Forum:Eobard Thawne

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Eobard Thawne
Biographical information

Other name(s):

Professor Thawne


Earth (Pre-Collapse)




2451 (abducted)






180.3 cm


81.2 kg

Hair color:

Strawberry blonde

Eye color:


Political and military information


The Black Fleet


Shadowkeeper's Champion (Retaking of Sol)



Notable info:

Helped Kirito and Asuna destroy The Last City


— hhh

Eobard Thawne, also known as title, is a member of the Shadowkeepers and a servant of the Black Fleet. Formerly a scientist from the twenty-second century, he would be resurrected as a thrall of Darkness to further the plans of the Fleet to break the Last City.

He is a supporting antagonist of the Paradox expansion.


Golden Age and CollapseEdit

Born in the year 2151, shortly after the discovery of the Traveler on Mars, Eobard became a respected scientist, working alongside legends such as Jacob Hardy in studying the nature of the Light. During the course of these studies—through which many notable revolutions and inventions in science and technology came about—Eobard naturally inferred the existence of The Darkness as a dualistic corollary of the Light, and further hypothesized the existence of an "anti-Traveler". His mentor, Jacob Hardy, was skeptical of these claims but ensured that funding towards the creation of the Argus array would flow. Designed to detect extrasolar enemies in addition to scanning the heavens for signs of life, the Argus array was Eobard's lifework and legacy of the Golden Age.

Sometime before the First Collapse the Argus array was co-opted by the A.I. Rasputin and placed into his warsat network, anticipating the arrival of Eobard's anti-Traveler. Eobard was also commissioned to develop weapons for the A.L.I.C.E. program, and to investigate the appearance of "time anomalies" that became present on worlds such as Venus and Mercury. These investigations led to the discovery of the Speed Force. In conjunction with Clovis Bray, Eobard designed weapons designed to harness the power of the Speed Force to affect time-traveling entities, though it was unknown to Eobard where these weapons were going towards; in reality, they were used to equip Exo soldiers fighting the Vex on Europa.

During the First Collapse, Eobard was on the Yang Liwei headed for an extrasolar colonization program. His purpose on the mission was to develop technologies that mirrored the Light without relying on the Traveler. When the ship was attacked by a Pyramid, Eobard mysteriously disappeared as the Traveler's Light-pulse interacted with the Pyramid's dark powers. He was subsequently among the Nine Lost of the newborn Awoken.

The Pyramids ArriveEdit

The truth was more subtle. Of the Lost Nine, they had been drawn away. Four went to the mysterious entities known as "the Nine", to act as their Voices. Three were drawn back to the Traveler, to assume forms strange and alien. Two were drawn into the Pyramid. Of these two, only Thawne remained, warped beyond imagination. Gone was the bright scientist who created for the good of humanity; in his place was a Shadow. When the chaos of the First Collapse ended, the Pyramid "released" Thawne and bade him to survive.

As a Shadow, Thawne fled through space, seeking sanctuary. The Fleet had been repulsed, not anticipating the fight put up by the Traveler. With wings and swords of Light now anathema to his very existence, Eobard eventually—under great pain and duress—located the disabled Lunar Pyramid and sheltered within. He would remain in a dreamless sleep for many hundreds of years.


Personality and TraitsEdit


List of appearancesEdit