Slayer Baron Apothecary Satchel

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Slayer Baron Apothecary Satchel

"A custom pouch with attached Tonic Capsule for mixing various resources found in the field."
— Description

The Slayer Baron Apothecary Satchel is a Seasonal Artifact introduced in Episode: Revenant. Certain mods can be enhanced for a limited time by consuming Volatile Tonics within the Tonic Capsule.

Seasonal Artifact Mods[edit]

Column 1[edit]

  • Anti-Barrier Scout Rifle: Scout Rifles you are wielding fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Barrier Champions. Additionally, Scout Rifles are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Overload Submachine Gun: Landing consecutive hits with any Submachine Gun you are wielding disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Overload Champions. Additionally, Submachine Guns are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Unstoppable Pulse Rifle: Aiming down the sights of a Pulse Rifle for a short time loads a powerful explosive payload that stuns unshielded combatants. Strong against Unstoppable Unstoppable Champions. Additionally, Pulse Rifles are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Anti-Barrier Shotgun: Shotguns you are wielding fire shield-piercing rounds and stun Barrier Barrier Champions. Additionally, Shotguns are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Overload Breechloaded Grenade Launcher: Damaging a combatant with Primary or Special ammo Grenade Launchers disrupts combatants, stunning them, delaying ability energy regeneration and lowering combatant damage output. Strong against Overload Overload Champions. Additionally, Primary and Special ammo Grenade Launchers are always overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Authorized Mods: Melee: The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your melee are significantly discounted.
  • Authorized Mods: Grenades: The armor energy costs of all armor mods affecting your grenades are significantly discounted.

Column 2[edit]

  • One with Frost: While Frost Armor is active, Stasis weapons gain increased reload speed and stability. Stasis Swords gain increased guard resistance.
  • Killing Breeze: Rapid weapon final blows grant you a bonus to mobility. Weapon final blows with the Dark Ether Reaper origin trait count as more than one.
  • Enhanced Ether Generator: Dark Ether Reaper origin trait has a chance to spawn an extra Dark Ether charge. Weapons with the Dark Ether Reaper origin trait are overcharged when that modifier is active.
  • Fell the Revenant: Deal increased weapon damage to Scorn. Wearing Shadestalker Armor increases the bonus damage.
  • Rapid Impacts: Dealing damage with a Grenade Launcher temporarily increases the reload speed of Grenade Launchers.
  • Emergency Flare: Emergency Reinforcements consume all but 1 Armor Charge.
  • Frenzied Hunger: Rapid final blows while Devour is active grant a bonus to reload and handling.

Column 3[edit]

  • Wind Chill: Rapid Stasis weapon precision hits grant you a stack of Frost Armor. Rapid precision hits from weapons with the Dark Ether Reaper origin trait grant you more stacks of Frost Armor.
    • BOOST: Dealing Stasis weapon damage to slowed targets has a chance to spawn a Stasis shard.
  • Crystalline Converter: Gather Stasis Shards to gain stacks of Crystalline Converter. Your next powered Stasis melee hit creates Stasis crystals equal to the number of stacks you have.
    • BOOST: Stasis weapon final blows after activating your class ability spawn a Stasis shard.
  • Total Carnage: After finishing a powerful combatant, gain temporary damage resistance. While you have two or more Shadestalker armor pieces equipped, after finishing a powerful combatant, gain increased temporary damage resistance and replenish health.
  • Power from Pain: Rapid final blows against weakened combatants grants you Devour.
    • BOOST: Rapidly defeating weakened combatants spawns a Void Breach.
  • Trace Evidence: Rapid precision hits or rapid final blows on targets affected by jolt or blind will generate Ionic Traces.
    • BOOST: Picking up an Ionic Trace grants an Armor Charge.
  • The Thick of It: Rapid final blows, while surrounded, grant you Armor Charge.
    • BOOST: While you are surrounded, your weapons have increased handling. Swords gain increased charge rate.
  • Finders Keepers: Picking up Special or Heavy ammo grants a chance to receive an Armor Charge. Heavy ammo grants a greater chance.

Column 4[edit]

  • Armor of Eramis: While Frost Armor is active, taking critical damage from combatants causes you to emit a freezing burst.
    • BOOST: Increase radius and strength of this freezing burst.
  • Crystalized Auto Loader: Shattering Stasis crystals releases shards of ice that damage and slow targets.
    • BOOST: Shattering frozen targets and Stasis crystals deals increased damage.
  • Debilitating Wave: Finishers emit a damaging wave that matches the element of your currently equipped Super.
    • BOOST: While you have an Arc, Void or Stasis Super equipped, the blast also applies Blind, Weaken, and Slow, respectively.
  • Concussive Reload: Using a Grenade Launcher to damage a boss, damage a Champion, or break a combatant's shield weakens them.
    • BOOST: Using Grenade Launchers to damage bosses, Champions, or to break combatants’ shields automatically reloads stowed weapons.
  • Retinal Burn: Rapid Arc weapon precision hits consume an Armor Charge to blind the target.
    • BOOST: Blinding a target this way instead emits a blinding burst.
  • Curative Orbs: The first time you break a target’s shield or break the shield of a Guardian using their Super, you create an Orb of Power
    • BOOST: Picking up an Orb of Power, an Elemental pickup, or a Tangle grants you a small amount of health.
  • Void Renewal: While Devour is active, Void weapon final blows have a chance to generate a Void Breach.
    • BOOST: Picking up a Void Breach reloads Shotguns and Grenade Launchers.

Column 5[edit]

  • Brain Freeze: Frozen combatants become surrounded by chilling fog, which slows combatants that aren't already. Weapons with the Dark Ether Reaper origin trait deal more damage to frozen combatants.
  • Supernova: Picking up a Void Breach causes your next source of Void damage to create a large weakening pulse.
  • Conductive Cosmic Crystal: Your Arc abilities, Void abilities, and weapons with the Dark Ether Reaper origin trait do bonus damage to targets that are affected by a Stasis debuff.
    • BOOST: Increase bonus damage to combatants affected by a Stasis debuff.
  • Served Cold: Picking up a Stasis Shard grants you class ability energy. Picking up a Void Breach grants you melee energy.
  • Kinetic Impacts: Sustained damage with a Power Grenade Launcher causes the combatant to emit a shockwave that damages nearby combatants. This shockwave can stun Unstoppable Unstoppable Champions.
  • Arc Compounding: Arc sources deal increased damage to Blind targets.
  • Old God's Rite: After picking up a Void Breach, dealing damage with a Void weapon creates a rain of seeking projectiles.
    • BOOST: Create more seeking projectiles on final blows.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

A note is attached:

A gift for the Slayer Baron, in thanks for the burden you carry on behalf of all Eliksni.

May it grant you many-armed protection as you face Fikrul.

There are two great challenges we face: one kinetic, against the Revenant Scorn; one corporeal—my father's curse.

But Slayer Baron tonics may save us from both, as they did the ancient Eliksni during the beast hunts on Riis of old.

According to Crow's report, Fikrul's new breed of Scorn is made from our living flesh. He doesn't even need to kill us to turn us anymore. The transmutation sounds ontological in nature—just like my father's condition.

The original Barons used apothecary mixers such as this one to brew eclectic medicines. We'll leverage similar tonics as combat and utility enhancements in the field.

Before the Whirlwind, there were seven Eliksni scholia that informed tonic creation: Innervation, Conduction, Effervescence, Tenacity, Vigor, Euthermia, and Cognition.

All of which will be useful to us as battlefield treatments, provided I can get your help with fieldwork and experimentation.

Don't worry! I'm certain we can modernize these tonics to affect just your Guardian abilities and not your physiology. Mostly certain. We'll need every advantage we can find.

Fikrul's actions on Europa have made clear that he sees our people as transgressions. No matter the House, whether we are friends of humanity or not. Distress calls from Eliksni enclaves across the system are flooding public frequencies.

I implore you to win this war. Not to fulfill a prophecy, or secure a title for my father. To prevent our extinction.
