Forum:Vault of Finality (Raid)

Vault of Finality
Vault of Glass Team.jpg


D&Destiny: Fractures



Recommended Power Level:



Vault of Finality, Black Garden


Stop the Sol Divisive from trying to revive the Witness through destroying the Source of their operation.

Destinypedia has a walkthrough guide for this level; see Forum:Vault of Finality (Raid)/Walkthrough.

This article is about the raid. For the location, see Forum:Vault of Finality (Location).
In the Black Garden, Evil Stirs to reawaken our greatest foe

Vault of Finality is a Raid, located in the Vex structure of the same name hidden deep within the "mesa" long seen in the distance within the Black Garden.

Stored away, deep in the Vault of Finality on Venus is Galixious, Resonant Conflux. No one knows what this Vex is. Guardians must access the Vault, navigate the fractures in reality, and terminate Galixious before it can revive the Witness.


This is the Walkthrough for the Vault of Finality

The Vault of Finality can be broken up into multiple Encounters, each with a different puzzle and/or boss encounter. There are no objective markers or instructions on how to complete the Vault within the game.

Encounter 1: Entrance

Players spawn in an open area outside the Vault's entrance littered with Vex ruins. The goal is to open the gate by assembling a Spire, which acts as a key. The Spire is built by having all three Sync Plates in the area continuously active for a period of five minutes. Sync Plates are initially activated by clearing them of enemies and standing on them. Once activated, waves of Vex enemies will spawn at points near the Sync Plates and attempt to deactivate them. Players must destroy the Vex before they can force Guardians away from Sync Plates, or the Spire's construction will reverse.

As a puzzle, this stage is fairly simple. The most significant threat to the Sync Plates are powerful Minotaur variants called Bound Minotaurs. Once a Bound Minotaur spawns, it will rapidly advance toward the nearest Sync Plate. Players should focus on destroying Bound Minotaurs above all else so that the Spire is not interrupted as they are the only units that can capture Plates, the adds being shields and cannon fodder. When the Spire is complete, it will link with the Vault portal, summoning a Ultra Tormentor.

Among the attackers that harass the players are Goblins and Hobgoblins are the main enemies, with the occasional Quantum Minotaurs spawning with a group of other grunts. Every few waves, a Malignant Cyclops will spawn on a rock in a random location near a plate. These enemies are annoying to deal with, so they should be killed as quickly as possible. The encounter ends when the Spire is fully formed and the Tormentor is dead, enabling players to advance further into the Vault of Finality.

Encounter 2: Subjugatium / The Drowned Well

Follow the passageway down. Along the way, the players will come across their first chest full of Architect-curated loot (but of high rarity). Off to the side of this platform, and down, is a special tunnel a little ways below, hidden by greenery; by timing the jump players can easily make it to the underground tunnel. With some trial-and-error players can skip the platforming and appear to the left of The Drowned Well, although it takes time to navigate.

If players ignore the underground tunnel and continue down the passageway there will be a series of platforms to jump down on first before entering the first major room. A sniper can be left on the initial platform before the Well to deal with Hobgoblins that spawn on distant rocks, although this is not recommended unless they have an awareness of what is around them.

This is the area of the first boss, but the boss will not be open to attack yet. Firstly, the players must eliminate all the lesser enemies. Be warned, there are also a unique Vex type called Fanatics in this room—these are headless Goblins that glow and sparkle green, much like ordinary Goblins who have been decapitated; if the player touches them, or steps into the green pools they leave behind when destroyed, the player gets the Mark of Negation, and has a few seconds before they are killed by the Templar's Ritual of Negation. Players who are debuffed need to enter the pool of light in the middle of the map to cleanse themselves; be warned that this takes a small amount of damage. The pool will disappear if used too many times.

After a few waves, the players are prompted to defend the Vex Conflux that spawns toward the front of the room where the players enter, and then, later on, two more Confluxes on the left and right sides of the room, from Vex attempting to sacrifice themselves; and finally, all three Confluxes. Each Conflux will allow four sacrifices before the mission fails. Vex will appear in three places: the middle, and a cave area near each of the latter two Confluxes toward the rear of the map. Following each wave, a header will appear in the left corner of your screen saying "The Templar summons its legions". This spawns a massive number of Fanatics in the center area. Fanatics are very aggressive and will not hesitate to confront the player head-on so it is important to corral them in the center area without touching the green pools they leave behind. Also important is that many yellow bar Axis Harpies spawn at this time at the sides of the room which are deadly even on their own. As the Legion phase concludes, enemies will disappear and the next Confluxes spawn in.

Once the final set of Confluxes have been successfully defended, players will be prompted to kill a Vex enemy called the Oracle. Oracles will spawn in one of seven places, three on each side and one in the middle, and every time an Oracle spawns, it makes a distinct musical sound, lower notes appearing first and higher notes appearing last. Before they spawn there will be a preview of where they appear. Where the Oracles spawn depends on their specific note:

  • C: Center of the stage across from the cleansing fountain ("mid").
  • D: Left side of the stage on the top of a small flight of stairs behind the left conflux ("L1").
  • E: To the right of the center oracle ("R1").
  • F♯: Left side of the left conflux area next to a small edge wall ("L2").
  • G: Back right corner of the right conflux area ("R2").
  • A: Left of The Templar's platform ("L3").
  • B♭: Right of The Templar's platform ("R3").

Players need to kill all the Oracles that spawn as quickly as possible (2 to 3 rounds is the limit) or they will be Marked for Negation. Hobgoblins will appear on the edges of the map, far out on distant platforms, so be careful of stray sniper shots. If a player sniper has successfully managed to stay alive, and conserved their ammo well, they can deal with the Hobgoblins, although wariness and caution is required.


Players should split into 3 teams of two to cover each of the 3 sections. The encounter starts after any player enters the arena. Once the encounter begins, enemies begin spawning from the various caves and crevices on the far sides of each area. Waves will consist of mostly Goblins and Hobgoblins, with a Sacrificial Wyvern or Overload Minotaur spawning occasionally. If a Minotaur or a Wyvern sacrifices to any of the three Confluxes in the arena, it will cause the team to wipe, forcing a restart. There are also Fanatics that spawn alongside regular waves of enemies and killing them leaves a negation pool for around 3 rounds. Entering a negation pool will give the player the "Marked For Negation" debuff, and in order to get rid of this debuff a player must enter the cleansing pool in the center of the arena. Be warned, entering the pool will cause it to despawn for a period of time (2 rounds), so players should call out if they've been marked.

The Oracle phase has also changed: There are 5 waves of Oracles to kill, but they must be killed in the order they appear. If an Oracle is killed out of order, all players will receive the "Marked For Negation" debuff. Players can only remove this buff by jumping into the cleansing pool in the center of the arena, similar to the Confluxes encounter immediately prior. Quantum Minotaurs and will also spawn every few waves.

Encounter 3: Overgrown Echo

After defeating the Oracles, the players will reach a checkpoint and have a break to reorganize before the boss fight. The pool of light will disappear, and in its place will be a Relic called The Aegis, a wieldable shield Relic. Once a player picks it up the Overgrown Echo will appear. The Relic must be charged to fire off its energy bolt to remove the Boss's Shield.

If anyone drops the Relic someone else needs to pick it up in 2 rounds or else the "Curse of the Aegis" will eliminate all players. The Overgrown Echo has a full shield surrounding it that cannot be damaged with any weapon except for the Relic's Super, which can be charged fairly quickly by attacking the Major Harpies in the room, which spawn in great numbers.

Once the Overgrown Echo's shield is down, it will summon a red bubble around every player. Players should avoid firing explosives at the bubble, as it will explode inside and kill them. Instead, they should attack it with their primary weapons or a Solar-damage non-explosive weapon. After a few seconds, the Overgrown Echo will attempt to teleport to another part of the room and get its shield back. To prevent the Overgrown Echo from teleporting, one player stands in the red circle that appears on the radar, manifesting as a pillar of light in a circle, which marks where the Overgrown Echo will appear. If the players do succeed in preventing the Overgrown Echo from teleporting a Minotaur will spawn. Fortunately, the Relic is fairly effective against them.

Teleporting will make Oracles appear in the room, though in the same spots as before. The Oracles spawn in seven waves—each one 5 rounds after the other, with 3 Oracles that must destroyed in the order of appearance. Each Ritual of Negation's cast by the Overgrown Echo is before the next Oracle Spawn on the last round of of a wave. If the players do not dispatch the Oracles quickly enough, getting the Mark of Negation debuff if they fail, the only way to cleanse themselves is with the Relic's grenade ability. (Note: the Relic's cleanse has a cooldown, so use sparingly and time it right.)

It is better to let the other players handle the Oracles, as the player with the Relic will have a hard time dispatching them; however, the Relic can one-shot Oracles easily. Instead, that person should focus on the weaker enemies to build up their Super. If the players do not kill the Templar within seven to eight minutes it will become enraged, and summon a large number of enemies and more Oracles. By this point, the encounter will become too difficult as the Oracles will keep reappearing and Marking everyone for Negation. It is best to finish off the Templar before it can become enraged.

Encounter 4: Labyrinth of Darkness

The players will enter a room with a very large drop to the bottom. Jump down, then double-jump before hitting the bottom to negate fall damage.

This next part will require high coordination and quick reactions. The maze ahead is filled with glowing silver-white Harpies called Gorgons. Gorgons will kill the entire party in 3 rounds if they spot them, so the party needs to exit the labyrinth without being seen.

If, for whatever reason, players choose to kill the Gorgons, rather than avoid them, a lot of firepower is needed to completely destroy the Harpy before it wipes the party. High damage is STRONGLY recommended. Once the Gorgon is destroyed a message will appear saying, "The Gorgons grow more stronger". It is possible to kill all Gorgons at once, though generally only some will be destroyed at a time.

To complete this puzzle the party must move left from the large rock near where you fall down the chasm; once you find the large hall to the left, enter, and climb to the top of the other large rock in the middle of the room and wait until the two Gorgons are clear to the right. Once they have moved out of range jump down to where they were and keep moving until you find a small alcove on the right. Once there just hug the right wall until you find a hole in the wall. If a Hunter has the Nightstalker subclass equipped a Smoke bomb can disguise the party for a few seconds.

Another point of note is that if you head right from the large rock in the chasm and move through the tunnels without being seen there is a white room that contains a chest with high quality materials, either Ascendant Energy, Shards, or Raid-specific gear. Also noted that in the beginning of the labyrinth, where the river along the bottom goes back into the cliff, there is a small cliff hole that you can jump into. Enter this hole and follow the cavern to find another chest.

There are four Gorgons watching specific parts of the map, further limiting where the party may go.

There is a secret chest hidden to the right of where players enter this area, easily accessed by hugging the wall. Inside the chest room, there is also a place to put a rally flag for ammo, in case players want to attempt to kill any Gorgons. The secret chest room can only be opened by destroying three Oracles hidden around the area.

Encounter 5: Jumping Puzzle

After exiting the Labyrinth, the next room is a large, bottomless chamber with a platform nearby. Standing on the platform will summon a new platform, but will also make the current platform disappear after a round. The party needs to jump from platform to platform until they can reach the narrow ledge on the other side, then follow it until they reach a doorway to the right in a recessed chamber. If players have sufficient patience they can navigate all the way down to the recessed chamber, although this is not recommended.

More daring players can attempt to jump once a sufficient way through to the ledge on the furthest side of the room, though careful timing is needed so Lift or double-jump can slow players. From there careful navigation along the ledge will take you to the platform that leads into the Resonant Throne.

There is an alternate route of platforms that spawn directly to the opposite side. To get there, approach the edge of the beginning of the area and jump up into a cave that is up to the left and proceed through the cave. The platform will spawn directly beneath it.

After crossing the chasm with the disappearing platforms, players can open another secret chest. This one is hidden directly up and to the right of the hallway immediately before Galixious, Resonant Conflux's chamber.

Encounter 6: Awaken the Resonant Throne

The encounter starts when a player makes an attack. Bullets do not have to hit an enemy to trigger the encounter. Avoid firing any weapons or using offensive abilities until all players are ready. Once ready, first kill the Gatekeeper Hydra in the middle, then split into 2 teams of 3: 3 on the right plate (called Venus) and 3 on the left plate (called Mars). One player from each team will be assigned to defend their plate while killing various enemies, mostly Goblins the occasional Overload Minotaur. The other two players will enter the corresponding portal above their sync plate.

Outside team AKA Plate defenders: Every few waves of enemies, an additional Gatekeeper will spawn and must be killed as soon as possible, as having it alive prevents portals from opening. All that these players need to do is stay on or around their plates to prevent enemies from re-capturing them. They may also be required to sub in for a member of the inside team and hold the Relic.

Inside team: Once inside the portals, players will need to immediately call out whether they have a shielded Malignant Minotaur in their arena or not, as whoever is holding the Relic will need to find and kill it as soon as possible. It's advised that whoever wants to pick the Relic up first remain outside before the first callout, because if the Relic holder is not in the same arena as the Minotaur, they will need to exit the portal and give the Relic to someone else, switching jobs with them. Once a player drops the Relic, they cannot pick it back up again for 7 rounds. Likewise, once you exit a portal, the same cooldown applies and that player cannot enter a fractured arena with the Relic for that period of time. Communication is paramount during this encounter, failing to kill a shielded Malignant Minotaur in time or allowing too many enemies to sacrifice the confluxes at the center of each arena will wipe the team, forcing a restart.

After three waves complete (marked by how many times Hydras spawn inside an arena), a message reading "A Conflux appears before the Resonant Throne." will appear in the kill feed, signaling all players to exit back through their respective portals and into the Vault of Finality once again. Enemies will spawn all around the arena, including shielded Minotaurs which the Relic holder will have to break or kill. After a couple more waves of normal enemies spawn in, another one will begin, this time with two Wyverns. Once this wave is complete, the encounter ends, and a loot chest will appear.

Encounter 7: Galixious, Resonant Conflux

For this section, the final boss will appear: Galixious, Resonant Conflux. Periodically it will teleport Guardians to a point in time, either one of two versions of the Vault, where one player picks up a Relic and deals with the enemies, and the other two focus on destroying six red/yellow Oracles. Galixious will also Detain Guardians not sent into the portals. The away team will face either 2 Weaver waves and a Bound Harbinger if in the Strand-themed arena or 2 Attendant waves and a Bound Omen if in the Stasis-themed arena. In the past, the relic holder can instantly kill the Psion units (Attendants or Weavers), so the other two players should focus on the Subjugator. Aside from clearing the enemies, the Relic holder can destroy the oracles in one hit. Caution must be observed as the player's screen will eventually go black; using the Relic's cleanse will wipe the darkness away. There will be 3 Sets of 3 Oracles, therefore making it 3 sets. and their locations change each time they appear. Oracles must be killed in the order they appear to the players that were not teleported, or the team will wipe. Have someone from the team who wasn't teleported sit in the middle of the arena (in the back and away from enemies) and call out which Oracles must be killed as they appear.

In the meantime, the Guardians left behind in the Vault will face Galaxious and Supplicants, special Harpies that explode upon death or within close proximity to a player. While Galaxious is summoning Supplicants it will stand still, allowing damage to be done. Players will need to stand on one of the corresponding Sync Plates that opens the portal which releases the trapped players. If the players who get teleported call out "Strand", then those outside would stand on the left plate. If "Stasis" is called, they would stand on the right plate. To avoid getting exploded by the Supplicants, players should stand on the pillar in the middle of both plates. This allows the portal to be opened while simultaneously being out of reach of the Supplicants. When all oracles are destroyed a message will show, saying, "Guardians make their own fate.

Once the oracles are destroyed and players receive "Time's Vengeance", a buff greatly increasing the damage taken by Atheon and speeding up players' cooldowns, they should go to the middle floating block to do their damage. Here, the Relic holder activates the shield ability to protect the other players while they deal damage to Atheon. When the "Time's Vengeance" timer is low, Guardians should jump out the back, towards where they entered the Vault, because if they jump to the left or right, Supplicants will most likely blow them up. When the buff ends, Galaxious will again banish half of the team, and players should repeat the process until Galaxious is defeated.

During the damage phase, Galaxious will randomly select one person and apply an "Imminent Detain" debuff. That person must stop doing damage and move away from other players, otherwise, they risk trapping the entire group and wiping them. Whoever receives this debuff should move either to the back or front of the group, far away from anyone else. Players should be quick to break the containment field surrounding the unlucky person or risk killing them. Also, have a team member pick up the relic periodically then drop it right after to reset the timer or the entire fireteam will wipe if no one picks up the relic.




  • The Spire is forming
  • The Vex are taking control of a sync plate
  • The Spire have activated
  • The Overgrown Echo prepares for Ritual of Negation
  • The Overgrown Echo summons its legions
  • The Overgrown Echo summons the Oracles
  • The Oracles recognize their refrain
  • The Oracles prepare to sing their refrain
  • You are lost to the dark corners of time
  • You and the Relic have been lost to time
  • The Overgrown Echo is attempting to teleport
  • The Overgrown Echo calls for its Minotaurs.
  • The Relic has been dropped
  • A Gorgon has found its prey
  • A Vex Timegate is active
  • A Gatekeeper appears…
  • The Vex have captured a sync plate
  • A Vex has sacrificed itself to the conflux
  • A new conflux has appeared before the Resonant Throne
  • The timestreams stabilize
  • Galixious banishes you (Only seen by those who are warped out of main arena)
  • Galixious sends forth the Supplicants
  • Galixious calls upon the Oracles
  • Your Time has run out…
  • You succumbed to the Oracles
  • Guardians make their own fate

List of appearances