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Last City
Moon Orbit (formerly)
Earth Orbit (formerly)




Player capacity:



The H.E.L.M. or Hub for Emergency Logistics and Maneuvers is a Vanguard operations outpost set up on a large ship, originally docked within a hangar of the Last City. It acts as the location where seasonal vendors can be interacted with through different wings.

It was initially staffed by Vanguard Frames and opened shortly after the Arrival of the Black Fleet. It first came into operation to deal with the arrival of Empress Caiatl's fleet in the Sol System.

During a confrontation with the re-emerged Fikrul, the Scorn rammed a Ketch into the HELM, shattering the frontal viewport and disabling the controls. Failsafe was able to guide the failing ship into a crash landing on Europa, and the majority of the ship was later recovered. The HELM now sits atop the city walls, where repairs seem to be underway.


War Table[edit]

The War Table

The centerpiece of the H.E.L.M., the war table offers real-time tactical information on the current conflict the Vanguard is monitoring. A terminal on the table can be used to read messages and receive incoming transmissions from Vanguard agents for briefings and reports from the field. Members of Vanguard task forces frequently meet at the war table to discuss ongoing operations.[1]

Umbral Decoder[edit]

Confiscated from the Drifter by the Cryptarchy, the Umbral Decoder and Prismatic Recaster have been refined and studied by the Cryptarchs in their ongoing effort to further understand Umbral Engrams which began to appear after the Black Fleet arrived.[2]

Other Features[edit]

The H.E.L.M. has a post box for items lost in the field for recovery, along with a terminal for accessing a Guardian's Vault. Additionally, a terminal containing intercepted messages and Vanguard reports during the Clash of the Chosen is located near the post box. On the other side of the area there is another terminal, from which Guardians can access any abandoned quests they may want to reacquire.


On the left and right of where the Guardian(s) spawn are two separate rooms used for other operations.

  • The Eliksni Wing was the main operational hub for the House of Light located within the left wing of the H.E.L.M. It prominently housed the Splicer Servitor which was modified to supply Ether to their encampment.
  • The Awoken Wing was the main operational hub for the Reefborn Awoken within the H.E.L.M. It prominently housed the Wayfinder's Compass, a portal to Mara Sov's chambers and was guarded by some Corsairs.
  • The Psiorium Wing, located at the back entrance next to Crow, was a former containment unit for captured Lucent Brood lieutenants. It was shut down after the success of Operation Elbrus in stopping the Scarlet Keep from being captured by the Lucent Hive for an invasion of Earth.
  • The Crown of Sorrow Quarantine Wing took the place of the Eliksni Wing during Operation Midas. The area is outfitted with heavy quarantine equipment, a decontamination unit at the entrance with two Imperial Guard Legionaries right outside and a Hive Tombship used to transport the Crown, as well as to eject it from the H.E.L.M in case it grew to dangerous. Egregore would also be found around the Crown that continued to grow as the Guardians continued severing powerful Nightmares, even spreading to the main area of the H.E.L.M.
  • The Eliksni Star Chart
  • Wing of the Deep
  • Wing of the Witch
  • Wing of the Wish

Radio messages[edit]

"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

Season of the Chosen[edit]

Caiatl's Address

"Warriors of the empire. I see your fury. For years, you have waited for your leaders to reclaim you. But time has not changed your nature: Your rage becomes the swing of the cleaver, the thrust of the shield, the shout of the cannon. I send out a challenge to the remains of the broken Legion: prove your worth in battle. The ancient rites live again. The triumphant will become the first members of my war council. We are Cabal. We eat the mountains. We drink the seas."

Season of the Splicer[edit]

Crow's message to Zavala

"Can't say I'm enjoying lying low, Commander. Reminds me of the old days. But hey, I'm nothing if not good at following orders. If it was my choice, I'd be there helping you get the Eliksni settled in the City. Might be hard to believe, but they're more like us than you think. Just… give them a chance. Like you did for me. "Velask." That's how they say hello. Just so you know."

Season of the Lost[edit]

Ikora and Mara's first discussion

Ikora Rey:

"And you're certain she's contained?"

Queen Mara Sov:

"Certainty is a necessity. It is your doubts we should fear with Savathûn among us."

Ikora Rey:

"Be straight with me."

Queen Mara Sov:

"Remember who you are speaking to. I hold all the keys to all your futures. I would not let them dangle carelessly without attention."

Ikora Rey:

"Savathûn's never been a one-track type of opponent. She's playing you."

Queen Mara Sov:

"We are not the same, Ikora. This is a plan long set in motion. She is contained, and soon to be dead."

Ikora Rey:

"Was Osiris's capture part of your plan, then? Sagira's death?"

Queen Mara Sov:

"Navigating the future is not always clear."

Ikora Rey:

"If you're willing to sacrifice my people for your plans... how can I be sure you'll wait to see Osiris returned before slitting the Witch Queen's throat?"

Queen Mara Sov:

"I mourn for Sagira. I have every intention to see Osiris returned safely. It's more than you did for me. If my assurances mean nothing to you, let me offer a warning instead: you are following your doubts into Savathûn's trap."

Ikora Rey:

"Your arrogance might kill another one of my friends... if he isn't dead already."

Queen Mara Sov:

"Had I more wishes, things would not be as they are."

Ikora Rey:

"Had you more wishes, they'd be much worse."

Season of the Risen[edit]

Zavala and Saladin's first discussion


"For now, we have to trust that we share a common enemy with the empress."

Lord Saladin:

"Every instinct I have is telling me to strike. Centuries of conditioning. But... instincts can lie."


"If I had told you just a handful of years ago that we'd have a Guardian who was once Uldren Sov here in the Tower... A Ketch docked in the City, and the beginnings of an alliance with the Cabal?"

Lord Saladin:

"I'd have locked you up."


"You and Ikora both."

Lord Saladin:

"On that note: Crow. He's undisciplined. No respect for the chain of command. And now with Uldren's memories, do you honestly think that behaviour will improve?"


"You're not wrong. But he's stepped up, time and again, when lives are on the line. Including mine."

Lord Saladin:

"We can't afford mistakes now. Won't survive them."


"I know. I also know you're willing to take chances on someone who's a risk."

Lord Saladin:

"He's dangerously overconfident."


"So was I."

Lord Saladin:

"You were different. Times were different."


"They were. But I changed, thanks to you. And together, we changed the times. What was that saying of yours? Every blade needs a whetstone?"

Lord Saladin:



"Crow needs guidance, and I can't think of a better guide. Give him the same chance you gave me, Saladin, once upon a time."

Season of the Haunted[edit]

Amanda and Crow's fight

Amanda Holliday:

"We need to talk."

The Crow:

"This isn't — this is not a good time."

Amanda Holliday:

"It's NEVER a good time. I've been trying to talk to you for weeks, and you keep dodging me!"

The Crow:

"I can't... It's not — Amanda..."

Amanda Holliday:

"How long did you know? How long have you known who you were?"

The Crow:

"[chokes up]"

Amanda Holliday:

"We're done. We're — done here. I do not have time for this. For you. For anything."

The Crow:

"Wait! I was scared. I am scared. People used to kill me. Kill me for — for something I didn't — You don't understand!"

Amanda Holliday:

"I cared about you, and you lied to me. You wore that mask, you kept secrets from me, pretended to be my friend."

The Crow:

"Amanda, I am your friend."

Amanda Holliday:

"No. You're not. I had a friend, and you murdered him."

Season of the Seraph[edit]

Osiris and Ana's chat


"Working late?"

Ana Bray:

"Aren't you?"


"Saint wants to know if you'd like some tea, coffee, whatever it is you drink."

Ana Bray:

"That's thoughtful of him."


"I used to say the same thing. "How thoughtful — thank you, Saint." Except I never looked up, not once. My eyes were on my fingers stained with ink. The smudges on the margins of my work. I cared more about my findings than the tea cooling beside me... or the feelings of the man who made it."

Ana Bray:



"[scoffs] You're not listening."

Ana Bray:

"I am listening."


"Then listen well. Your work will outlive you. The people around you might not. One day, you're going to wake up, assuming you've even slept at all... And realize that the world is a very different place than the last time you remembered to look at it. You will abruptly, viscerally regret the absence of something as small as a single cup of tea. So I ask you again... what would you like to drink?"

Ana Bray:

"Oolong. With a spot of honey."


""A spot of honey." Why am I not surprised?"

Season of the Deep[edit]

Zavala and Drifter's first chat


"And that's it? It just... works?"


"It's not a scam, if that's what you're asking. Ain't gonna make you put in some Glimmer and pull a lever."




"See... the way I look at it, this has always been the plan. Playing the game, Gambit... the machine. The Nine taking the long view."


"You think the Nine were telling you to run Gambit... for this. That they saw everything coming, and THAT'S how they chose to prepare us?"


"Dunno, boss. Maybe they see the future. Maybe they're just a few floors above and can see further down the road than we can. Maybe we're all just squintin' at specks, looking for meaning. What I'm saying is... it works. It'll get us what we need, and maybe, if we're lucky, get Sloane what she needs too."


"And what is that?"


"A win."

Season of the Witch[edit]

Eris Morn's report

"Hive magic reveals itself in precise shapes. They follow the same lines and the same means... And yet our rituals still hold many secrets. Cards have scattered in the wake of your oblations. Our bond made manifest. I call them the Deck of Whispers... and they do whisper. Each of their ideograms appears to carry the wright of symbolism. Do not fault them for the forms they take. They are reflections of the real, and as opaque as the natures of their referent. We will interpret their configurations. Divine their use. They may hold many meanings, alone and in conversation. As with all Hive magic, they ask us to separate the true from the dead. We will do so"

Season of the Wish[edit]

Crow and Osiris discuss Riven


"I understand your concern. But if we cannot rely upon the Veil, the Ahamkara is our only option."


"Even if it was Savathûn who pointed us at Riven in the first place?"


"The Witness is our priority. We've dealt with Savathûn and Riven in the past."


"And now Savathûn is free, and Riven is toying with us. I won't end up as a puppet again."


"Nor I."


"Hmph. Sorry. I didn't mean..."


"I fear it too. The experience of watching your body perform a series of actions you would never condone. Of that terrible regret... But that fear won't stop me. Just as I know it won't stop you."


"Was any of it real? All that advice Savathûn gave me, while she pretended to be you?"


"At the time Uldren began his campaign against the Reef, he was already suffering from the Black Garden's corruption. Riven must have found him an easy victim. One could argue he wasn't fully in command of his decisions. All the same, the impact of those decisions was very real. So, let me ask you this: Did I give you good advice?"




"Then hold onto it."

Episode: Echoes[edit]

Osiris and Saint talk


"Osiris. Do you remember when we knew?"


"Knew what?"


"That we were meant to be together. There was one moment... though, it took us time to get to it. Oh, but our Hunter Vanguard, so smart, Tallulah... she knew before we did. All our little squabbles and bickering. She saw it first."


"It, uh — ah, well, I was — obtuse. Stubborn. I couldn't recognize my own emotions. Then, Tallulah told me to.. "Be serious". "


"Haha! I remember. So yes, she told me later. Was good laugh."


"Well, I'm glad you found it so amusing."


"Who could not look back and smile? And I remember your smile, then. So knowing, and so full of our future together."


"What brought these memories on?"


"Hmm. I think about others who will have those same moments now that they know they will a future free from the Black Fleet. Now they have a chance to find love and be happy, like us. We can look behind, but also forward. We cannot see what is coming, but we know it is good."


"You're certain?"


"About us? Yes. Since the beginning. Now, and always."



Eliksni Wing

Awoken Wing

Eliksni Star Chart

Radio Transmissions


List of appearances[edit]
