Operation Fulgurite (Abyss)


Mayday, Mayday (Midnight)



Operation Fulgurite (Abyss)


Season of the Deep




Bathypelagic Midnight, Titan

Enemy faction(s):

Xivu Arath's Horde

Hostile race(s):



A high-value concentration of Egregore coral has been detected beneath the ocean.
Dive to the Abyss depth of Titan's methane sea, fight back the horrors that lurk there, and recover all the egregore coral you can.

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Operation Fulgurite (Abyss) is the fourth Mission of Season of the Deep, accessed through the Into the Depths quest. The Guardian dives into the sea of Titan alongside Sloane and with support from Drifter and Ahsa to recover Egregore coral and confront an old enemy.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.
  • Arcology Airlock
    • Airlock door opened
  • Ahsa's Blessing
    • Ahsa offers you a gift. Choose one you prefer.
  • Dive into the Abyss Depth
    • Caves discovered
  • Plant Egregore Resonator
    • Resonator activated
  • Defeat Coral Devourers and Purify Their Samples
    • Egregore coral cleansed: X of 2
  • Defeat the Interlopers
    • Interlopers defeated: X of 2
  • Defeat Coral Devourers and Purify Their Samples
    • Egregore coral cleansed: X of 2
  • Defeat the Interlopers
    • Interlopers defeated: X of 4
  • Defeat Coral Devourers and Purify Their Samples
    • Egregore coral cleansed: X of 3
  • Plant Egregore Resonator
    • Resonator Activated
  • Taken from Bones
    • Kelgorath, Taken from Bones defeated
  • Secure the Haul of Egregore Coral.
    • Egregore coral secured.
  • Collect Rewards
    • Collect Rewards


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

{Loading Screen}

  • Zavala: Fireteam, this is Operation Fulgurite. Scans have uncovered a rich shelf of Egregore coral at a depth we've yet to explore. So rich, in fact, that it has attracted the attention of a Taken Knight and their minions.
  • Drifter: And they're radiating Taken energy, turning our haul rancid.
  • Sloane: [clears throat]
  • Drifter: Uh, you don't mind if I take it from here — do ya, Big Blue? Good. We're diving into the dark and robbin' the Taken blind! Woo! Let's be heroes.
  • Zavala: Indeed.


Bathypelagic Midnight, New Pacific Arcology, Titan

The Guardian transmats in 2750 meters into the Methane Sea.

The Guardian opens the airlock into the area.

  • Sloane: Just so we're clear: disrespect the commander again, I'll hurl you off the Arcology like a shot put.
  • Drifter: That all it'll take to get you to surface? I'm betting the ocean floor feels like home sweet home now... eh, chief?
  • Sloane: Deputy Commander.
  • Drifter: Get swallowed up by anything big while you were out there?
  • Sloane: [sighs] Not much cover at seafloor. Before Ahsa, they tried.
  • Drifter: Doesn't sound so bad. Open space, cozy long-girl. How'd you sleep?
  • Sloane: Like a lamb in power armor — stay on mission! And don't call her that.

The Guardian fends for themselves against stray taken.

The Guardian receives one of the offered blessings from Ahsa.

The Guardian dives up to 3500 meters into the Methane Sea.

Abyssopelagic Abyss, New Pacific Arcology, Titan

  • Drifter: Thing is... since you strapped on that rig and walked out into the deep, I've been itching to know... you regret it?
  • Sloane: Worried you couldn't hack it? From what I hear, you're a survivalist.
  • Drifter: [chuckles] I've run from every damn thing, if that's surviving. But, uh... you commit.

The Guardian dives up to 4000 meters into the Methane Sea.

  • Drifter: [sighs] I'm fixing to commit to something stupid myself — get swept up in a cause. So be real. You regret it?
  • Sloane: The Vanguard had a file on you. Doesn't paint you as the hero type. YOU might regret it.
  • Drifter: Well, ain't that the truth?

The Guardian reaches a pocket of air in a cave at 4450 meters.

The Guardian plants the Egregore Resonator.

  • Sloane: Deploying tsunameter. This whole shelf is contaminated.

Taken, including Coral Devourers, arrive contaminating the coral samples.

Egregore coral purified!

The Guardian cleanses the corrupted coral by purifying them in a tsunameters.

Interlopers approaching!

Wrathful Interlopers arrive.

  • Sloane: Stop, stop! ENOUGH!

The Guardian defeats the Wrathful Interlopers.

  • Drifter: Keep it coming. I've seen you run Motes faster than this — pick it up!

More Coral Devourers alongside Servile Hobgoblins arrive contaminating the coral samples.

The Guardian cleanses the corrupted coral by purifying them in a tsunameters.

  • Sloane: Guardian, I Just tangoed with a massive Taken Knight — clocked 'em, but they're right behind me. I'll keep their attention — wait. They're gone!
  • Drifter: That Knight's headed your way, hero. Get ready for a showdown.

The Guardian is forcibly pulled through a taken portal.

Asphyxiator’s Hollow, New Pacific Arcology, Titan

The Guardian is taken 5000 meters into the Methane Sea.

The Guardian plants the Egregore Resonator.

Kelgorath, Taken from Bones arrives

  • Sloane: I'm cut off. Give 'em hell, Guardian!

The Guardian defeats Kelgorath, Taken from Bones and their blights.

The Guardian extracts the egregore coral

  • Drifter: Aw, they shoulda kept running! Look at 'em now: they're dead! Ha ha!
  • Sloane: [pants heavily] Well, if you didn't need the backup, I could have saved myself the leg cramps. [exhales in exhaustion] Let's exfil. Get this back to the long-girl — yes, I like it — and hear what she's got for us.
  • Drifter: See? It grows on you. Talking with her must be a trip and a half.
  • Sloane: [chuckles] It's a bit like... wandering out into the dark. You're lost for a minute, but... then your eyes adjust, and you acclimate. Things normalize.
  • Drifter: One foot in front of the other. Funny how many things work like that.
  • Sloane: Ain't that the truth.

The Guardian opens the Deep Chest



