Lighting the Dark
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Lighting the Dark | |
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750 |
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Objective(s): |
Find the methane reactor to end the Arcology's power shortages. |
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Lighting the Dark is the second mission of the Enemy of My Enemy questline.
- Cycle auxiliary terminals
- X of 2
- Locate reactor console
- Find a way through
- Get through checkpoint
- Turn on the reactor

- Zavala: With your data, Holliday's been able to dig out the locations of two terminals in the reactors auxiliary system. They appear to be on the fritz.
- Sloane: We need you to get in there and cycle the power. That should clear up the noise and restore the core systems as well.
Entering into a building within the Arcology, the Guardian cycles the power to one of the two auxiliary terminal.
- Ghost: Cycling power. Let’s find the other one.
The Guardian discovers and cycles power to the second auxiliary terminal.
- Ghost: That's two… Wait.
- Ghost: Devices that require multiple, separate activations? Aren't those, you know, really dangerous?
- Sloane: Did I say the reactor was safe?
- Ghost: Here I was thinking you liked us.
- Zavala: The people Sloane likes tend to wind up in crossfire in indefensible positions. Ask me how I know.
- Sloane: Because I trust you to survive, Commander.
- Sloane:All right. With those terminals refreshed, we've pinpointed the reactor's bootup console. Light 'em up.
Travelling deeper into the Arcology, the Guardian arrives at the Solarium where they encounter waring Fallen and Hive. They destroy a barricade Servitor to lower a barrier, allowing them to traverse further into the Arcology to the Festering Halls where they discover a Hive nest containing Golden Age safety checkpoints maintains a barrier.
- Ghost: Huh, Golden Age safety checkpoints. Still operational too.
Hacking into the checkpoint, Ghost disables the barriers blocking their path. Furthermore, they spot Mithrax, the Forsaken and members of his crew contained within a barrier.
- Ghost: Hey, look who it is! The Captain. And it looks like he's stuck. Too bad.
- Zavala: Don't let him distract you. Wake up that reactor.
The Guardian defeats swarms of incoming Hive while Ghost turns on the reactor. However, they are contained within a barrier while Mithrax and his crew are freed.
- Arcology AI: [In another language: "Reactor initializing. Returning recognized life forms to safety zones"]
- Ghost: I, uh… didn't mean to free the Captain.
Travelling towards the exit, Mithrax bows to the Guardian before he and his crew depart through an exit, shutting the door behind them as the barrier containing the Guardian lowers shortly after.
- Ghost: We're free, lets get out of here.
- Sloane: I can see the reactor on heat scans, bright and clear. Well done, Guardian. Now all we have to do is get to it before the Fallen do. Should be easy. Right?
- Boss
- Destiny 2 (First appearance)