Various Events are available as high-level endgame activities designed to be played after reaching Level 20. The rewards can include high-end loot, but are only available after a single completion with each character. [1]
Regular Events
These events are always available at a regular basis.
Daily Crucible Event
Every day one Crucible gametype is chosen at random to be that day's Crucible event. This can include one of the rotating playlists not in regular circulation. The daily event offers more rewards than are normally available from a single match, including Passage Coins to get into the Trials of Osiris.
- Year One
- Year Two
- Fifteen Legendary Marks
Weekly Crucible Playlist
Each week a Crucible playlist is chosen at random and featured for the entire week. Similar to the Vanguard Heroic Strikes, players can earn rewards for the first three matches completed in the playlist each week. Rewards are account-wide, rather than per character; completing three matches with one character and switching to another character will not grant any further rewards until the weekly reset.
- Ten Legendary Marks (up to three times per week)
Daily Heroic Story
Every day a random Story Mission is selected. The mission features the Heroic modifier, and offers more rewards than are normally available from replaying a Story mission. A minimum Light level of 350 (formerly 240) is required.
- Year One
- Level 20/22/24: One Engram, ten Armor Materials, one Primary Weapon upgrade, five Vanguard Marks, 4800 Experience
- Level 26/28/30: One Ascendant Material, one Engram, twelve Upgrade Materials, one Primary Weapon upgrade, five Vanguard Marks, 6000 Experience
- Level 30/32/34: Two Ascendant Material, one Engram, sixteen Upgrade Materials, one Primary Weapon upgrade, five Vanguard Marks, 7500 Experience
- Year Two
- Fifteen Legendary Marks
Alternate Endings
Certain Story missions have alternate endings which can only be accessed when that mission is selected for the Daily Heroic Story. Known missions with these endings include:
- Lost to Light—players can access the normally-sealed Traitor's Ketch area near the end of the mission and have 10 minutes to clear the ship of all enemies, including a Taken Captain boss. Successfully completing this challenge rewards the Black Spindle.
- Paradox—alternate paths in the Vault of Glass areas hide three Dead Ghosts containing the memories of the lost Guardian Praedyth. Collecting all three without dying in a Darkness Zone allows players to enter a portal where they must defeat a Taken Minotaur boss. Successfully completing this challenge rewards a total of four unique Grimoire cards and the "Cult Ghost" Mission Item, which can be turned in to Lakshmi-2 for a cache of materials.
Weekly Heroic Strike (Year One)
Weekly Heroic Strikes were removed in The Taken King and replaced by the Vanguard Heroic Strike playlist.[2]
Each week, a random Strike was selected for the Weekly Heroic Strike. This Strike had both the Heroic modifier and an additional random modifier. Selecting a higher difficulty increased the reward payoff. Matchmaking was allowed.[1]
- Level 24/26/28: One Engram, three Strange Coins, three Vanguard Marks, 150 Vanguard Reputation
- Level 28/30/32: One Engram, six Strange Coins, six Vanguard Marks, 250 Vanguard Reputation
- Level 30/32/34: One Engram, nine Strange Coins, ten Vanguard Marks, 400 Vanguard Reputation
Vanguard Heroic Strikes (Year Two)
Vanguard Heroic Strikes replace the Weekly Heroic Strike. Players can play the Vanguard Heroic Strike playlist and earn rewards for the first three Strikes completed in it each week. Rewards are account-wide, rather than per character; achieving three wins with one character and switching to another character will not grant any further rewards until the weekly reset. All Strikes in the Vanguard Heroic playlist feature both the Heroic modifier and three random modifiers. A minimum Light level of 260 is required.
- One Legendary Engram (rewarded on the first completed Strike each week only)
- Ten Legendary Marks (up to three times per week)
- Experience
Nightfall Strike
The Nightfall Strike is an extremely difficult Level 42 strike with five modifiers total. One of the modifiers is Epic, which replaces Heroic. The remaining four modifiers are random. Matchmaking is unavailable. The Nightfall is always a different Strike from the Weekly Heroic Strike; before House of Wolves, the two used the same Strike each week.[3] A minimum Light level of 380 is recommended.
- Year One
- Random—rewards can include up to a dozen Strange Coins, various crafting materials, and Legendary or even Exotic gear.
- Radiant Light buff—all experience and reputation gains are increased for the rest of the week. Radiant Light was removed in The Taken King; sources of XP and Reputation were adjusted accordingly to make up for its absence.[4]
- Year Two
- Random—rewards can include up to a dozen Strange Coins, various crafting materials, and Legendary or even Exotic gear.
Special Events
These events are only available on rare occasions or under special circumstances.
Crimson Days
Coinciding with Valentine's Day, Crimson Days is a week-long celebration held at the Tower. Players can play the 2v2 Crimson Doubles Crucible mode to earn exclusive event rewards.
Festival of the Lost
Coinciding with Halloween, the Festival of the Lost is a week-long celebration held at the Tower. Players can collect various candies and masks.
Iron Banner
Roughly once every month, the Iron Banner becomes available in the Crucible and lasts for a week. It is based on the Control gametype. See the Iron Banner article for more details.
Queen's Wrath
For one week, Petra Venj appears in the Tower as the Queen's Wrath, offering Bounties for wanted Fallen found on Patrol. A new Bounty becomes available each day. Hunting down these enemies gives players the chance to open an Ether Chest, and buy Emblems and Shaders.
Sparrow Racing League
The Sparrow Racing League is a three-week event directed by Amanda Holliday. Players compete is races using their Sparrows and special racing armor to earn exclusive rewards.
Trials of Osiris
Every week, from Friday to the weekly reset on Tuesday 2 AM Pacific, the Trials of Osiris becomes available to those who own the House of Wolves expansion. Like the Iron Banner, it's a high-challenge event, but what sets it apart is that entry must be paid for. See article for details.
Solstice of Heroes
The Solstice of Heroes was available to every Destiny 2 player during the entire month of August 2017, and was made to celebrate The Guardian's triumphs during the Red War. It featured remade Redux Story Missions, three new armor sets per class to collect and upgrade, and new Eververse cosmetics. It also featured Destiny 2 Year 1 Moments of Triumphs.
List of Appearances