The Shattered Realm

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The Shattered Realm


Ascendant Realm

Hostile races:




Shattered Realm: Forest of Echoes
Shattered Realm: Debris of Dreams
Shattered Realm: Ruins of Wrath


The Shattered Realm is a region that exists in the Ascendant Plane. Many of Mara Sov's Techeuns ventured off into the areas within the Shattered Realm. When the Guardians began to clear out the Ley Lines in the Dreaming City, they were tasked with finalizing the Ley Line stabilization and free the Techeuns within the realm.


The Guardian arrives at the Helm and enters the Ascendant Realm through an Awoken Portal.

  • Mara Sov: Journey forth, Guardian, and be bold.

Or alternatively

  • Mara Sov: Align the beacons, Guardian, and signal the way home.

Or alternatively

  • Mara Sov: Once more, we part the curtain of reality, and you step beyond.

The Guardian enters the Ascendant Realm and start the search for the lost Techeun.

  • Mara Sov: Your trespass beyond the veil brings you closer to victory. Both mine, and yours.

Or alternatively

  • Mara Sov: Behind the curtain of the universe lies the Ascendant Plane. Here, causality meets consciousness, and worlds are born. Go, find our lost Techeuns and bring them home..

The Guardian advances towards the first Beacon.

  • Petra Venj: You're making good progress. I believe that's another beacon ahead.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: I'm noticing dimensional distortions in your Ghost's readings. A beacon should be nearby.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: The telemetry you're sending from the compass looks good. There should be a beacon nearby.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: Beacon ahead; be cautious.

The Guardian lines up the first Beacon and prepares to defend it.

  • Petra Venj: Beacon aligned. They'll have felt that; be ready!

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: I'm detecting beacon alignment. But there are enemies closing on your position!

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: The beacon is aligned. Get ready for an attack!

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: You've aligned the beacon. Clear out the opposition so it can do its job!

The Guardian is successful in defending the first Beacon and moves through the Ascendant Realm to reach the second.

The Guardian lines up the second Beacon and prepares to face the Corrupted Techeun.

  • Petra Venj: That's the last beacon. Xivu Arath's forces are converging on the area!

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: The final beacon is aligned. I'm detecting severe paracausal emanations in your vicinity. Get ready!

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: Last beacon aligned. Be ready for anything!

The guardian defeats the Techeun and prepares to free her.

  • Petra Venj: It's over. The beacons are aligned, and the rift is opened. Bring our Techeun home.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: Excellent work, Guardian. We couldn't have done it without you.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: It's done. The beacons are in alignment, and Xivu Arath's forces are in retreat. Let's bring our lost sister home.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: Well done. We've detected the lost Techeun's location through the beacon network. Bring her home.

The Guardian explores the Ascendant Realm after aligning the first Beacon.

  • 'Ikora Rey: 'This realm is still very much a mystery; we have no idea what else is out there.

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: Now we know what Xivu Arath was planning for her Wrathborn armies. She intends to conquer the Ascendant Plane.

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: A whole reality, sculpted by strength of will... and all we've seen are the tiniest edges of the Ascendant Plane.

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: Ikora: I wonder if the Scorn's presence here has anything to do with Calus's horrific experiments aboard the Glykon?

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: Be mindful when navigating for the beacons, Guardian. Lest you wind up lost as well.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: The Taken infest every corner of the Ascendant Plane I've seen, like tendrils of some great fungus, ever-spreading.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: I've never seen the Taken, Hive, and Scorn coordinate like this before... it's troubling.

Or alternatively

  • Mara Sov: Each time you align a beacon, you repair the damage done to this realm. May it one day be returned to its former glory.

Or alternatively

  • Mara Sov: There is a malevolent force at work in this plane, Guardian. I can feel it slithering like black water over stones.

Or alternatively

  • Mara Sov: What horrors have my Techeuns endured in their wayward state? I pray they return to me as they once were.

Or alternatively

  • Mara Sov: The Hive force their way into this dimension like brutish thieves, sculpting the plane with crass disregard for its elegance.

The Guardian frees the Techeun and leaves the Ascendant Realm.

  • The Crow: There's something about this place that's just... I can't shake the feeling of dread. Like something out of a bad dream. And not just the time the High Celebrant threw me in that pit. [sighs] It's like this place is haunting me.
  • Petra Venj: Or you're haunting it. The Ascendant Plane is as much what you bring to it, as it is what you see.

Or alternatively

  • Saint-14: How did these Tech Witches come to be lost in the Ascendant Plane?
  • Mara Sov: They were my escorts; ferrying me home from the far-off reaches. Xivu Arath found us in transit.
  • Saint-14: The far-off reaches of where? How did Xivu find you? Do you not have more witches?
  • Mara Sov: You ask too many questions.
  • Saint-14: Yes. It is how I understand things. And I am owed answers.
  • Mara Sov: Then I hope you'll soon become accustomed to mystery.

Or alternatively

  • Saint-14: Why are we working with Savathûn? Is it a trick where we lie and kill her instead?
  • The Crow: Because sometimes you have to take risks to do what's important, like stopping Xivu Arath.
  • Saint-14: And save Osiris, yes. You trust her?
  • The Crow: I don't know... maybe? I want to. I don't suppose you've tried beating his location out of her?
  • Saint-14: No one lets me get close enough to do so, but I will keep trying.

Or alternatively

  • The Crow: Awkward question, given the timing... can someone fact check my knowledge about the Ascendant Plane? Some of what I know came from... "Osiris," and I'd rather be safe than sorry.
  • Petra Venj: It's the backstage of the universe, Crow. Sculpted by willpower and imagination. What do they teach you in the City?
  • The Crow: Mostly point, shoot, and jump.

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: The Taken presence here is overwhelming. With Quria defeated, I assumed Savathûn would have lost control of them. But... they seem just as organized. Just as directed. By whose hand?
  • Mara Sov: There are greater things in the dark than Hive Gods, Ikora. The Black Fleet's powers are vast. Oryx did not invent the Taken... he merely borrowed them.

Or alternatively

  • Saint-14: Every Tech Witch we rescue gets us one step closer to finding Osiris.
  • The Crow: Good. He won't wait long.
  • Saint-14: Perhaps we find Osiris before Savathûn's plan hatches. Then we let Xivu Arath tear her to pieces.
  • The Crow: That sounds dangerous. I wouldn't want to feed one Hive god to another.
  • Saint-14: Yes, but it is entertaining to picture.

Or alternatively

  • Mara Sov: I can feel the radiance of the beacons permeating through the Ascendant Plane. You have persevered in realms where others have failed time and again.
  • Petra Venj: No cause for celebration yet. There's more work to be done.
  • Mara Sov: Still. Any measure of progress is to be appreciated, is it not, my Wrath?

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: The pieces of the moon drifting in this realm... they all seem to be footholds for Xivu Arath's forces.
  • Mara Sov: Indeed. The Hive god of war has been aggressively sweeping up territory and crashing it into the borders of our own domain. Not entirely unlike a Hive war moon, hollowed out and thrust into a conflict.
  • Ikora Rey:' A staging ground for this invasion?
  • Mara Sov: Possibly. Or more likely, an invasion yet to come.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: Each time you ignite the beacons, you're doing more than just lighting waypoints. These beacons also help stabilize the Ascendant Plane, keeping it from shifting and changing. By your actions, you are making stable routes through the plane and reinforcing it against change and intrusion. In essence, creating a barrier that Xivu Arath's forces will crash against like a violent tide. And hopefully break.

Or alternatively

  • The Crow: Ley Lines. Why is this the first I've heard of them? Savathûn never mentioned them. Not even when we were hunting Xivu Arath's High Celebrant through the Ascendant Plane.
  • Mara Sov: We Awoken understand many forgotten cosmic truths. The existence of Ley Lines is but one. Savathûn knows of them too. But you expected the Witch Queen to tell you the truth? Don't be so naive, my darling.
  • The Crow: What did you call me?

Or alternatively

  • Mara Sov: This is a world divided. With the Techeuns, we can begin to stabilize it. I am presenting you with this responsibility, Guardian.
  • Saint-14: To my knowledge, the downfall of the Dreaming City is not the doing of Guardians.
  • Mara Sov: Guardians found a cracked pane of glass and decided to crash through it. Now that I've returned to the scattered pieces, you feign ignorance to how they got there.
  • Saint-14: I am not feigning ignorance. I am ignorant. I was dead for a very long time, you see.
  • Mara Sov: Yes, Osiris spoke of you frequently during our visits.
  • Saint-14: Then you understand that if he does not return, you answer to me.
  • Mara Sov: Fear not, Saint. Everything is as it should be. Do your part, and I will do mine.

Or alternatively

  • Saint-14: This place is a maze.
  • Petra Venj: Which is why we established guides. Lanterns. Beacons.
  • Saint-14: Geppetto tells me these are, uh... nodes, and that they are connected.
  • Petra Venj: Yes, by Ley Lines. They are like primordial currents you can navigate between worlds.
  • Saint-14: I see. Places share memories... have relationships. Just like us, they have seen so much.
  • Petra Venj: Something like that.

or alternatively

  • The Crow: So, that's another rescued Techeun. Exactly how many of them did you just fling in here? Were you hoping if you hurled enough bodies at the Ascendant Plane, maybe your troubles would go away?
  • Petra Venj: Watch your tone, Crow.
  • The Crow: Or, what, you'll leave me for dead here too?
  • Petra Venj: Oh, I'll do more than that.

Or alternatively

  • Mara Sov: Taken, Scorn, the Hive... our true enemies aligned to a spearhead to halt our rescues of the Techeuns.
  • Ikora Rey: No mention of House Salvation or the Cabal?
  • Mara Sov: House Salvation is in ruins. You saw to that. As for the Cabal... I am not worried about Empress Caiatl. She and I will see eye to eye one day. But Calus...
  • Ikora Rey: I agree, Calus is a problem. We should discuss what the Vanguard found aboard the Glykon. In private.

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: Crow. I didn't receive your latest report.
  • The Crow: Yeah... I've had a lot going on out here. On top of getting the runaround from "middle management."
  • Ikora Rey: That sort of attitude might fly out in the Reef, but you will take your responsibilities as a Guardian seriously.
  • The Crow: I... I, I will. I do. Sorry. I've just — I have a lot on my mind.
  • Ikora Rey: I know. Just remember, you don't have to bear that burden alone.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: Another victory. It's refreshing to see what we can accomplish when Guardians and Awoken cooperate.
  • The Crow: I don't know... the Awoken out here seem to be good at doing two things: losing and hiding. The Guardian and I could've done this ourselves.
  • Petra Venj: You're welcome to go off on your own whenever you like, Crow.
  • The Crow: I'd hate to play into the stereotype. I think I'll stick around.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: Our successes here are mounting, Ikora. We may not need as many hands as you've sent.
  • Ikora Rey: Are you asking me to recall the Crow back to the City?
  • The Crow: You know this isn't a secure channel, right?

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: Based on this latest expedition, Xivu Arath's forces appear to have gathered their strength.
  • Mara Sov: Xivu Arath's title as the Hive God of War is no mere gilding. She earned it. She is a strategist and tactician. Her sister may be known for her cunning, but there is more at work here than a sword's edge.

Or alternatively

  • The Crow: Another victory. It's nice to know I can be trusted to fight the Awoken's battles, but not make decisions for myself.
  • Mara Sov: Why are you so eager to hurt yourself?
  • The Crow: I... I'm not. I mean — I just want to talk to Savathûn. I have questions. I DESERVE answers.
  • Mara Sov: She is nothing but lies. She will only hurt you, and she will not feel regret about it.
  • The Crow: I don't like being told who will and won't hurt me by people I hardly know.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: The Guardian is reporting in that we've made more progress in the Ascendant Plane. Have there been any noticeable changes in the Dreaming City, my queen?
  • Mara Sov: None. The Witch Queen stirs from time to time, but has remained silent. She can sense my ire. She is reveling in it. But I will let her have this small victory.

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: Petra, how many of your Techeuns are stranded in the Ascendant Plane?
  • Petra Venj: I sent thirteen to bring Queen Mara back to us. Others left to rescue those that never returned. It's doubtful they all survived. Xivu Arath saw to that.
  • Ikora Rey: She meant to strand you and bleed you out. Not while I'm here.
  • Petra Venj: The Awoken have been bleeding for a long time, Ikora. Why do you think I opened the Shore to you?

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: Xivu Arath's assault on this operation is relentless. While we've been successful, I'm left with a lingering dread.
  • Petra Venj: Your Guardians have been most tactical, Ikora. I would not fear; we'll succeed.
  • Ikora Rey: It isn't failure I'm worrying about, but success. If Crow and the Guardian hadn't stopped Xivu Arath's High Celebrant... we'd be facing an unrelenting army of Wrathborn. Without Savathûn's assistance, we may have failed here. She knew. She was ten steps ahead of us the whole time, doing whatever it took to reach this moment.

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: Mara, your people are among the oldest in the system. You are survivors of the Collapse. Could your Techeuns shed any light on the nature of the Collapse? Assist the Vanguard in combatting the Black Fleet?
  • Mara Sov: Oh, Ikora, no. Whatever the Awoken were before we fell into the rift between the Light and Dark no longer exists. Whatever we experienced of the Collapse is an ephemeral dream not driven by fact or logic, but seared in our hearts. And as one who has stared down the Black Fleet personally? All I can teach is humility.

Or alternatively

  • Petra Venj: I'm pleased to report we've made more progress, my queen.
  • Mara Sov: Have you detected any change in the Taken's activities?
  • Petra Venj: Nothing that seems indicative of a pattern; they're continuing to throw themselves against the same dimensional faults.
  • Mara Sov: I see. Keep me appraised of any notable changes.
  • Petra Venj: Is there... something specific you're looking for?
  • Mara Sov: Whispers.. from the Voice in the Darkness.

Or alternatively

  • Mara Sov: Tell me, Ikora, did it trouble you when your Traveler chose Uldren to become a Guardian?
  • Ikora Rey: Did it trouble you to let your brother fall into corruption when you could have intervened? Or are your unknowable agendas somehow exempt from criticism?
  • Mara Sov: He needs to be here. With me. If you can encourage him to return...
  • Ikora Rey: He's free to make his own choices, Queen Mara.
  • Mara Sov: So I've seen.

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: I've spoken with some of the previous Techeuns you've recovered. The interviews have been... enlightening. They all speak of different, surreal experiences during their time trapped in the Ascendant Plane. But there is on commonality shared among them. Someone whispering to them in the dark. There is something else out there, Guardian. An enemy yet to reveal itself.

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: These Ley Lines look strange. I've been consulting our records, and these do not match their given descriptions. I see no delicate, silken ribbons of light weaving between the cosmic geometry.
  • Mara: These "ribbons" are frayed. They have been open for too long. Destabilized. They may never fully recover.
  • Ikora Rey: And what long-term effects will that have on the Ascendant Plane? That damage?
  • Mara Sov: Catastrophic vulnerability. Like a hole in your city's Wall.
  • Ikora Rey: We'll do whatever we can to shore up the Awoken's defenses. You have my word.

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: As I'm looking at these charts of the Ley Lines, I'm seeing considerable overlap with once-secret Awoken outposts.
  • Mara Sov: Yes, our trade secrets revealed. The Ley Lines were a means by which we expanded our empire without notice of our enemies. Though, we may have lost so much in such a small amount of time. Oryx's arrival those few years ago undid a great deal of work.
  • Ikora Rey: Could these routes be repurposed? Move other forces or... ships? Like how the Hive navigate their Tomb Ships?
  • Mara Sov: I very much appreciate the way you think. Speak with me in private.

Or alternatively

  • Ikora Rey: Mara, have your Techeuns ever utilized a power like Stasis?
  • Mara Sov: Not as such. Our manipulations of the Light and Dark are different than what you Guardians do, or what House Salvation did. We are closer to House Salvation's manipulation of paracausal forces through technology. But I see little difference between their Stasis-channeling technology and your Ghosts. Outside of levels of sophistication.
  • Ikora Rey: As always, not the answer I was expecting, but an intriguing one nevertheless. We'll talk more later.



List of appearances
