's AI framework is stored. They eventually gain more clues once they escape from Callisto and enter Savathûn's Throne World via the Lure hanging in the Martian sky. They would learn from Fynch that the answers to Xivu Arath's widespread presence in the system lies inside the Sunken Pyramid once piloted by Rhulk before his death at the hands of the Guardian. They would defeat the Scorn attempting to ambush the party, but the Centurion became Taken by the Witness. Still, the party continues onward. They would discover the Witness has begun to enter the Sol System and the final piece they need to complete the investigation is inside the Hellmouth on the Moon. Before they make the expedition to the Hellmouth, they return to the Tower to restock on supplies and learn that the Coalition had a meeting discussing the usage of the Warsats on the Wrathborn and a planned ritual by Xivu Arath to invade Earth. After restocking, they make the expedition with Eris Morn in tow as their guide well as some Techeuns for protection against the Hive. They soon learn the tribute required to summon to Xivu Arath on Earth is the same one that was used on Torobatl from the World's Grave and that Neptune has been unveiled for the first time since the Collapse as the Witness has begun to approach Pluto's orbit. Their expedition is over, and the team returns to the Tower to patrol the walls the Last City. As the weeks leading up to the Witness approaching Saturn's orbit go by, Hyrusic would discover that a civilization on Neptune exists from Osiris. Once the Witness speed past Jupiter's orbit, they would be in the Eliksni Quarter as the Traveler begins to depart from Earth and the Last City. Rasputin sacrifices himself as the Witness soon approaches the path to Earth's orbit and Xivu Arath's plans to invade is foiled. The Psion would soon gear up for battle on Earth's orbit as the Witness finally arrives.

Becoming Queensguard

The Optus becoming a Queensguard Paladin during the Shadow Legion's occupation of Earth.

They would actively participate in the operation to rescue the prisoners captured by the Shadow Legion following the Witness's assault on the Traveler alongside Crow, Devrim Kay, Misraaks, Mara Sov, and Amanda Holliday. They would become the first Psion to be promoted to the rank of Paladin as a Queensguard. They would also oversee the operation to defeat the new Bracus Zahn in the EDZ. As the Queensguard, they would oversee the Corsair training on the Farm and assist the Coalition forces in patrolling the Farm from the Shadow Legion threats outside. They would soon join Misraaks and Amanda on the expedition to rescue prisoners captured inside the EDZ tunnels. They would fight through the Shadow Legion defenses before the Guardian arrives for assistance. They would help Misraaks and Amanda in time before the prison facility alarms begin to activate and explode. They would make it out alive along with Misraaks and the Guardian before they all learn that Amanda was killed. A vigil was held in the Farm with the Psion as its participant as Crow begins to formulate a plan to avenge Amanda. Crow soos forms the plan, the Psion Optus would participate in the mission to destroy the Shadow Legion Flagship. The mission was a success as they watch it blow up the Farm's sky. The Coalition's victory was short-lived as the Psion experiences the vision of the Witness using the energy from the Veil to open a portal inside the Traveler and begin the Final Shape. Despite this loss, they would continue the operation to rescue the remaining prisoners as the Guardian learns from Soteria on Neptune that a mysterious ally with vital information on the Witness lies on Titan's methane seas of Kraken Mare.

After Saladin departs with Zavala, Saint-14, and the Guardian to investigate a distress signal sent by Deputy Commander Sloane on the wake of Titan's return to the Sol System, the Optus would train the Iron War Beasts and the Corsairs on Earth. As time goes on, they would also train warriors from the House of Light and Rakis's crew as well before the Optus returns to combat. Before returning to combat, they would receive the reports on the Witness's origins from Sloane as it was told by a proto-Worm named Ahsa and then finish up operation to rescue the remaining prisoners. They would receive a gift from Mara as they begin to leave Earth: the Verglas Curve. They would return to combat after the Vanguard learns from Ahsa that the Witch Queen must be brought back from death, for she possesses the information they need to follow the Witness inside the Traveler. They would lead a fireteam including the Techeuns, an Exo Warlock, the Splicers, and Imperial Cabal soldiers on the objective to find the threats with the Ley Lines. The first Ley Line lock was on Mars, and there they would encounter a Scorn presence there. The Scorn there were former members from the House of Salvation. The fireteam was able to escape unharmed before the next Ley Line lock was on Neptune. The Optus was able to use the bow in order to escape a strengthening Scorn presence. The next lock was on Ganymede, they would encounter the Wrathborn containing Cabal and Eliksni elements. The final lock was on Earth, and at this point, the fireteam would learn that Eris Morn has ascended into the Hive God of Vengeance to challenge Xivu Arath's devotion to the Sword Logic with assistance from the Guardian. The fireteam would be compromised by the forces of the Witness under the command of a Tormentor. The Techeuns were able to assist in the escape from the Ley Lines. The fireteam was able to recover in the Last City after some time, and then Eris was able to banish Xivu Arath's connection to the Black Terrace, making her mortal. They would depart for the Black Garden as the City celebrate the Festival of the Lost, encountering Sol Divisive forces and new units under the Witness's command, the Subjugators. They were able to recover a Vex artifact from there and would discover that the Guardian has found out that the 15th wish and the pure Ahamkara egg recovered from the Imbaru Engine on Savathûn's Throne World are connected to the ability to pass through the portal inside the Traveler unscathed from the artifact. The Optus would soon join in the operation to uncover the 15th wish by bringing allied forces into the Dreaming City's walls.

The Psion and its allied forces would engage the Sol Divisive invading the Dreaming City and evacuate the Techeuns with Petra Venj. As the Guardian drives the Sol Divisive out of the Queenswalk, the Psion and its allies would leave the Dreaming City and travel to Neomuna to assist Osiris in learning how the Veil can be used to follow the Witness into the portal without involving the Ahamkara, specifically Riven. The Guardian would make a deal with Riven to recover the remaining clutch, as they learn from the Guardian's report on the mission. They would also meet a Cloud Strider named Nimbus, who would help the Psion's allies train the soldiers while the Psion assists Osiris in his attempt to replicate the Witness's link to the Veil through the Guardian's Ghost as they have experience through their training with the Techeuns. While assisting Osiris, the Psion would unlock the abilities to use Solar, Void, and Strand. Once Osiris reveals that it would be impossible to replicate the Witness's link to the Veil, they would leave Neomuna and return to the Tower. The Psion would continue to train their new ability, they also partake in the Dawning. They receive a compendium on Guardian artifacts as a gift from Eido, as well as a new cloak from Ada-1 that combines the cloak used by all Psion Flayers and the banners of the House of Light, the Awoken, and the Imperial Cabal. They soon learn that Taranis's corpse has been found in the Black Garden. The Optus would feel sympathetic toward the Ahamkara, but they finally master their Solar abilities, but continue their training with the other 2 abilities still dormant. After some insights learned from Ikora Rey, they finally master their Void ability. By this time, Crow volunteers to become the first Guardian to enter the Pale Heart of the Traveler via the Ley Lines. They continue their training with Strand abilities as Crow prepares for himself and Mara to open the way for the fellow Coalition members to follow them and finally confront the Witness. Hyrusic delivered the report of Crow's decision to the Coalition leaders and theirvl fellow Opti.

The Expedition with Eido

The Optus traveling to the Witness's Pyramid as part of a research expedition on the Witness's origins with Eido.

Stopping the Final Shape





