
Forums: Index Fan Fiction Shadowkeeper Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

Other name(s):

Plague of Darkness
Ender of Worlds



Focal world(s):

Solar System


Destroy the Traveler and recreate the universe with Darkness

At war with:

House of Time
Imperial Cabal
House of Flame
Castris's Criminal Empire


Rippling shadowy forms
Golden eyes

Average lifespan:


Notable group(s):

The Shadowkeepers
House of Shadows, Shadow Splicers
Shadow Brood
Shadow Divisive
Shadow Legion, Shadow Enclave
The Reborn
Cult of the Scorned

Notable individual(s):

The Black Swordsman
The White Angel

The Shadowkeepers
Shadow Army Banner.png
Shadow Collective
Shadow Collective

"I've seen the world you created. In the oceans were deserts of bone. Fires filled the horizon. And everywhere I walked, there was screaming."
— Sara Lance, moments before her death.

The Shadowkeepers are a multi-species and varied force consisting of all six species - Eliksni, Hive, Vex, Cabal, Human, and Awoken - thus far encountered by the Guardians and Lightbearers of The Last City.

Led by the dyad leadership of The Black Swordsman and The White Angel, they are a legion of potent enemies who serve The Black Fleet and its dark forces. Empowered by the powers of the Darkness, they have led countless sieges against the forces of the Light, seeking to fulfill the dark prophecy by recreating the entire universe in the Darkness's image.

They are the main antagonists of the Paradox expansion.




Road to the Collapse

Uniting the Enemies of Light

"My loyal and ambitious subjects, you are here today to finally end your troubles, finally end your griefs over your losses, finally to end your droughts against The Last City's forces...and to finally bring your people's salvation. The wait is finally over, for I, Kirito, Chosen by the Winnower, Champion of the Black Fleet, Bringer to Light's End, will bring you the Salvation and justice that you crave so dearly..."
The Black Swordsman

Assault on the Empire

"That arrogant ignoramus could never understand the truly grand design of beauty and power, not like I can. Now that I have power at my literal fingertips and an army to call my own, I can now pursue the one true ambition every creature, lowly and mighty, in this godforsaken system pursues. Power. And with it, all will fall to their knees before me, or by my might they'll be damned."
Tyranaks, the Overlord

Sometime prior to the Second Collapse, Kirito and some of his family would meet with the criminal leadership of Castris's Criminal Empire in the hopes of bolstering their forces and acquiring new, illicit hardware. Castris, with profits in mind, would instead declare neutrality on both sides. However, following the failed negotiations, the actions of defectors Tyranaks, Lilthis and Kamrak would catch the attention of Tatsuyi Kirigaya, the eldest son of Kazuto, who would contact them with the promise of power and individual sovereign over the criminal underground; the trio would accept this deal in a heartbeat. From the powers of the Fusion bestowed to them, the triune would help to pioneer the field of Fusion-wielding weaponry and tech, as well as fashion new tactics from the profane power such as the Marrow combat stimulant, Fusion Warping and particle manipulation. From their new powers and the backing of the Shadowkeepers, the criminal alliance known as the Shadow Collective was formed.

Their first order of business was subverting the crippled Seraphite Cartel into the Shadow Collective, where the trio executed the remaining leadership, Zevaksis included. With the destruction of a long-hated Criminal franchise, many of the remnants would join the ranks of the Shadow Collective, the dens would be turned into firebases and forward-operating bases, and their Ethrite refining machinery would be repurposed by Kamrak to accelerate production of Marrow. Following this, Tyranaks would put his plan against his former crime syndicate into motion. With the help of his close friends and superior, he would conspire against Castris and her crime empire in an effort to rope them into the Shadowkeepers to weaken the enterprise, assassinate its leadership and claim it for himself. During this, he would begin assassinating some of the syndicate's associates to sever the ties between them and the Vanguard, including Hunter Ashe-5, her Ghost, and other imperial emissaries. This would, as according to plan, catch the attention of both the Syndicate and spies from the last city. With the help of Kotrik, they were able to kill Rudolph McAlister; however, syndicate investigators Solviks and Myra Winters narrowly escaped their would-be assassins. While the partners continued their search for answers, spymaster Robert E. O. Speedwagon, assisted by his fellow partners Tattoo and Kempo Master, would conduct his own investigation, where he witnessed the murder of Vibe and confronted his murderer, Tatsuyi, who would leave him paralyzed and rightfully angry at Vibe and Ashe's unjust fates, where he would finally swear vengeance against Castris and her empire, as according to plan.

However, Tyranaks would soon realize that Solviks and Myra survived the attempt on their lives. He would scramble as many of his assets to tie up any loose ends and prevent them from investigating the conspiracy any further. Meanwhile, he would dispatch his lieutenants, Kamrak and Lilthis, to hunt down and capture the Syndicate's arms dealer, Wren Kinsing, and his Ghost. During this, the Gunslinger and Guardian associate would eventually get some answers from one of the Shadow Collective's lackeys and would finally uncover Tyranaks's ploy from a bounty hunter indentured into the Shadow Collective's ranks. Before they could return to Castris with their newfound information, Speedwagon would recover his consciousness and would pick up on the investigation, where he would intercept a distress call from Wren himself. After saving the Syndicate's arms dealer from the disguised Shadow operatives, he would interrogate the Warlock before realizing the syndicate still maintained its neutralist agenda and the sword used to murder Ashe was recently purchased off him. But before he could get more answers, the two would be ambushed by the Fusion-empowered lieutenants and would be swiftly overpowered, leading to Wren's kidnapping and Speedwagon's wounding, where he would first personally meet Tyranaks himself, who threatened his life if he kept searching this far down. After, once again recovering from his wounds and with the help of the syndicate's investigators, he would soon realize this was a conspiracy and would report his findings to the Vanguard while the duo prepared to warn Castris of the war to come. Now realizing his plan was falling apart at the seams, Tyranaks then desperately enacted a new plot to amplify the powers of Fusion within him. A plan that would eventually drive him to the verge of madness from fascination and a road that would lead him to his death.

Call to the Shadows

The Second Collapse

Retaking of Sol



Shadowkeeper Descendants

Shadowkeeper Champions



List of appearances
