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Grimoire Awoken.jpg



At war with:



Pale blue skin
Glowing eyes

Average lifespan:

Immortal in the Distributary
Long-lived[note 1]

Notable group(s):

Royal Awoken Guard
Techeun Coven

Notable individual(s):

Mara Sov
Uldren Sov
Petra Venj
Commander Zavala
Tyra Karn
Asher Mir
The Emissary


"The others sing this song of Light and Dark. We, together, have transcended such unimaginative limitations."
— Grimoire card blurb[1]

The Awoken are a humanoid race sharing common ancestry with Earth humans. They descend from the crew and passengers of the Yang Liwei, a colony ship that disappeared in a spacetime anomaly during the Collapse. Time in the Distributary, the homeworld of the Awoken, flows differently, and Awoken society has had thousands upon thousands of years to flourish and build. At some point in their history, a massive expedition led by Queen Mara Sov and her brother Uldren Sov returned to the Solar system to carve out a new kingdom in the Reef. Over the next decades and centuries, many Awoken found their way to the Last City to join their human brethen[2]. The Reef kingdom of the Awoken was eventually plunged into disarray by the Wolf rebellion[3] and later the Taken War.


"The Awoken did not have a choice. We did."
Xur, Agent of the Nine[4]

Awoken are standoffish[5] and resemble baseline humans, with the notable exception of having pale blue, purple, green, or gray skin. They also have luminescent eyes with glowing irises.[6]

Beyond physical appearances, the Awoken seem to possess powers and abilities beyond their human ancestors. The Techeuns are a particularly notable example, though ordinary Awoken can also experience visions in the form of dreams.[7] This is a side effect of them being within Earth's universe-within the Distributary, the Awoken do not have paracausal abilities, but are so intertwined with the fabric of its existence that they do not age past a certain point.



The Dreaming City

"How did the Awoken survive?"
"No one knows...
— The Guardian and Ghost

It is said the Awoken were born in the Collapse, descended from those humans who tried to flee its wrath. Something happened to them out on the edge of the deep Black, and they were forever changed. After their race was formed, they took up residence in the Asteroid Belt, constructing cities and habitats like the Dreaming City. Today many Awoken live in the Reef, aloof and mysterious, but others returned to Earth, where their descendants now fight for the City. Earthborn Awoken sometimes venture out to the Reef, hoping to learn its secrets—but find no special welcome from the reclusive Queen.[8]

In Forsaken, it is revealed the Awoken are the descendants of the crew and passengers of the Yang Liwei, codenamed Exodus Green, a generation ship that left Earth shortly before the Collapse in an attempt to find a way to live without the Traveler. The ship refused to take a side when the Darkness attacked the Traveler[9]. During the initial sparring between the two acausal entities, the ship was at the centerpiece of a kugelblitz, a black hole-like anomaly in space time that sucked it and all its inhabitants into a newborn pocket universe[10]. The Yang Liwei's 891 crewmembers and 40,000 passengers were annihilated and lost their physical forms, becoming beings of pure potential. Mara Sov, a low-ranking crewmember, was the first person to enter the kugelblitz just before the ship. She reassembled her own disembodied conscience, manipulate the Distributary's physical laws to shape it into an earthly paradise of a planet and create a new body for herself[11][12]. Together with the ship's captain Alis Li, who awakened the same way, Mara Sov induced other disembodied humans from the Yang Liwei to awaken as well and reincarnate into new blue-skinned, star-eyed bodies, having only vague memories about their past.

The Distributary years

"A paradise world: twin-ringed, impossible beauty, and a sky milk-bright with stars. She makes it real with a thought, and in that thought she falls herself, undoes her transient divinity, binds herself and all those after her into the law. The omniscient cannot explore. The omnipotent cannot struggle. She refuses that God-trap."
Marasenna, Ecstasiate I

The first generation of the Awoken consisted of reborn humans from Yang Liwei, including 30,111 women, 10,295 men, and 485 other. The Distributary Awoken were immortal: they did not age, though could die from trauma. Initially, they lived a simple life, eating of the fruit of the forest and hunting animals with bows. Time in the Distributary moves faster that in the Solar System; while centuries passed on Earth, it was thousands of years for the Distributary[13].

It was initally assumed that Alis Li, the ship's captain, was the first to awaken, to shape the world and to awake the others; Mara Sov kept her primogeniture in secret even from Alis Li, while manipulating the Awoken politics from behind. The nine verdicts established by a grand council defined the new's civilization identity, ethics and politics; captain Alis Li was elected the first Queen. The verdicts allowed the Awoken to proliferate and bear new children, as immortal as they were, and encouraged the research and development of "good technology" salvaged from the Yang Liwei, the Spireship planted into the bedrock of the Distributary[14].

Philosophical disputes gave rise to two major movements, forest-dwelling Eccaleists and city-dwelling Sanguine; while the Eccaleist believed that Awoken owed a debt to the cosmos and have to resolve the primordial conflict that created their world, the Sanguine said they their immortality is a reward from cosmic powers and they do not owe anything to anybody. An Eccaleist preacher Diasyrm instigated the Theodicy War by accusing the Queen Alis Li of deicide, or the killing of gods; she explained that the Queen could have made the Awoken truly immortal, free of want or suffering, but betrayed her people by creating them mortal[15]. Many Awoken perished over years of bloodshed; in the end, the peace was signed on Mara Sov's terms. Diasyrm mysteriously vanished and some time later Queen Alis Li abdicated, surrending her powers. Queen Alis' successors embraced the Eccaleist philosophy, massive space exploration program orchestrated by Mara Sov. The succession of these Queens included Nguya Pin and Devna Tel[16].

At some time, a scholarly order of Gensym Scribes rose to power; they conspired to support Sjur Eido, a Paladin and hero of the Theodicy War, in her intent to kill Mara Sov for alleged murder of Diasyrm[17]. Sjur Eido lost a duel to Mara Sov's brother Uldren Sov and became Mara Sov's fervent supporter, while Mara Sov used the failed conspiracy to subjugate the Gensym Scribes and accelerate the space program[16]. Eventually, Mara Sov completed her long-running game by leading an exodus of tens of thousands of her faithful Eccaleist Awoken into space, leaving the Distributary behind[13].

Reef Wars

Main article: Reef Wars

"We gathered to fight against our twilight, King and Devil, and Winter, all of us but us, the Wolves. Why? What kept us from the Gap? The Reef. The Queen. The slavers who played us against each other and docked us into subservience. These sly sterile un-people, these mirages with cold minds twinned to their own, these Carybdis butchers, they set us against each other. She played us. She made herself our Kell."
— Skolas, Kell of Kells[18]
Queen Mara and Uldren with the House of Wolves under her command

The Reef Wars marks the first time the Awoken emerged from their isolation. Noticing the Fallen massing to destroy the Last City in an effort to steal back the Great Machine, the Queen chose to intervene and keep the oblivious outsystem House of Wolves from joining their brethren on Earth.[19]

Striking suddenly, the Awoken fleet destroyed Ceres and scattered the Wolves across the Reef, beginning a several-year-long campaign that whittled the Fallen's numbers and nobility to insignificance. After Variks, a Wolf scribe defected over to the Queen's side, the remaining Wolves were defeated and Skolas, their leader, imprisoned.[20]

The Queen later gifted Skolas to her allies, the Nine, for their role in defeating the Fallen but they released the Wolf Kell, beginning the Wolf Rebellion and forced the Reef to open itself to Guardian access.[21]

The Taken War

The Awoken fleet engaging the Dreadnaught
Main article: The Taken War

"The Awoken died for us. They gave their lives to save the system, to stop Oryx's fleet at the outer planets. We must honor their sacrifice. We must face the Taken King without fear. Queen Mara has given us a gift. We must not waste it."
Eris Morn[22]

The Awoken were among the first to respond to Oryx's invasion. Attacking his fleet out around Saturn, the Queen and her Witches sacrificed themselves to fire the Harbingers, mysterious weapons or entities of incredible power, at the Hive Dreadnaught. Despite destroying a good portion of Oryx's fleet there were no marks made upon the flagship, and shortly thereafter Oryx ended the battle with a single blow from his cannon.[23]

Despite a significant loss of Reef leadership, including the Queen and a missing Prince, the Reef aided the City and its Guardians in destroying Oryx's Taken. Setting bounties upon several lieutenants the Reef oversaw their extermination and eventual rooting out of the Taken Blights in conjunction with the Vanguard. During this conflict Petra Venj, Acting Regent-Commander, continued to search for the missing Queen and preventing a resurging House of Wolves from regrouping on Mars. With the aid of Variks and the Guardians the nascent Wolf house was scattered again.[24]

Betrayal of a Prince

Uldren escaping the Prison of the Elders with the Scorned Barons

Following the resurgence of Uldren Sov, he led a rogue Fallen house known as the Scorn against The Reef, betraying his own people, and driving the Reef-borne Awoken into complete chaos and disarray. Cayde-6 was murdered in the Scorn's escape from the Prison of Elders, and Reef agents were forced to work with Guardian forces to prevent the total collapse of their society.

Though the Guardian managed to topple the Scorn's chaotic reign over the Reef and brought Uldren to justice for his crimes, the Awoken's home remains a dangerous place as remnants of the Scorn's forces continue to prowl over the Reef. Petra, the remaining Paladins and Techeuns barely maintain what's left of the Awoken's Reef civilizations, even as the Scorn and a newly resurgent Taken force plague the Dreaming City, the mysterious homeland of the Awoken.

Riven's Scheme

A Thousand Voices

"The Guardians killed Riven and ripped out her heart. But Ahamkara transcend death. They can transform desire into reality… even when they are nothing but bone and dust. I should have known that Riven would grant one last wish… one last curse. Now, the Dreaming City has been Taken. I opened the gates. I ordered the attack. I… should have known."
Petra Venj.
Taken Ahamkara Riven

As the Guardians and the Awoken worked together in maintaining the remaining Scorn within the Reef, the Dreaming City's opening and the darkness spreading from it was grim news for the Awoken. Knowing the danger the threat poses to the Solar System, Petra Venj was forced to reveal one to the Awoken's deepest secrets that lay within the City: Riven of a Thousand Voices, the last living Ahamkara. It was soon discovered that Riven had been Taken when Oryx invaded the Reef during the Taken War and partially brought the Dreaming City into the Ascendant Realm. However, after Oryx's death, Riven was aimless but soon gained a new master, Savathûn, the Witch-Queen of the Hive, and together, they sought to corrupt the homeland of the Awoken and eventually breach into the Distributary.

To accomplish her goals, Riven orchestrated the Scorn's rise to power and used Uldren as her puppet, corrupting the prince while posing as his sister. Though the Scorn failed against the Guardians, Uldren succeeded in his purpose of opening the way into the Dreaming City, giving Riven a chance to break free.

After confirming that Mara Sov is in fact alive, Petra and the Awoken were able to gain the Vanguard's support after the revelation of the Taken's return spurred them into action. Gathering a Raid team strong enough to kill Riven, the Guardians assaulted the Dreaming City. While proceeding through the City, the Guardians managed to free some of the Techeuns from Taken corruption and eventually confronted Riven herself in her true gigantic, draconic form.

Despite her vast Taken powers, Riven's physical form was destroyed and her blighted heart brought before the Techeuns to be cleansed. Unfortunately, before that could happen, Riven's scheme came full circle as she performed one last wish for her master: to curse the Dreaming City with a Taken plague.

The Cycle

Queens Court

Though Riven was silenced once and for all, her plan succeeded as Taken forces began to heavily corrupt the Dreaming City. Worse, the Hive and Taken managed to capture Eleusinia, Mara Sov's Throne World, as a staging ground. Savathûn then began the next stage of her plan by having her daughter, Dûl Incaru, the Eternal Return, find a way to invade the Distributary.

Wanting to prevent the birthplace of the Awoken from being invaded and defiled, Mara Sov tasks the Guardians to destroy the Hive and Taken infesting her Throne World. After a perilous struggle through the ruins of Eleusina, the Guardians managed to destroy Dûl Incaru and seemingly reverse the Taken corruption in the Dreaming City.

Unfortunately, this victory was short-lived, as the Taken corruption soon returned as it appeared the City was caught in a time-loop created by Quria, Blade Transform. This forces the Guardians to partake in the same battle over and over again.


Known Awoken



  1. ^ (Immortal in the Distributary)"Many Awoken still alive in the present fought in the Reef Wars, which took place over 126 years ago, as the Wars were fought before the founding of the Crucible, and according to Ghost Fragment: Cayde-6 the Crucible was active 126 years ago."


  • Joe Staten and Christopher Barrett described the Awoken as being beautiful, exotic, and mysterious. They mentioned the team looked at elves, vampires, ghosts, and angels to "capture that exotic, sort of ethereal feel".[25] They have been described as being of "otherworldly origins."[26]
  • The Awoken once ruled Mars,[27] explaining the reasoning behind Valus Trau'ug's unsanctioned attack.


List of appearances


  1. ^ Bungie (2014/9/9), Destiny: Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Awoken
  2. ^ The City
  3. ^ YouTube - Official Destiny Expansion II: House of Wolves Prologue
  4. ^ Bungie (2014/9/9), Destiny: PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Xûr, Agent of the Nine: Quotes
  5. ^ Gamelynch: Destiny Preview
  6. ^ Bungie (2014-6-12), Destiny: Alpha PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard.
  7. ^ Bungie (2015-9-19), Destiny: House of Wolves, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Skolas: Defeated
  8. ^ Bungie (2014-6-12), Destiny: Alpha PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Awoken
  9. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: Cosmogyre I
  10. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: Cosmogyre IV
  11. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: Ecstasiate II
  12. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: Nigh II
  13. ^ a b Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: Katabasis
  14. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: Ecstasiate III
  15. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: Fideicide I
  16. ^ a b Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: Imponent V
  17. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: Imponent I
  18. ^ Bungie (2015/1/23), Destiny: Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Ghost Fragment: Fallen 3
  19. ^ Bungie (2015/1/23), Destiny: Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Wanted: Skolas, Kell of Kells
  20. ^ Bungie (2015/1/23), Destiny: Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Wanted: Kaliks-12
  21. ^ YouTube - Official Destiny Expansion II: House of Wolves Prologue
  22. ^ Bungie (2015/1/23), Destiny: Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: The Coming War
  23. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, The Coming War
  24. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Prime's Path
  25. ^ YouTube, Destiny - News GDC Panel
  26. ^ The Guardian: How the Makers of Halo Plan to Change the Future of Shooters
  27. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Long Tomorrow 9G Chest