
Specimen ID: NES001


Specimen ID: NES003

Specimen ID: NES002


Episode: Echoes

Quest giver:



Specimen ID: NES002 is the second Specimen ID quest in the Episode: Echoes Specimen ID quest chain.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

You place NES002-C into Failsafe's research bay alongside NES002-A and NES002-B.

"Shining and beautiful! Just like me." Failsafe gives an awkward chuckle and pauses for a moment.

The moment grows longer. The silence remains unbroken.

"Uh… Guess they can't all be winners. Leave me here and I'll take a look at our new prize, Captain."

Her tone brightens.

"And attempt not to be the first A.I. to die of embarrassment!"

Step 1Edit

Failsafe reminds you that you can pick up additional bounties by visiting her in the Exodus Black on Nessus. In return for your help, and in hope of future compliance, she would like to offer an upgrade. She repeats that this is definitely not a bribe.

Research Instrument Fabricated: Duration Calibrator Device - Increases the duration of buffs you receive in the Breach Executable activity.

  • Failsafe believes NES002 originates from a location of great power on Nessus. Complete patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors to triangulate the source of this specimen. Scrape additional ambient data by completing Failsafe bounties.
    • Failsafe bounties completed: x/7
    • Nessus activities: x/10

"I need help from someone with two legs and one Sparrow. Sound like anybody you know?"
— Failsafe

Step 2Edit

Failsafe is proud of the work you've done together.

Research Instrument Fabricated: Weekly Deepsight Focusing - The first Echo Weapon you focus each week is guaranteed to have Deepsight Resonance.

  • Speak with Failsafe in the H.E.L.M. to review her final specimen analysis report.
    • Failsafe's Report reviewed

"I believe we are getting the hang of this research thing! Ever thought about going into the sciences full time?"
— Failsafe

  • Failsafe: Research complete, Captain! Extensive analysis of the constellation fragment you collected has deciphered a Vex protocol for data compression and— Basically, you retain more of that data crammed in your pockets… you know, if you explode. Your next research task will be available between three and seven hundred and twenty hours from now.

Failsafe's lights brighten on your approach. "Research complete, Captain!"

She presents you with a report on NES002:

Specimen Name: Well Constellation Fragments

Report Summary: These objects are linked to each other and to the Wells on Nessus. Affecting one affects the other—which makes them perfect for data storage and retrieval.

Research Instrument Fabricated: Weekly Deepsight Focusing - The first Echo Weapon you focus each week is guaranteed to have Deepsight Resonance.

Step 3Edit

The Well Constellation Fragments can be placed in the specimen display in the H.E.L.M.

  • Travel to the H.E.L.M. and place the Well Constellation Fragments in your specimen collection.
    • Specimen displayed

Failsafe cheers for your joint work on this new specimen.

"You on fieldwork, me at the desk: we make a great pair. And this thing makes a great decoration for my office."
