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House of Wolves | |
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The House of Wolves were a House of the Fallen. They were the subject of an expansion of the same name.[2]
Pre-Reef Wars
Prior to arriving in the Solar System, the House of Wolves was one of many Fallen Houses struggling to survive in the wake of a cataclysmic event known as The Whirlwind. In the aftermath of the fall, the Wolves were said to have warred with the House of Kings.[3] Years later, after arriving into the Sol system, the Wolves were living out by the Jovians. At some point, their Prime Servitor Kaliks Prime went missing.[4] As part of a united Fallen effort, they intended to join the Battle of Twilight Gap alongside the other houses, but were stopped at Ceres when the Reef intervened. Their Kell, Virixas was killed in the initial clash, along with a massive portion of the house, which would later be called The Scatter.[5] This marked the start of a power struggle between three members of the Wolf nobility: Irxis, Wolf Baroness; Parixas, the Howling; and Skolas, the Rabid.[6]
The Reef Wars
The Reef Wars were a series of long battles between the Wolves and The Reef. During the course of the wars, Skolas rose to the Kellship, beating out his competitors.[7] He then turned his full attention towards The Reef, and the two forces clashed for many years. The wars ended when Variks, a member of the House of Judgment who lived among the Wolves, betrayed Skolas to the Reef resulting in his capture along with most of his House.[8] Variks went on to crown The Queen of The Reef as the new Kell, with many Wolves bending the knee to her.[9]
Recent Events
The Wolf Rebellion
Initiated by the return of Skolas, now calling himself the Kell of Kells, the House of Wolves rebelled against the Awoken.[10] The Wolf Rebellion started with an assassination attempt on The Queen and a mass prison break from the Prison of Elders where most of the former Wolf nobility was being held.[11]The Queen opened the Reef to Guardians of the City, with the intent of recruiting them to put an end to the rebellion.[12] The Guardians tracked Skolas across the system, eventually capturing him on Venus, attempting to wield stolen Vex tech in order to pull the House of Wolves through time.[13] On the order of the Queen, Skolas was sent to the Prison of Elders, where he was pitted against the same Guardians who captured him and was executed, effectively ended the Wolf Rebellion.[14]
The Taken War
After Skolas' defeat, the Wolves began regrouping on Mars, hoping to carve out a new den on a planet of their own. The Wolves rebuilt their previous Prime Servitor, Orbiks Prime, to lead their scattered House in the absence of a new Kell. In the wake of losses suffered at the hands of the Taken during The Taken War, the Cabal were unable to stop the Wolves from entrenching themselves in their own fortifications; the Blind Legion's former base was captured for use as Orbiks Prime's lair.[15] Eventually, Variks, the Loyal was able to track down Orbiks Prime and sent the Guardian after it. With their Prime's destruction, Variks believed that the House of Wolves had been broken once and for all.[16]
Having been nearly wiped out by the deaths of their leaders and lieutenants from subsequent Guardian hunts, the House of Wolves were driven to the brink. They met their end when the terrifying Scorn Baron known as Reksis Vahn, the Hangman subsequently hunted down and destroyed their last remaining Servitors, dooming and wiping the formerly-great House of Wolves off the map once and for all.
The Wolves appear to have a more complex structure than compared the other houses. While they retain the typical leadership of a Kell, an Archon, and a Prime Servitor (though the latter two are dead or missing) followed by Barons and other nobility, the Wolves have several additional posts and groups with special functions within the House.
Kells are served by Wolves' Guards, Captains who are selected from an early age and brainwashed to be completely subservient to the Kell.[17] The Kell also has the Silent Fang at their command, an elite group of assassins, to eliminate potential rivals and threats.[18] To keep the rank-and-file in line, fanatical Wolf Enforcers ensure that the remaining Fallen of the House maintain their loyalty. Several other informal groups serve the Kell, such as the Howling Raiders[19], the Twisted Claw[20], and the Queenbreakers (the Wolves who formerly served as Mara Sov's personal bodyguards, but then attempted to assassinate her)[21].
- Virixas, Kell of Wolves—Kell
- Skolas, Kell of Kells—Kell
- Kaliks Prime—Prime Servitor
- Kaliks Reborn—Prime Servitor
- Orbiks Prime—Prime Servitor
- Aksor, Archon Priest—Archon of Kaliks Prime
- Fikrul, the Fanatic—Archon of Kaliks Prime
- Keldar, Archon Priest—Archon of Orbiks Prime
Notable members
- Irxis, Wolf Baroness
- Parixas, the Howling
- Drevis, Wolf Baroness—leader of the Silent Fang
- Yavek, Wolf Baron
- Pirsis, Pallas-Bane
- Skoriks, Archon-Slayer
- Saviks, Queenbreaker
- Grayor, Wolf Assassin
- Beltrik, the Veiled
- Skriviks, the Sharp-Eyed
- Veliniks, the Ravenous
- Peekis, the Disavowed
- Weksis, the Meek
- Basoriks, Wolves' Guard
- Liksor, Wolf Blade
- Pilxis, Wolf Claw
- Avrok, Spider's Associate (formerly)
- Mithrax, the Forsaken
Notable Servitors
Notable Groups
- The Silent Fang
- The Wolves' Guard
- [[Twisted Claw|The Twisted Claw
- The Queenbreakers
- The Howling Raiders
Unique forces
- The House of Wolves is the second Fallen House Guardians have seen go extinct. The first being the House of Winter.
List of appearances
- ^ Bungie (2014-6-12), Destiny: Alpha PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, The Speaker: Quotes
- ^ Playstation Blog: First Look Destiny Collector's Edition
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Variks, The Loyal
- ^ Bungie (2014/9/9), Destiny, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Ghost Fragment: The Queen
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Ghost Fragment: Fallen 4
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Wanted: Skolas, Kell of Kells
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Item Description, Gone to Ground 3
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Variks, The Loyal
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Wanted: Saviks, Queenbreaker
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Ghost Fragment: Fallen 3
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: The Hunt for Skolas
- ^ Bungie (2015-5-19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Queen's Ransom
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Skolas: Defeated
- ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, A New Den
- ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Prime's Path
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Wanted: Wolves' Guard
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Wanted: Silent Fang
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Wanted: Howling Raiders
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Wanted: Twisted Claw
- ^ Bungie (2014/5/19), Destiny: House of Wolves Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Wanted: Queenbreaker Vandal