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"It is not enough to defend the City. We must reclaim the stars."
Grimoire description
Concept art of a squadron of Guardians in personal spacecraft

The Guardians of the Last City have access to jumpships that they can use to travel around the Solar System.[1]


Jumpships can be bought from the Shipwright Amanda Holliday, and are used to navigate the game menu when selecting different missions. Players with fireteams can see each other's ships as they travel in space.

In Destiny, players acquire their first jumpship at the end of A Guardian Rises, an Arcadia Class Jumpship. It lacks the ability to travel to other planets, requiring the player to pick up an NLS Drive in the mission Restoration. All subsequent spaceship models come equipped with an NLS Drive. Later, the player further upgrades their ships with a Martian Navcore that can plot a safe route through the Cabal defenses around Mars.

Prior to Shadowkeep, in Destiny 2, players acquire their first jumpship, Wanderwing, after completing Adieu. Wanderwing and all other ships the player obtains are already capable of interplanetary travel. Jumpships can also be customized with shaders and unique Transmat Effects at the cost of Glimmer. After Beyond Light was released, the Red War campaign was removed from the game, and players acquire the Arcadia Jumpship in a similar manner to Destiny 1.


There are several classes of jumpships that have been named in the game:


Image Ship Rarity Availability Cost Description
  80 Proofreader Legendary Randomly dropped in The Crucible. N/A Correction by erasure.
  AFv1 Octavian Rare Purchased from Shipwright 9440 Glimmer The AFv1 Octavian is an advanced Phaeton-class, long range jumpship. Upgraded for improved performance and style, the Octavian is as close to the Phaeton's original factory specs as resources will allow.
  AFv2 Octavian Rare Purchased from Shipwright. 9120 Glimmer The AFv2 Octavian is a variant of the advanced Phaeton-class, long range jumpship. Upgraded for improved performance and style, the Octavian is as close to the Phaeton's original factory specs as resources will allow.
  AFv3 Octavian Rare Purchased from Shipwright. 8100 Glimmer The AFv3 Octavian is a variant of the advanced Phaeton-class, long range jumpship. Upgraded for improved performance and style, the Octavian is as close to the Phaeton's original factory specs as resources will allow.
  AX19 Slipper Misfit Rare Purchased from Shipwright. 8000 Glimmer The AX19 Slipper Misfit is an advanced Kestrel-class jumpship, upgraded using breakthroughs in design theory.
  AX19 Spindle Demon Uncommon Purchased from Shipwright. 4760 Glimmer The AX19 Spindle Demon is a variant of the Kestrel-class experimental jumpship rigged for extreme performance.
  Act on Instinct Legendary N/A N/A There's never time to think.
  Agonarch Karve Legendary Complete "Oryx Challenge" in King's Fall Hard Mode. N/A "Life is pain. Pain is power. And power is life." —Toland, the Shattered
  Akula 4V0 (Iteration 1) Legendary N/A N/A The hull's been colonized by ancient cytoconstructors. They're not shy about it: they made you a welcome mat.
  Alemyr's Lament Legendary N/A N/A Would that I had stopped him before he drank.
  Always Shoot the Messenger Legendary N/A N/A …or they'll never get the message.
  Arcadia Class Jumpship Common Receive from Amanda Holliday N/A Arcadians were the most common jumpships during the Golden Age, used for both terrestrial and planetary excursions. Their remains have been reported around most Earth-based space ports.
  Arcadia Class Jumpship Common N/A N/A Serviced by the Tower shipyard, this jumpship is in much better shape than when it arrived.
  Aries Ascendant Legendary Randomly dropped in Vanguard ROC Strike Playlist
Vanguard Quartermaster
Prison of Elders
N/A The bull smells battle.
  Armor of Vows Legendary Dropped from New Monarchy Packages. N/A Unity makes us invincible.
  Ask After Their Strength Legendary N/A N/A Neither display nor fail to pursue the evidence of weakness.
  Aspect of Glass Legendary Vault of Glass Hard Mode Guide. You fly unbound beneath eternity.
  Atalanta's Hunt Legendary Randomly dropped in Vanguard Roc Strike Playlist. Never stop for golden apples.
  Aurora Lance Rare Schematic is obtained as a Vanguard Bounty Reward and also found in chests.
Purchase from Amanda Holliday
N/A A hull lined with arcane instruments, crafted by a circle of Warlocks – gifting the ship with a preternatural sense for the strange
  Bane of Dark Gods Legendary Crota's End Hard Mode. N/A "I stand defiant."
  Belisarius Defiant Legendary Randomly dropped in The Crucible. N/A There's only one legitimate authority in this system.
  Belly of the Beast Legendary N/A N/A Sorry. Not sorry.
  Birth of History Legendary Iron Banner N/A Go forth and conquer.
  CX20 Slipper Misfit Rare Purchased from Shipwright 7520 Glimmer The CX20 Slipper Misfit is an advanced Kestrel-class jumpship, upgraded using breakthroughs in design theory.
  CX20 Spindle Demon Uncommon Purchased from Shipwright 7520 Glimmer The CX20 Spindle Demon is a variant of the Kestrel-class experimental jumpship rigged for extreme performance.
  Callous Indifference Legendary N/A N/A Superiority breeds contempt
  Ceres Galliot Legendary Purchased from Petra Venj 17500 Glimmer Long-range ships designed to patrol the Reef and beyond.
  Chasing Infinity Legendary Queen's Wrath
Quest reward
N/A The Queen speaks softly, and carries a big fleet.
  Coldsnap BKR Legendary Purchased from Variks 1 Token of Flight A refurbished blockade runner, customized with the Fallen House of Winter's sigil, given as a trophy to those who brave the Prison of Elders.
  Comitatus Legendary Dropped from New Monarchy Packages N/A Forge a new fellowship.
  Count the Stars Legendary N/A N/A We dream of long voyages through an endless range of light.
  Crypt Hammer Rare Randomly awarded for completing bounties, found inside chests. N/A A deep-strike insertion variant, built to carry Guardians safely through contested space. Carries hardpoints once used to hold Suros TL-SEAD anti-radiation missiles.[note 1]
  Delinquent Sunrise Legendary N/A N/A Better late than never.
  Devils' Due BKR Legendary Purchased from Variks 1 Token of Flight A refurbished blockade runner, customized with the Fallen House of Devils' sigil, given as a trophy to those who brave the Prison of Elders.
  Downward Spiral Legendary N/A N/A Circle your prey.
  Draught of Nectar Legendary Trials of Osiris. N/A "Does one life across infinite realities equal immortal life?" —Parables of the Allspring
  Dream Eater Legendary Randomly dropped in The Crucible N/A I think she's hungry.
  EX21 Slipper Misfit Rare Purchased from Shipwright 7520 Glimmer The EX21 Slipper Misfit is an advanced Kestrel-class jumpship, upgraded using breakthroughs in design theory.
  EX21 Spindle Demon Uncommon Purchased from Shipwright 4800 Glimmer The EX21 Spindle Demon is a variant of the Kestrel-class experimental jumpship rigged for extreme performance.
  Eon Trespass Rare Schematic is found in chests. N/A Born from the mind of Elsie Bray, three years before she disappeared.
  Eternity to Eternity Legendary N/A N/A "What is more frightening: to know that the path is infinite, or to walk that path alone?"
  Ether Eater Legendary Randomly dropped in level 26 Vanguard ROC Strike Playlist or inside the small chests in the reward room of level 28 Prison of Elders. N/A Swift and bright and precious.
  Extinction Event Legendary Vanguard ROC Strike Playlist. N/A Dodging the Permian bullet.
  Fatal Vision Legendary Vanguard reputation packages. N/A Come, let me clutch thee.
  Flexible Moral Compass Legendary N/A N/A You need one in the Crucible.
  Glass Minuet Legendary Vault of Glass N/A The Vault whispers of a world beyond.
  Gliding Hermitage Legendary N/A N/A A place for solitude - just you, your thoughts, and the minifridge.
  Gloriole Jump Legendary Randomly dropped from Vanguard Roc Strike Playlist. N/A The light of NLS travel can be hypnotic.
  Hebridean Thoughtcrime Legendary Acquired from Iron Banner. N/A What were you thinking?
  High and Flighty Legendary It can drop from Crucible Playlist. N/A Can't ever tie me down.
  Hildian Seeker Legendary Skolas's Revenge. N/A Nimble starfighters designed by the Reef to navigate dense asteroid fields.
  Invincible Ship the Third Legendary N/A N/A It's a learning process, okay?
  JS/T Bicameral Friendship Legendary N/A N/A Project Tendency custom tactical jumpship. Blockade runner with augmented EWAR suite.
  JS/T Key Facts Elided Legendary N/A N/A Project Tendency custom tactical jumpship. Heavy ASAT/ASM space attack loadout.
  JS/T Let's Employ Force Legendary N/A N/A Project Tendency custom tactical jumpship. Battlespace dominance and network soft-kill capability.
  JS/T No, It's Just Confidence Legendary N/A N/A Project Tendency custom tactical jumpship. Long range/high risk recon platform.
  JS/T Please Don't Be That Way Legendary N/A N/A Project Tendency custom tactical jumpship. Battlespace dominance and defense suppression.
  JS/T Quietly Appalled Legendary N/A N/A Project Tendency custom tactical jumpship. Enhanced ISR/ELINT listening capability.
  JS/T Thoughtful But Abrupt Legendary N/A N/A Project Tendency custom tactical jumpship. ADROIT TALON ship-to-ship combat payload.
  JS/T Uncomfortable Silence Legendary N/A N/A Project Tendency custom tactical jumpship. Hardened observatory and C3i asset.
  JS/T Why, I Never Legendary N/A N/A Project Tendency custom tactical jumpship. Battlespace dominance and surface bombardment.
  "Karuna, Falling" Rare Schematic found in chests. N/A There is nothing more ruthless than compassion.
  Kestrel Class AX Common Purchased from Shipwright 2975 Glimmer Base model experimental jumpship. Ships capable of interplanetary travel are in limited supply. Most are never rebuilt to anything resembling their Golden Age glory.
  Kestrel Class AX0 Common Purchased from Shipwright 2875 Glimmer Base model experimental jumpship. The Kestrel is thought to have been a prototype long-range craft designed near the end of the Golden Age. Most in service are rebuilt using reverse-engineered specs.
  Kestrel Class CX Common Purchased from Shipwright 2250 Glimmer Base model experimental jumpship. The Kestrel is thought to have been a prototype long-range craft designed near the end of the Golden Age. Most in service are rebuilt using reverse-engineered specs.
  Kestrel Class CX0 Common Purchased from Shipwright 2825 Glimmer Base model experimental jumpship. The Kestrel is thought to have been a prototype long-range craft designed near the end of the Golden Age. Most in service are rebuilt using reverse-engineered specs.
  Kestrel Class EX Common Purchased from Shipwright 2250 Glimmer Base model experimental jumpship. Ships capable of interplanetary travel are in limited supply. Most are never rebuilt to anything resembling their Golden Age glory.
  Kestrel Class EX0 Common Purchased from Shipwright 2650 Glimmer Base model experimental jumpship. The Kestrel is thought to have been a prototype long-range craft designed near the end of the Golden Age. Most in service are rebuilt using reverse-engineered specs.
  "Ketch Me If You Can" Legendary Randomly dropped in Vanguard ROC Strike Playlist Fallen piracy is a perpetual risk during jumps between the inner planets.
  Kingslayer BKR Legendary Purchased from Variks 1 Token of Flight A refurbished blockade runner, customized with the Fallen House of Kings' sigil, given as a trophy to those who brave the Prison of Elders.
  Kondratyuk's Escape Legendary Dead Orbit Care Package/random reward N/A For those who would break free.
  Longest Vigil Legendary Prison of Elders - Challenge of the Elders reward N/A "I am last of my House. I will not forget." —Variks
  Last Battle Legendary Prison of Elders - Challenge of the Elders reward N/A "Eliksni once ruled many stars. Now we fight for one not our own." —Variks
  LRv1 Javelin Uncommon Purchased from Shipwright 3920 Glimmer The LRv1 Javelin is a standard Phaeton-class long range jumpship. Refurbished and rigged for dangerous flight.
  LRv2 Javelin Uncommon Purchased from Shipwright 4200 Glimmer The LRv2 Javelin is a variant of the standard Phaeton-class, long range jumpship. Refurbished and rigged for dangerous flight.
  LRv3 Javelin Uncommon Purchased from Shipwright 3760 Glimmer The LRv3 Javelin is a variant of the standard Phaeton-class, long range jumpship. Refurbished and rigged for dangerous flight.
  Laughing Behind Your Back Rare Schematic is obtained from chests. N/A There's nothing funnier than terrestrial life…
  Light in the Abyss Legendary Crota's End N/A From out of the dark, up into the light...
  Little Light (ship) Legendary Legendary Engrams or Vanguard ROC Strike Playlist N/A "That's not funny."
  Lost Legacy Legendary N/A N/A "We were not prepared to withstand the Whirlwind. No one is." —Variks
  Made of Shakespeare Legendary N/A N/A "I count myself a king of infinite space."[note 2]
  Malice Delta Legendary N/A N/A We operationalize the variable as the mean change in malice per unit time.
  Manus Celer Dei Exotic N/A N/A NON FACETE NOBIS CALCITRARE VESTRVM PERINÆVM (Translation: Don't make us kick your ass.)
  Mind Bleacher Legendary Drop from Crucible Playlist. N/A Imagine the crowds. Then block them out.
  Nanophoenix Legendary Wrath of the Machine Heroic Mode N/A All destruction is an act of creation. And vice versa.
  Needle and Thread Legendary Treasure of Ages N/A A stitch in time.
  Never Liked Thermodynamics Legendary N/A N/A Its limitations are quite dull, aren't they?
  Newsbreaker Legendary Randomly dropped in The Crucible. N/A And now, the latest -
  No Apologies Legendary N/A N/A Sorry. Not sorry.
  No End Theory Legendary N/A N/A Battles end, but war is a constant.
  NS22 Cloud Errant Uncommon Purchased from Shipwright 4320 Glimmer The NS22 Cloud Errant is a standard Regulus-class "near-star" jumpship. Refurbished for more efficient energy flow among its systems and ready for flight.
  NS22 High Water Rare Purchased from Shipwright 8080 Glimmer The NS22 High Water is an advanced Regulus-class "near-star" jumpship. Re-worked specs include a range module and improved defensive array.
  NS44 Cloud Errant Uncommon Purchased from Shipwright 4720 Glimmer The NS44 Cloud Errant is a variant of the standard Regulus-class "near-star" jumpship. Refurbished for more efficient energy flow among its systems and ready for flight."
  NS44 High Water Rare Purchased from Shipwright 9200 Glimmer The NS44 High Water is a variant of the advanced Regulus-class "near-star" jumpship. Re-worked specs include a range module and improved defensive array.
  NS66 Cloud Errant Uncommon Purchased from Shipwright 3600 Glimmer The NS66 Cloud Errant is a variant of the standard Regulus-class "near-star" jumpship. Refurbished for more efficient energy flow among its systems and ready for flight."
  NS66 High Water Rare Purchased from Shipwright 9440 Glimmer The NS66 High Water is a variant of the advanced Regulus-class "near-star" jumpship. Re-worked specs include a range module and improved defensive array.
  Obsidian Sonnet Legendary N/A N/A The short, sharp song of battle.
  Omit the Legend Legendary N/A N/A …and all that remains is truth.
  Once and Future Legendary Rise of Iron Record Book N/A The heroes of the Iron Banner are never truly gone.
  Order Theory Legendary Treasure of Ages N/A A profound wisdom uttered in the cold between stars.
  Outrageous Fortune Rare Schematic is found in chests and completing Eris Morn Bounties. A rugged, versatile explorer for those ready to gamble everything in search of ancient secrets and alien power.
  Permission to Stomp Legendary N/A N/A Granted.
  Phaeton Class v1 Common Trade a Martian Navcore to Shipwright. Martian Navcore Base model long range jumpship. Ships capable of interplanetary travel are in limited supply. Most are never rebuilt to anything resembling their Golden Age glory.
  Phaeton Class v1.1 Common Purchased from Shipwright 2700 Glimmer Base model long range jumpship. Phaetons are sturdy and reliable, though the basic class models are rebuilt below spec, due to limited supplies and high demand.
  Phaeton Class v2 Common Purchased from Shipwright 2250 Glimmer Base model long range jumpship. Ships capable of interplanetary travel are in short supply. Most are never rebuilt to anything resembling their Golden Age glory.
  Phaeton Class v2.1 Common Purchased from Shipwright 2550 Glimmer Base model long range jumpship. Phaetons are sturdy and reliable, though the basic class models are rebuilt below spec, due to limited supplies and high demand.
  Phaeton Class v3 Common Purchased from Shipwright 2250 Glimmer Base model long range jumpship. Ships capable of interplanetary travel are in short supply. Most are never rebuilt to anything resembling their Golden Age glory.
  Phaeton Class v3.1 Common Purchased from Shipwright 2525 Glimmer Base model long range jumpship. Phaetons are sturdy and reliable, though the basic class models are rebuilt below spec, due to limited supplies and high demand.
  Plasma Donor Legendary N/A N/A Ready for a tactical injection.
  Plus Stealth Origami Legendary N/A N/A The hull coating was hand-folded by an obsessive Exo. Records suggest she now works in molecular silk.
  Quite Content Damsel Rare Schematic obtained from chests. N/A No knights, please.
  Regulus Class 22a Common Purchased from Shipwright 2275 Glimmer Base model "near-star" jumpship. The Regulus was originally built for speed and maneuverability, but the basic class models rely on limited resources and rarely reach full spec.
  Regulus Class 44b Common Purchased from Shipwright 2500 Glimmer Base model "near-star" jumpship. The Regulus was originally built for speed and maneuverability, but the basic class models rely on limited resources and rarely reach full spec.
  Regulus Class 55 Common Purchased from Shipwright 2250 Glimmer Base model near-star jumpship. Ships capable of interplanetary travel are in limited supply. Most are never rebuilt to anything resembling their Golden Age glory.
  Regulus Class 66c Common Purchased from Shipwright 2300 Glimmer Base model "near-star" jumpship. The Regulus was originally built for speed and maneuverability, but the basic class models rely on limited resources and rarely reach full spec.
  Regulus Class 77 Common Purchased from Shipwright 2250 Glimmer Base model near-star jumpship. Ships capable of interplanetary travel are in limited supply. Most are never rebuilt to anything resembling their Golden Age glory.
  Regulus Class 99 Common Purchased from Shipwright 2250 Glimmer Base model near-star jumpship. Ships capable of interplanetary travel are in limited supply. Most are never rebuilt to anything resembling their Golden Age glory.
  Ripship Pardoner Legendary Randomly dropped in Vanguard Roc Strike Playlist In vacuum, fire flows like water.
  Rope to Heaven Rare Found in chests and completing Eris Morn Bounties Be wary of what you find between the stars. Demons have breached the gates where once only angels dared.
  Scorpio Miracle Legendary Strike Playlist reward N/A Hope from on high.
  Seraphim Toaster Legendary N/A N/A Angels are a navigational hazard.
  Shark Whisperer Legendary Drops in The Crucible No, ship, that's not a seal...
  Sidereal Rumba Legendary Drop from Crucible Playlist. Join the eternal dance.
  Silent Verdict Legendary N/A N/A Your challengers are unworthy.
  Sleek Antistate Legendary N/A N/A In all things, strive to reduce friction.
  Smokehouse Six Legendary Randomly dropped in Iron Banner after Rank 3 It goes boom.
  Someday Tether Legendary N/A N/A Hold tight to the here and now.
  Space-Age Mariner Legendary Sterling Treasure N/A Planets, planets, every where, nor any to call home.
  Steel Atreus Legendary Randomly dropped in The Crucible. N/A Some day we'll dance our little dance to the end...but not today. Not today.
  Strategic Joy Reserves Legendary N/A N/A The purpose of Guardian culture - inasmuch as we motley lot have one - is to help us survive a life of endless war.
  Sun Current Legendary Flawless Victory N/A "He bathed in the sun's light, and it burned away his fear, and his hope." —Parables of the Allspring
  THANATOS 2/A Legendary N/A N/A The Reef maintains a stock of salvaged assault ships to supplement their own formidable fleet.
  THANATOS 2/Upgun Legendary N/A N/A The Reef's brilliant shipwrights equipped this Thanatos assault hull with smart munitions.
  Teatime with Marduk Legendary N/A N/A In deep space you can catch the electromagnetic echo of ancient cataclysm - divine rumors of apocalypse.
  The Climb Legendary Dropped from Future War Cult Packages. N/A There is nothing else.
  The Dirigible Incorrigible Legendary Randomly dropped in The Crucible N/A The price is negligible.
  The Fangs of Nyx Rare Found in chests N/A Beware her maw.
  The Fermi Solution Legendary Ranking up Dead Orbit Faction N/A We are not alone.
  The Pahanin Imprint Legendary N/A N/A Your Ghost complains that the damn flight computer just won't shut up.
  The Road Unraveled Legendary Dropped from Future War Cult Packages N/A Take out the stitches. Start over.
  The Shark Wrestler Legendary N/A N/A Your Ghost, familiar with the story, admits to the odd fear that Ghosts, too, are vulnerable to tonic immobility.
  The Teilhard War Legendary Ranking up Future War Cult reputation N/A All things converge.
  The Visible Hand Legendary Ranking up New Monarchy reputation N/A Lead from the front.
  The Worldbreaker Legendary N/A N/A Worlds were made to be broken.
  Ticktock Inquisitor Legendary Vanguard ROC Strike Playlist N/A Time is very short...
  Tiger Tiger Legendary Randomly dropped in Vanguard Roc Strike Playlist N/A The stars my destination.
  Timeless Tereshkova Legendary Complete Show of Strength Questline. N/A You are but the most recent entry in Cosmodrome's long and legendary history.
  Tropos Gardener Legendary Random drop for The Will of Crota Strike or Vanguard ROC Strike Playlist N/A Change needs careful tending.
  Vacuum Diagram Legendary Dropped from Dead Orbit Packages N/A Infinity awaits us.
  Valkyrie-O5X Legendary Purchase the Limited Edition of Destiny N/A The Valkyrie-O5X is a pet project of Tower Shipwright, Amanda Holliday. Refurbished from choice parts for far-reaching exploration.
  Vienna Singer Legendary Kill Driviks, the Chosen during the Heroic Lost to Light N/A RHO-8a Teng Tactical Combatant.
  Vintage Russian Soul Legendary Randomly dropped in level 26 Vanguard ROC Strike Playlist N/A The old blood of Murmansk.
  Void Philosopher Legendary N/A N/A The Copernican principle is a way to feel small.
  Waning Star Legendary Sterling Treasure N/A "Not Eliksni, no… but true Kell and Queen. House Judgment honors her." —Variks
  Wolf Hunter BKR Legendary Purchased from Variks 1 Token of Flight A refurbished blockade runner, customized with the Fallen House of Wolves' sigil, given as a trophy to those who brave the Prison of Elders.
  Zephyr Rig Legendary N/A N/A The winds are all concordant.

Destiny 2Edit

Image Ship Rarity Availability Cost Description
  Absolute/MN Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Odyssey-class refit. Better than the sum of its parts.
  Alessa Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Defend every corner.
  Alexandria Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Light a torch for the wanderers, that they may find their way back.
  Amplitude/PT Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Nothing exists which can't be broken down into constituent parts.
  BreakPoint Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust An Echo-class refit designed by SRL legend Marcus Ren.
  Captain Nemo Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Nobody ventured farther.
  Cardinal One Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust An Echo-class refit designed for one thing: speed.
  Cartesian/KO Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Odyssey-class refit. Someday it'll all make sense.
  City Apex Legendary PlayStation 4 timed-exclusive N/A "When the people see your ship in the sky, they will know that they are safe." —The Speaker
  Dead Fall Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust The engines on this Nautilus-class retrofit were pulled from a much larger craft. Maximum thrust is not recommended.
  Death to Kells Exotic Bright Engrams N/A What is a kell to a spider?
  Echo Zero Uncommon Purchased from Amanda Holliday 5000 Glimmer A standard issue, Echo-class jumpship. Perfect for racers and daredevils.
  Ego and Squid Exotic Bright Engrams N/A Pahanin was a Hunter, satirist, travel-writer, and renowned cephalopod enthusiast.
  Eos Rapture Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust A Minerva-class refit commemorating the legendary Warlock Tinasha-3, known to her peers in the Iron Banner as Ashraven.
  Eriana's Vengeance Exotic Bright Engrams N/A "Wei... I will see you again. But first... I have work to do." —Eriana-3, before entering the Hellmouth
  Helios Strain Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust A Vector-class refit designed for near-solar exploration.
  High Line Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust The right vantage means everything.
  Holborn's Splint Exotic Bright Engrams N/A This craft saw some strange action over Phobos, both planned and otherwise.
  Impolite Company Legendary "I've been called a lot of things, but so help me, 'polite' has never been one of them." —Cayde-6
  Imprint Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust A Vector-class refit with experimental subspace engines.
  Leonid MV Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Minerva-class refit. Break any storm that finds you.
  Leopard Zero Uncommon Purchased from Amanda Holliday 5000 Glimmer A standard issue, Leopard-class jumpship. Perfect for warriors and commanders.
  Minerva Zero Uncommon Purchased from Amanda Holliday 5000 Glimmer A standard issue, Minerva-class jumpship. Perfect for warriors and commanders.
  Nautilus Zero Uncommon Purchased from Amanda Holliday 5000 Glimmer A standard issue, Nautilus-class jumpship. Perfect for explorers and wanderers.
  Odyssey Zero Uncommon Purchased from Amanda Holliday 5000 Glimmer A standard issue, Odyssey-class jumpship. Perfect for explorers and wanderers.
  Ordinate/VD Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Odyssey-class refit. All points could converge to one.
  Rose and Bone Exotic Bright Engrams N/A In his strong hand the man held a Rose. And his aura burned bright.
  Shadowed Dawn Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust An Echo-class refit designed by SRL legend Cron-8.
  Sojourner Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Retrofitted Nautilus-class for long jaunts from Earth... or farther, if you decide to never come home again.
  Skulking Fox Exotic Bright Engrams N/A I am the scavenger that will outrun you all.
  Space-Age Lancelot Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Tonight, we ride.
  Spectral Gain Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Leopard-class refit. Follow the rainbow.
  Starling Bolt Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust A Vector-class refit designed by SRL legend Tyla Sola.
  Symmetry Flight Exotic Bright Engrams N/A "To have Light, we must have Dark. This is the symmetry of the Universe." —Controverisal Warlock Ulan-Tan
  Takanome Wings Exotic Bright Engrams N/A "Follow the blue flowers to the City. And know that even if the planter is dead, they still watch over you." —Ayane Takanome
  Talon Blue Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Echo-class refit. Somewhere between blue sky and black space.
  The Bandwagon Exotic Bright Engrams N/A "Because a group of coyotes is a band!" —Therin Vai
"I refuse to call it that." —Nadiya
  Tidal Dawn Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Leopard-class refit. Consider this a wake-up call.
  Vector Zero Uncommon Purchased from Amanda Holliday 5000 Glimmer A standard issue, Vector-class jumpship. Perfect for racers and daredevils.
  Verona Mesh Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust Make a pastime of each wary step.
  Wanderwing Uncommon Starter jumpship N/A Hawthorne gave you this old, heavily refurbished jumpship. Not moddable.
  Zenith SV Legendary Bright Engrams 500 Bright Dust The thin line between us and them.
  Eclipse Hunter Exotic Bright Engrams 2000 Bright Dust Pierce the coronal veil.


  1. ^ In military nomenclature "SEAD" stands for Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, and such missiles would destroy enemy radar stations.
  2. ^ This ship does not have an icon in the Bungie Armory


  • If one quickly heads to the hangar when they first arrive at the Tower in Destiny they will see their personal spaceship being towed into the hangar.[2]

List of appearancesEdit


  1. ^ IGN Bungie's Destiny: A Land of Hope and Dreams
  2. ^ Bungie (2014-7-17), Destiny: Beta PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard.