"Ship-to-ship combat with the most ferocious pirates in the Sol system."
— Mission description

Ketchcrash is a six-player matchmade activity that was released alongside Season of Plunder. The players must defend their Ketch from Fallen pirates before boarding the enemy's vessel and eliminating the captain.[1]

Prepare to be Boarded.


Following the rescue of Spider from the House of Salvation, the Spider gives his Ketch to The Guardian and Drifter as payment. During this rescue, the Guardian learns of Eramis, Kell of Darkness's escape from her stasis prison and her current attempt to rally the Fallen's Old Crews. The Guardian alongside The Drifter, Spider, Mithrax, Kell of Light, and Mithrax's daughter Eido, Daughter of Misraaks convene in a bar in the Eliksni Quarter to discuss what to do. The group decides to take the fight to the Old Crews and sets off to the stars to defeat the captains and plunder their treasure before Eramis can get it.



Ketchcrash begins with the player's Ketch being assaulted by waves of Fallen. In order to repel these attacks, the players must eliminate the invaders and then capture four cannons located on the four corners of the ship's deck. Waves of Fallen will begin to spawn in to halt progress and retake the cannons. After all four cannons are calibrated and fire off their rounds, the waves will end and the players will be prompted to launch themselves onto the lower deck of the enemy Ketch.

The players will make their way through the lower decks and encounter a room with three exits, a panel that will continue the activity when interacted with, and a place to plant a Rally Banner. Interacting with the pad will open one of the three doors.

Defeat the Security Optic

The center door will lead to a large room filled with gold and several enemies. At the center of the room, there will be a large Security Optic protected by four Security Turrets, two in front of it and two more on the ceiling, as well as three Security Servitors standing in marked positions. Killing the Servitors will allow the players to capture the area they were defending. Once all three areas are captured, the Optic will be vulnerable. Once at half health, the Optic will re-apply its shield and restore any destroyed turrets, and more servitors will spawn. Once the Optic is defeated, the players can move on.

Defeat Walkers

The right door will lead to a large room with a Fallen Walker inside with another spawning in on the other side of the room. The Walkers will be damageable for one half of their heath, at which they will become immune. The players must find and kill a yellow bar Captain who will drop a Scorch Cannon on death. Players must use that scorch cannon to destroy nodes that line the walls and floor of the arena. Destroying all nodes will drop the immunity shield and the walkers will be damageable again. Once both walkers are defeated, the players can move on.

Destroy The Storage Tanks

The left door will lead to a room filled with Fallen and several tanks of Ether. Some Ether tanks will be marked purple, indicating that these tanks must be destroyed. Periodically, a large shimmering Heavy Shank will spawn and will drop Ether Charges on death. Players will need to pick up these Ether Charges and throw them at the marked Ether Tanks, destroying the tanks. Once all marked tanks are destroyed, the players can move on.

Clear the Captain's Quarter

After one of these rooms have been cleared, the door will open and lead players into a large room with the captain inside. Players will need to eliminate all enemies in the room, while which the captain will teleport away. In the center of the room is a place to plant a Rally Banner and a pad that will continue the activity when interacted with. Interacting with the pad will open another door and players will proceed to one of the two other activities. Once this second activity has been completed, the players can move on to the boss fight.

Ketchcrash enemies




List of appearances


  1. ^ Bungie (2022/8/23), Destiny 2: Season of Plunder