Mithrax, Kell of Light | |
Biographical information | |
Other name(s): |
Misraaks |
Homeworld: |
Species: |
Gender: |
Male |
Political and military information | |
Affiliation: |
House of Wolves (formerly) |
Rank: |
Class: |
Notable info: |
Kell of the House of Light |
- "Wolves rebel. Now, Wolves extinct. This where-live mine-things scatter must end. I will Kell the mind-open Eliksni. No spider-tricks. No loyal-lies. Variisis truths. We fight for Great Machine together."
- — Mithrax
Mithrax, Kell of Light or Misraaks is a Fallen Kell who founded the House of Light. He is first seen working with the House of Dusk on Titan where he and his crew attempted to gain control of a methane reactor to boost Ether supply.
Following an encounter with The Guardian who spared his life, Mithrax would abandon the Dusk and formed House Light. Working with two Guardians, Mithrax provided key information to the Last City which prevented the heist of Zero Hour. His actions inadvertently caused Eramis, the Shipstealer to create the House of Salvation.[2]
Later, Ikora sought the aid of Mithrax to end the Endless Night created by the Vex. It was revealed that he is a Sacred Splicer who has the ability to breach into the Vex network by refocusing Light.[3][4]
Alliance with Sjur
- "Misraaks. Velask, Si-yu-riks."
"Mithrax. Velask, Mithrax. And welcome! Let's have a look about, shall we?" - — Mithrax reluctantly exchanging greetings with Sjur
Misraaks served as a Vandal under the command of his mother, a Captain in the House of Wolves. He was captured by Sjur Eido and transported aboard a Galliot with all four of his arms bound behind his back. Due to not being killed outright by Sjur, Misraaks believed that she intended to torture him, but vowed that it would not work and that he would never yield like the House of Judgment to the Awoken. He also believed that nothing the Awoken could do to him would compare to the shame and dishonor he already felt at being held captive. Upon landing in the Dreaming City, Misraaks stepped out of the Galliot into a garden, imagining as he did so that his mother would dock his arms with nothing but her own brute strength and would willingly welcome death by Ether starvation to make up for his shame. Sjur began speaking to him in a language he did not understand and placed a hand on his shoulder. Misraaks was surprised by how strong her grip felt despite lacking claws, but he quickly noted her quiver held only one arrow for her bow and believed her to be stupid as they stared at the gardens. He quickly swept her legs out from under her and began charging towards a nearby cliff edge, seeking to kill himself to erase his shame and hoped his mother would soon forget him. However, Sjur caught one of his feet as he began to fall and hauled him back onto the cliff despite his attempts to drag her down with him.[5]
Sjur quickly bound Misraaks's feet to prevent him from attempting suicide again. Unable to do anything but glower at his captor and hate her weak human form, he was caught off-guard when she suddenly drew two fractal knives and preformed an ireliis bow towards him. Stunned by the display of peace, Misraaks quickly felt a sense of fury and believed it to be some kind of trick but responded correctly to the gesture. Sjur continued to perform the ritual of supplication, even speaking in Eliksni, which caused him to feel a fresh sense of betrayal and wonder how many secrets of the Fallen had been told to the Awoken by those who had surrendered to their rule. Despite his feelings, when Sjur placed the knife between them and introduced herself, Misraaks was honor bound to respond in kind and attempted to state her name back, although he found it difficult. The Awoken had trouble with his name as well, pronouncing it as Mithrax, but welcomed him to the Dreaming City and proposed they look around.[5]
Despite his initial feelings, Mithrax soon became friends with Sjur and an ally of the Awoken, fighting alongside Sjur against Fallen who remained hostile to them. After one battle fought alongside Corsairs and Crows against Wolves and the House of Devils, Mithrax sat on a Galliot's wing and watched with some discomfort as his new allies picked through the wreckage and charred bodies, treating their own wounded and the surviving Fallen. He was startled out of his reflection when Sjur appeared and requested he aid in the search efforts. He reluctantly did as she asked, finding a surviving Wolf he recalled from a coming-of-age ceremony for a distant relative, three Devils who stared at him in confusion and anger, and a Crow trapped beneath the wreckage of his ship. As he finished search the remains of a Skiff, he heard a noise in one of the vessel's ventilation shafts. Peering within, Mithrax was startled to find a hatchling still in its egg-molt. Prying open the grate, he stuck his hand in and softly encouraged her to come to him, and felt his heart surge with emotion as she crawled onto his awaiting palm.[6]
Enemy of My Enemy
- "We didn't kill him. He let us have it. Just looked at us and left."
"Fascinating! This is an excellent example that the universe is… a complicated place. That perhaps there are more things in the heavens than can be dreamt of in our philosophy." - — The Ghost, Sloane and Zavala talking about Mithrax
Decades later, Mithrax was no longer allied with the Awoken, with Sjur having perished during the Reef Wars and the Reef having been thrown into chaos in the aftermath of the Taken War. He eventually joined the House of Dusk, which was created from the broken remnants of most of the remaining Houses, and rose to the rank of Captain with command of his own crew and Ketch. Mithrax learned of a methane reactor on Saturn's moon Titan in the ruins of the New Pacific Arcology that would allow for the easier production of ether to feed his people. Leading his crew to Titan, Mithrax began scouring the Arcology for the location of the reactor, locating an auxiliary control center in the Tidal Anchor that might contain the data they needed. However, this attracted the attention of the Vanguard and Deputy-Commander Sloane, who sent the Young Wolf to clear out the Fallen. Mithrax deployed Barricade Servitors to slow the Guardian, who arrived at the control center just as Mithrax prepared to leave with the data he sought. Separated by a locked door, Mithrax acknowledged the Guardian before departing with his subordinates.[7]
With more data on the methane reactor secured, Mithrax led a crew into the Festering Halls and fought through the Hive to reach a backup boot-up console for the reactor. However, they ended up trapped behind an energy barrier after inadvertently triggering a security system. The Young Wolf eventually arrived and killed the Hive which had surrounded them before activating the boot-up console themselves. This activated a barrier around the Guardian while also deactivating the one trapping Mithrax and his escort. The Fallen swiftly began to leave while they had a chance, but Mithrax halted before the Young Wolf and bowed to them before departing.[8] With the reactor now active, Mithrax and the Vanguard could both trace its location and raced to secure it. Mithrax brought his Ketch down close to the arcology along with the High Servitor Selkis, the Obstructor to acquire the vital machine. The Fallen faced stiff resistance from the Hive, and with the Young Wolf close on his heels Mithrax deployed more Barricade Servitors and other traps to buy time.[9]
Upon reaching the reactor, Mithrax engaged in a duel against the Hive Knight Golthor, the Subtle. The two warriors fought, and each was badly injured when the Young Wolf caught up to them in the midst of this duel and was left with a choice on what to do. They ultimately did not attack Mithrax and only slew Golthor. In thanks for their aid, Mithrax crossed his blades in a gesture of respect towards them before transmatting out of the room, giving up the methane reactor to the Guardian. Alternatively, the Young Wolf did attack both Mithrax and Golthor, slaying the Hive Knight and defeating Mithrax, although the Fallen Captain ultimately survived the encounter.[9]
Mithrax's Fireteam
Honoring Sjur
- "Let them have the Great Machine. They deserve it."
- — Mithrax
Following the events on Titan, Mithrax returned to the Tangled Shore and reflected upon recent events. He concluded that humanity was deserving of the Great Machine and encouraged his fellow Eliksni to let them have it.[10] Deserting the House of Dusk, Mithrax met and befriended a Hunter and Warlock, with whom he formed a Fireteam as they agreed to aid him in seeing his new vision for the Eliksni's future come to fruition.[11]
Mithrax decided to visit the tomb of Sjur before setting out on his new quest in order to pay his respects to the friend who had started him down this path. The Hunter and Warlock accompanied him on this journey, taking the chance to learn more about Eliksni culture. As Mithrax stood upon a ruined Skiff and scanned the horizon of the Tangled Shore, attempting to recall the way to Sjursrest, the Hunter asked why the House of Wolves was named such and wondered if there were wolves on Riis. Mithrax explained that the Eliksni had adopted many new names upon arriving in the Solar System, noting his own name change from Misraaks to Mithrax, in order to better fit what they had become. Recognizing several landmarks and remembering the way to the tomb, Mithrax leapt down from the Skiff and stated that the Wolves had once been weavers on their homeworld before becoming the savage House that humanity knew.[12]
Entering the cave which housed Sjur's tomb, the three friends continued their discussion of Eliksni history. As the Warlock explained the Reef Wars, the Hunter became confused as to why Queen Mara Sov had accepted the defeated Wolves as her bodyguards, considering it strange to trust enemies, before apologizing to Mithrax for any offense. Taking none, Mithrax explained that it was strange, but that the Wolves and Eliksni had honor and would have always followed the will of Mara had Skolas not reemerged, as old oaths overrode newer ones. At last reaching Sjur's tomb, Mithrax approached it and knelt in silence as his companions stayed back. After a time, the Warlock questioned if Mithrax was ready. Rising, Mithrax declared his intent to end the divide amongst his people and reject the ways of Variks, the Loyal and The Spider. He vowed to follow the truths that Sjur had showed him and become the Kell of all open-minded Eliksni who could work with humanity and fight alongside them for the Traveler together.[11]
With his friends by his side, Mithrax founded the House of Light and sought out other Eliksni who were willing to work with humanity and follow him as Kell. He began conducting operations in support of humanity alongside his friends. Reports of Mithrax's efforts came to the attention of The Hidden, with some agents skeptical of Mithrax's intentions and the truth of his alliance with Guardians.[13]
Zero Hour
Later on, in the Season of the Drifter, Mithrax beckons Guardians to The Farm using a Fallen Transponder. Interacting with Mithrax takes both him and The Guardian to the Old Tower to complete the mission Zero Hour where they chase down House of Devils loyalists who have stolen preserved SIVA tech from a Cryptarch Vault deep inside. The group is in search of the weapon known as Outbreak Perfected, a Destiny 2 version of the famed Rise of Iron weapon, Outbreak Prime. Led by Siriks, Loyal to Eramis, the group is defeated before they could escape The Last City. After Siriks is defeated, Mithrax jumps onto a Fallen Skiff and once again disappears.
Beyond Light
Mithrax sent vague reports to the Last City regarding activities occurring around no go area near Golden Age stations on Europa. He states there is "something that cannot be stolen from" which is a Eliksni reference to the Darkness as they "cannot take from the dark you can claim only pain".[14]
As the Guardians travel to Europa and discover Eramis and her House of Salvation utilizing a power of Darkness, Stasis, to give them power, they work alongside Variks to bring down her upstart empire. During their campaign, the Guardians aid refugee Fallen who fear and disagree with the Kell of Darkness, in fleeing from Europa. Variks directs these refugees to Mithrax and his House of Light, believing that he will see them safely and give them hope for a better and peaceful future.
The Endless Night
Evacuation on Europa
- "Then we accept, with Light in our hearts. We will join you, in your city... beneath the Traveler."
- — Mithrax, accepting Ikora's offer for the House of Light to join the Last City
Mithrax continued to work with Variks to evacuate civilians from Europa, travelling to the moon himself to escort them to safety. As he headed towards the Asterion Abyss for his next pickup, he broadcasted a message urging those who sought to renounce violence to find him there and to prioritize lives over possessions for the evacuation. However, the Vex shot down his Skiff, and he crashed into the Abyss. Although several of his crew were killed, Mithrax escaped the Vex and found the refugees who sought his help. He led them to a cave for shelter as they were pursued by the Vex, but they soon learned a Guardian followed as well. Ordering the refugees to stay quiet while he confronted them and trust in the Light that they were friendly. Meeting them on the ice, Mithrax recognized them as the Guardian he encountered on Titan and detected that the Warlock Vanguard Ikora Rey was in communication with them. Ikora greeted him and noted she had sought him for some time. Mithrax admitted he knew this from his own spies, but that with House Light's numerous enemies he had sought to remain hidden. She requested his aid with the Endless Night inflicted upon The Last City by the Vex, but Mithrax was reluctant to abandon his work protecting Eliksni civilians and requested help blinding the Vex in the region so they could talk further.[15]
Opening a portal into the Vex's Outer Nexus, Mithrax requested the Guardian enter and walk the path of a Sacred Splicer like himself. The Young Wolf entered the portal, and Mithrax explained to them and Ikora that it was not an illusionary space but where the Vex kept their most precious secrets and assets. Manipuating the Nexus to provide the Guardian a clear route, Mithrax was impressed by their ability to navigate the network like a skilled Splicer and attributed it to their powerful Light. As they made it farther into the Nexus than he ever had, Mithrax requested they destroy the nearby curator and take its living data for analysis. After it was defeated, Mithrax detected the Nexus was trying to delete them and ordered them to flee to a portal back into reality he opened. The path he made for them was tampered with as the Young Wolf traversed it, causing Mithrax concern as he sensed another power working against him. As the system collapsed around the Young Wolf, Mithrax managed to create a exit underneath them to return them to the Asterion Abyss.[15]
With the recovered data, Mithrax noted they could now reveal more secrets of the Vex. However, he sadly noted that while it would benefit them both to study it, he had no time to as he must move on with his people to help them survive. Ikora then pleaded with him to let those who died on his Skiff to be the last and offered for him and House Light to come to the Last City. Surprised by the offer, Mithrax questioned if Ikora had the authority to make such a deal. The Warlock vowed that they would be under the Vanguard's protection and any who questioned that would answer to her. Reassured, Mithrax gladly accepted the offer and eagerly looked forward to settling in the Last City underneath the Traveler.[15]
Beneath the Great Machine
- "My people shelter beneath the Great Machine... this is beyond simple generosity. I must thank Ikora for her gift."
- — Mithrax
Upon arriving in the Last City with House Light, Mithrax and his followers were granted the ruins of the Botza District to make their new homes. As they settled into the ruins, their camp was visited by the Young Wolf, Osiris, and Lakshmi-2, who the Future War Cult. Overawed by being in the presence of the Great Machine and for the safety his people now had, Mithrax was eager to thank and repay Ikora for the chance she had given them. Lakshmi countered that all who lived in the Last City were granting them sanctuary, not just Ikora, while Osiris extended all of their welcome to the City. Mithrax offered both of them his and House Light's thanks and appreciation, but Lakshmi's tone turned hostile and warned him to show that appreciation by having his people keep to themselves and that not all in the City would be open-minded about the Eliksni's presence.
However, Osiris was more welcoming and asked if there was any further help that could be provided. Mithrax noted that they needed to make modifications for better ether production, which Lakshmi suggested should be cleared by Ikora, who she noted seemed willing to provide the Eliksni with anything. The Exo further added that she would be busy advocating for the people of the City in the dark times the FWC had predicted were approaching. As Lakshmi transmatted away, Osiris apologized for her behavior and noted tensions in the City were high and that the establishment of the House Light camp was a mixture of decree and democracy. The former Warlock hoped there stay would be uneventful, a sentiment that Mithrax agreed with.[16]
Personality and Traits
Originally, Mithrax was similar to any other Fallen Captain the Guardians have encountered but is is very determined and elusive. However, after a direct confrontation with the Guardian on Titan, where they battled against the Hive together, a change occurred within Mithrax. Having become disillusioned with the Fallen's current ways of scrounging and fighting amongst each other has made them unworthy of the Traveler and its Light, thereby believing that the Guardians and humanity are more deserving of it. Since defecting to the Last City and creating his own House, Mithrax has proven to be an ally, albeit an elusive and secretive one.
Variks stated that while Mithrax is young for a Kell and untested, he and his allies dare to hope that he will bring the Eliksni people to a better tomorrow.
- Main article: Mithrax/Quotes for full quotes
- "Here we can start over." —Mithrax, Bad Reputation
- "We walk this hardship-path with joyful hearts. Be brave", Outbreak Perfected
Bounty Quotes
- "Ancient Splicers saw blades as weapons of honor. Keep their tradition alive."
- "Eliksni Splicers prefer finesse, but I've learned to respect the Guardians' more forceful approach."
- "A Splicer must be as swift as the Light, or be overcome by Darkness."
- "Vex rely on radiolaria, Eliksni on Ether, and humans on water. Is it not interesting how fluids rule all life?"
- "Data is to the Vex as Ether to the Eliksni. It is the source of their strength."
- "To manipulate Vex Data is to control their reality. Their existence bends with it."
- "Harpies perform crucial data-gathering processes. Destroying them denies the Vex needed information."
- "Your weapons channel Light. Without you, they are nothing."
- "In the Vex network, nothing is destroyed. Only transferred back to non-existence."
- "This technology is familiar to me. I have seen many Eliksni, and humans, destroyed by it."
Mithrax's Dusk Crew
Mithrax vs Golthor
Zero Hour
The Lost Splicer
Eliksni Quarters
List of appearances
- Destiny 2 (First appearance)
- Forsaken (Mentioned only)
- Joker's Wild
- Season of Opulence (Mentioned only)
- Shadowkeep (Mentioned only)
- Beyond Light (Mentioned only)
- Season of the Splicer
- Season of the Lost (Mentioned only)
- ^ a b Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Scatterhorn Mask/Helm/Hood
- ^ Bungie (2020/11/10), Destiny 2: Beyond Light, PlayStation 5, Lore: The Visionary
- ^ Bungie (2021/5/4), Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer, Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer Trailer
- ^ Bungie (2021/5/11), Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer, PlayStation 5 Splicer Gauntlet
- ^ a b Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Activision Blizzard - Lore: The Dreaming City - Misraaks
- ^ Bungie (2019/6/4), Destiny 2: Season of Opulence, Activision Blizzard - Truth
- ^ Bungie (2017/8/9), Destiny 2, Activision Blizzard - Quest: Enemy of My Enemy - Data Requisition
- ^ Bungie (2017/8/9), Destiny 2, Activision Blizzard - Quest: Enemy of My Enemy - Lighting the Dark
- ^ a b Bungie (2017/8/9), Destiny 2, Activision Blizzard - Quest: Enemy of My Enemy - Chances and Choices
- ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Activision Blizzard - Item Description: Tangled Hood Vest / Plate/ Robes
- ^ a b Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Activision Blizzard - Queenbreakers' Bow
- ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Activision Blizzard - Lord of Wolves
- ^ Bungie (2019/3/5), Destiny 2: Joker's Wild, Activision Blizzard - Lore: Stolen Intelligence: Outliers
- ^ Bungie (2020/10/20), Destiny: Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Ghost Fragment: Fallen 2
- ^ a b c Bungie (2021/5/11), Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer - Mission: The Lost Splicer
- ^ Bungie (2021/5/11), Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer - Quest: Beneath the Great Machine