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Season of Dawn
Season of Dawn.png

Start date:

December 10th, 2019

End date:

March 9th, 2020

Previous season:

Season of the Undying

Next season:

Season of the Worthy

Bring the Sky down on them.

Season of Dawn is the ninth season of Destiny 2 and the second seasonal content for Shadowkeep, starting from December 10th, 2019 and ending on March 9th, 2020. The story consists of Guardians returning to Mercury to assist Osiris in stopping the Red Legion from changing history using a hijacked time machine. This season also features the debut appearance of Saint-14, a legendary Titan who suffered a final death only to be saved from his fate.


Defend The Timeline

"With the Vex Invasion now defeated, Osiris calls upon you to face a new threat. Stop a council of Cabal Psion Flayers from manipulating time and undoing our victory against the Red Legion."

Repair the Sundial

"Turn Back Time
Journey through time to save a legendary hero.

"The Sundial
Defend the Sundial from the Cabal in an all-new 6-player matchmade activity.

"Earn New Weapons
Choose which weapons to earn by completing Timelost weapon frames.

Seasonal Roadmap




Guardians, Residents of the Last City, and their Allies
The Cabal Empire
The Fallen
The Reef
The Scorn
Other Characters




Vehicles, Equipment, and Technology

Weapons and Armor



Destiny 2: Shadowkeep - Season of Dawn Trailer


  • This season sees the return of the Red Legion as the main enemy Guardians face.
    • This season sees the second time the Cabal as the main species antagonist.
    • This season marks the first time Psions are the main antagonists.
