Grimoire Taken.jpg


Serve Oryx, Savathûn, Xivu Arath, the Hive, Riven, and the Darkness
Claim as many worlds as possible
Avenge Crota

At war with:

The City
The Reef

Average height:


Average weight:



Enslaved and corrupted version of other races
Violent twitching movements
Blackened bodies burn with an ethereal, bluish-white flame
Mere presence causes blurry vision

Average lifespan:


Notable individual(s):

Baxx, Hand of Oryx
Malok, Pride of Oryx
Syrok, Word of Oryx
Ta'aun, Hand of Oryx
Grask, the Consumed
Echo of Oryx
Quria, Blade Transform
The Perfect Raven
Voice of Riven
Morgeth, the Spirekeeper
Riven of a Thousand Voices


"The process is simple: an aperture opens, like a jaw, and swallows a living thing. It passes into — another place. Later, it returns. What returns is... I try to use the word ‘shadow’ but Eris hisses at me [...] insists that these Taken are more real, somehow. She uses words like inhabited, exalted, rendered final... [...] My Hidden tell me that the Taken shine with seething, negative light. As if the universe is curling up around them. As if they radiate some pathology that decays into our world as nothingness... The Taken serve Oryx. But I think those jaws lead elsewhere."
Ikora Rey[1]

The Taken are Darkness-corrupted entities originating from multiple species warped into the Ascendant Plane and paracausally altered to serve their given purpose. Once used by Oryx, the Taken King as his personal army, they have more recently been utilized by other powerful Darkness-aligned entities in the wake of Oryx's defeat, including Savathûn, the Witch Queen; Quria, Blade Transform; Xivu Arath, God of War; and the Taken Ahamkara, Riven. The Drifter, a rogue human Lightbearer known for experimenting with the Darkness, has also managed to achieve a level of temporary control over the Taken.


— Recovered from Simulation Core of Corrupted Minotaur[2]

The power to create Taken is granted by the Darkness itself, and is bestowed only to its most formidable servants. The process of Taking involves summoning a portal or aperture that rips an individual out of the universe and transports them to an unknown location within the Ascendant Plane[3]. There, the Taken-possessed victim is met by the will of whomever Took them, who offers them a way to overcome their former weaknesses. The Taken being then returns to their original universe with new paracausal abilities and a compulsion to serve the one that Took them.[1]

Taken resemble their former selves for the most part, but are both ghost-like, shadowed and eerily glowing, with a blindingly bright orb typically obscuring their facial features. Many Taken are seen to shiver or twitch in a disturbing manner, and their vocalizations are warped into shrieks and howls. Over time, exceptionally powerful Taken have been seen to grow pairs of black, curving spikes from their bodies.

The Taken constantly exude a substance called Blight, which resembles a shadowy liquid or gas charged with energy. Wherever Taken have become entrenched, spherical aggregations of Blight are commonly seen; these seem to serve a variety of purposes, including shield generators, area-denial, and interdimensional communication nodes.

Taken versions of enemies have radically different behaviors from their standard counterparts, including new abilities designed to counter Guardian abilities. Groups of Taken can be mixed with members of different species,[4] and can appear on Earth, Venus, Mars, Dreadnaught and Io in most activities; on the Moon, in select Destiny Story missions and certain Patrol activites in both Destiny and Destiny 2.[5][6]

Taken are unwaveringly loyal to their master, and will turn on former allies without hesitation. Even strong-willed enemies such as Vex Axis Minds or Cabal commanders are incapable of resisting this change. Although new Taken can only be created through the Taking of new victims, existing Taken will remain (albeit aimless and disorganized) indefinitely if their master is killed. A sufficiently powerful being with the ability to Take can assume control of Taken previously generated by a different individual.

While all Taken are enslaved to their master's will, more powerful Taken retain a degree of independent thought and initiative, mostly at the discretion of the master themselves, to "keep them interesting." After Oryx's defeat, the Taken Knight Malok, Pride of Oryx, attempted to seize the vacant throne for himself. Other Taken, such as Noru'usk, Servant of Oryx, have aspirations to ascend while many, like Keksis, the Betrayed, are lost and leaderless. With the advent of the Red War, Taken activity spiked and was more coordinated. Ikora hypothesized that the Taken were no longer leaderless, with signs pointing to Savathûn being the one controlling the Taken, possibly claiming the power to Take for herself.

Throughout the events of Forsaken, Kalli, Shuro Chi, and Sedia were able to be "cured" of their Taken influence, proving that it is possible for some beings to reverse the process.


The Ancient Past

"The Hive entity Oryx/Aurash is deploying a paracausal ontopathogenic weapon that infects and subverts Ecumene forces. The weapon operates on individual targets. Targets are abducted and returned as compliant Hive slaves with inexplicable and physically illegal abilities. All Ecumene clients should IMMEDIATELY devote all economic and cognitive resources to a countermeasure.
Fight hard. We stop the Hive here, or see our galaxy devoured.
Ecumene Crisis Council
Oryx in his echo form.

In the distant past, the Hive god Auryx sought to obtain the power to Take in order to help him defeat the Ecumene. He killed his two sisters to gain an audience with Akka, the Worm god of Secrets, whom he then slew in turn. Auryx stole the secrets from its flesh and wrote them upon a set of tablets he named the Tablets of Ruin. After speaking to the Deep directly, he returned, mantled as Oryx, the Taken King.[7]

With this new power Oryx waged war upon the Ecumene and defeated them utterly over a period of one thousand, one hundred and forty years, in the process conjuring back his two sisters in the same way he had killed them.[8][9]

During the Golden Amputation Oryx Took the Emperor Raven and assured the defeat of the Taishibethi[10] When the Vex invaded his Throne world Oryx Took and turned them against one another, eventually expelling the cybernetic machines from his domain.[11] Later, aboard the Nicha Thought-ship Oryx encountered and Took Quria, Blade Transform[12], the Vex mind which had orchestrated the organized invasion of his Throne, and later gifted it to his sister Savathûn as a present.[13]

Taken War

"What Crota began, I complete. My will... conquers all!"
— Oryx,the Taken King
Taken Prince, Malok

The Taken War was a major, system-wide conflict fought between the Hive, led by Oryx, and all other races in the system. The war began as a direct result of the Guardians slaying Oryx's son Crota, to stop an attempted invasion of Earth. Oryx brought his fleet to Saturn and made free use of the power to Take in his assault on the Solar System. He Took Fallen, Vex, and Cabal in enormous numbers, besides his own Hive and began blighting the system with his Taken forces. When he unleashed his Dreadnaught's superweapon against Queen Mara Sov's fleet, he also Took the Techeuns Sedia, Kalli, and Shuro Chi, and through them was able to invade and corrupt the Dreaming City, where he Took the Ahamkara Riven.[14][15]

With Oryx's defeat, his surviving Taken were released from his control and rendered independent but directionless. [16] Oryx was assumed to be the only known entity to date to have possessed the power to Take, but following the Taken War, others such as Malok developed the ability to manipulate Taken and their blights. In particular, with assistance from the Techeuns and Variks, the Reef was able to capture a large number of Taken within their Prison of Elders and developed a reliable method for infusing Taken energy into their arms and armor. [17]


Grask, once a Cabal, now a Taken.

"The Taken King is dead. Yet his armies writhe and claw at our worlds."
— Eris Morn[18]

Some time after Oryx's death, Savathûn assumed control of the Taken, apparently through the Taken Vex Quria, Blade Transform.[19]

Two years later, during the events of the Red War, the Taken invaded the European Dead Zone and corrupted a forest outside of the Traveler's shard. Certain Taken had also mutated physically, developing two large, curving spikes on their backs. A Red Legion commander was also somehow converted into a Taken, even though Oryx had been defeated prior to the invasion. Ikora commented that these Taken were no longer leaderless, but had to be acting under a new higher power.[20]

During the events of the Dark Alliance Adventure, Red Legion Psions successfully used their powers to steal and infuse Taken energy into themselves and their superiors, empowering them with Taken-powered weapons and shielding. However, this effort was stopped by The Guardian.[21]

On Io, it was discovered by Ikora and Asher Mir that the Taken had established a foothold after being drawn there by remnants of the Traveler's Light. When they attempted to summon a large number of Taken to overtake the moon, The Guardian intervened and disable the portal they had conjured. They also found a way to turn the local Vex into more Taken, with the intention to take a Vex mind and breach the Vex's network to control the Vex as a whole. This plan, however, was discovered and stopped by The Guardian also.


The Dreaming City at the end of three weeks.

"The [King] despaired in his final moments. Rightly so. His vengeance denied."

The Drifter, a rogue Light-bearer, managed to jury-rig his Ghost with parts salvaged from the Ghosts of his former crew, allowing it access to paracausal spectrums beyond that of the Light, including the Darkness-aligned powers of the Taken. With it, the Drifter is able to create Motes of Darkness and employed them as part of a game called "Gambit", pitting Guardians against their enemies and each other in a bid to harvest these Motes for himself. He is eventually gifted a subspace of the Ascendant Plane from the Nine which he dubbed The Haul, where he caged the leftover Taken from Oryx's army whilst building his own. Among these Taken summoned during these Gambit matches are exceptionally powerful and ancient Taken known as Primevals, which he can summon using Motes of Darkness.

For months following the Taken War, the Dreaming City was warped in-between the Ascendant Plane, infested by Taken and their blights undisturbed until Oryx's sister reached out towards the Taken Riven and gave her a new purpose. Now able to exert her influence from beyond her prison, Riven manipulated Uldren Sov into unleashing an agent of hers from the City, which the Guardian quickly killed. Petra Venj, investigating the source of Uldren's corruption and the Taken curse within the City, surmised Riven as the cause after having made contact with Queen Mara Sov at the Oracle Engine. At the Queen's behest, Petra enlisted the support from the Vanguard to have Riven killed and her heart cleansed of her Taken essence.

A Guardian Raid team was quickly formed and breached their way into the corrupted heart of the City, where they freed the Techeuns Kalli and Shuro Chi from their Taken corruption. While the Taken Riven baited the Guardians into killing her, they inadvertently made a single collective wish, allowing Riven to alter the rules of ascendancy within the Dreaming City according to Toland. In ending the Ahamkara, Riven's wish cursed the realm; Taken energies having saturated and engulfed huge portions of the city.

As the curse continued to blight the Dreaming City for three weeks, Petra was able to identify the true source of the city's Taken curse: Dûl Incaru, a daughter of the Witch-Queen and the mastermind behind her mother's scheme to access the Distributary using the Awoken secrets found within the City, commanding the curse from Mara's desecrated throne-world of Eleusinia. Upon the third week of the curse, the Guardians charged the dimensional rift generator of the Blind Well and opened a rift into Eleusinia, where they could confront the Witch and her Fatesmith bodyguards.

However, upon the death of Dûl Incaru, the Eternal Return, the Dreaming city reverted back to the state it was in when the curse was first unleashed. The curse then spread in the same manner it had previously, with it being revealed that the curse trapped the Dreaming City within a time loop that resets whenever Dûl Incaru is killed. Through messages left by an unknown sender, it is revealed that the loop was made possible through the wish Riven granted upon her "death", and modeled upon Vex simulations overseen by Quria, Blade Transform.

Joker's Wild

After the Drifter unveiled Gambit Prime and The Reckoning to the Guardians, the Praxic Warlock Aunor Mahal determined that he had obtained the ability to create "counterfeit" Taken Primevals by coupling his banks to the "haul" gifted to him by the Nine. Among these entities are the Likeness of Nokris, Likeness of Oryx, Counterfeit Servitors and Counterfeit Hydras.

Taken Enemies

"There are no adequate words to describe the experience of being Taken. We would need a sensorium."
— Techeun Shuro Chi







  • Taken Blight—a sphere of Darkness that can appear procedurally in the world. The Blight can summon Taken ambushes, which can include named characters that drop runes.
  • Acolyte's Eye—a stationary unit deployed by Taken Acolytes. It is an orb of Darkness energy that fires Arc energy at enemies, and detonates in an Arc blast when destroyed. They survive the death of their summoner.
  • Echo of Oryx—a Taken projection of Oryx, the Taken King, it is used to oversee the Taken in far distances, and spread Taken corruption.

Named Taken

"[T]hat dying Thrall was no monster. It was in ecstasy. I felt the power as my knife bit home. I heard their song, for just a moment. I will hear it again. Oryx is the Truth. And I will have it."
— Unknown Hunter[22]


  • Based on Grimoire analysis it can be assumed that the victim willingly chooses to be enslaved.[22] It is unknown if any victims have ever rejected the Darkness.
  • This power is described by the Ecumene as an "ontopathogenic" weapon, infecting and subverting soldiers and giving them "physically illegal" abilities,[9] not unlike the Superpower Wiki's description of "infect[ing] the very nature of the subject's existence".[24] Moreover, in the same article,[24] Ontopathogenesis is described as also infecting the metaphysical reality of a creature, matching the language of The Taken Grimoire cards.[25]
  • In Destiny 2 while most of the Taken remain largely the same in appearance, some Major and Ultra Taken appear with the trademark black bodies but their white eyes and glow is gold rather than the standard white along with crests on their back.
  • Some concept art of the Taken shows them being able to Take other enemies although this is never seen in game.
  • Some concept art of The Taken show a Taken Dreg but they are never seen in game
  • The Taken enemies that appear in The Reckoning and Gambit Prime are not actually "real" Taken. Instead of being living creatures corrupted by Darkness, they are artificial constructs of dark matter, created by the Haul's "engine of pure potential," as the Nine themselves are beings of dark matter. Vanguard intelligence notes that these fake Taken have low counts of sterile neutrinos, typically associated with Taken, but instead have high ambient cold dark matter. This is the reason many of the bosses in The Reckoning and Gambit Prime are described as "counterfeit" or "likenesses," such as the Likeness of Oryx.


List of appearances


  1. ^ a b Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: The Taken
  2. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Mission Description: Not Forged in Light
  3. ^ Destiny 2 adventure: Unexpected Guests
  4. ^ Planet Destiny: The Taken King Trailer Analysis
  5. ^ Eurogamer: The Taken King is the Expansion Destiny has been waiting for
  6. ^ Planet Destiny: Sleeper Stimulant Gameplay & Perks
  7. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: XXVI: star by star by star
  8. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: XXIX: Carved in Ruin
  9. ^ a b Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: XXVII: Eat the Sky
  10. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: XXX: a golden amputation
  11. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: XL: An Emperor For All Outcomes
  12. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: XLIII: End of Failed Timeline
  13. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: XLIV: strict proof eternal
  14. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Hood of the Great Hunt
  15. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Medusa
  16. ^ Destiny Tracker - Grimoire: Keksis the Betrayed
  17. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Report: Taken Power
  18. ^ Bungie (2015-9-15), Destiny: The Taken King, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Blighted Chalice
  19. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Toland: Quria is the key. The mind simulates Oryx, and thereby masters the power to Take. But of course, Quria is no power unto itself.
  20. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lake of Shadows
  21. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Dark Alliance
  22. ^ a b Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Taken Champions
  23. ^ Youtube: Official Destiny: The Taken King ViDoc
  24. ^ a b Superpower Wiki, Ontopathogenesis
  25. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard

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