Forum:Foresworn Brood

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The Foresworn Brood
FB icon infobox image 3.png


Serve/Woship Nessius, The Far Gone, Sesrih, Sworn to the Far Gone, and Ir Razili
Defend the Sanctifier
Aid the Shard Coalition
Help train the Imperial Cabal with live fire exercises against the Hive


Sesrih, Sworn to the Far Gone
Ir Razili
Ir Hium, Son of Sesrih
Ur-Haris, Daughter of Sesrih


Bay of Nessius, Sainus

At war with:

The Witness
Taken (Witness Aligned)
Xivu Arath's Horde
Scorn (Witness Aligned)
Sol Divisive
The Dread

Allied with:

The Shard Coalition
Lucent Brood
Grasp of Nokris
Imperial Cabal
House of Light
The Curators
Taken (Coalition Aligned)
Sol Collective


D&Destiny Fractures


The Foresworn Brood or the Foresworn Hive is a Hive sect found within the Bay of Nessius on Sainus. They are distinguishable by their purple armor, grey/orange skin, and neatly patterned Dark grey or magenta spikes on their armor. They look similar to the The Silent Brood whose progenitor is a former member.


Found by Sesrih, Sworn to the Far Gone alongside Ir Razili, the Foresworn Brood are a Hive Sect born to serve and obey the Brood Queens and Nessius. They follow Sword Logic but acknowledge Necromancy not as heresy but a blade by which one may become sharper with a second chance.

In the wake of the death of the Witness, The Dread would all begin to go off in their own ways, some following the Echoes, some following powerful figures, and some would flock to Nessius as her halls would become a haven for their desire to be whole; now free from the influence of the Witness. Yragur would be among the first to seek her out. Dread in her service are friendly to Coalition forces and each other. All they want is to be better than they were be someone new not what the Witness made them to be.

Foresworn Court[edit]


Ascendant Champions[edit]

Brood Champions[edit]

Brood Commanders[edit]

Notable Members[edit]

Lesser Champions[edit]


Unique forces[edit]


Thrall variants
Cursed Thrall variants
Acolyte variants
Knight variants
Vanquisher variants
Darkblade variants
Wizard variants
Ogre variants
Shrieker variants


Twisted-Fane Tormentor variants


Taken Thrall variants
Taken Acolyte variants
Taken Knight variants
Taken Wizard variants
Taken Ogre variants
Taken Vandal variants
Taken Captain variants
Taken Psion variants
Taken Phalanx variants
Taken Centurion variants
Taken Goblin variants
Taken Hobgoblin variants
Taken Minotaur variants



  • The Foresworn Brood is unique for having Tormentors. However, they are not willing members, as all Tormentors in the Brood wear special collars and other devices that have been forcibly fused to their bodies to make them obedient slaves, with Ixis being the only exception.
