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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
18:47, December 6, 2017 EDZ-TL-1.2 NV.png (file) 1.45 MB '''Non-Veteran Account''' Ghost]: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiku A forgotten crate / Hidden away in shadow / Probably empty]
18:38, December 6, 2017 EDZ-TL 4.2.1 NV.png (file) 1.51 MB '''Non-Veteran Account''' Ghost: This is a Fallen House sigil. I don’t recognize it, though. Devrim: Nor I. The Fallen seem to have put it up as something of a threat. I imagine you’ll find lots of objects like this...
18:32, December 6, 2017 EDZ-OS-3.2 NV.png (file) 2.33 MB '''Non-Veteran Account''' Ghost: Is that … a sack full of Shanks? What do you think they’re going to do with all the tech? Can you make a big Shank from a bunch of little Shanks?
18:17, December 6, 2017 EDZ-OS 4.2 NV.png (file) 2.47 MB '''Non-Veteran Account''' Ghost: Is that … a sack full of Shanks? What do you think they’re going to do with all the tech? Can you make a big Shank from a bunch of little Shanks?
18:11, December 6, 2017 EDZ-MS 3.2 NV.png (file) 1.69 MB '''Non-Veteran Account''' Ghost: A depleted arc spear from one of those stabby guys. The Fallen have always had it bad, but they’ve really started to get desperate, huh?
18:06, December 6, 2017 EDZ-ECHION-1.png (file) 579 KB Ghost: This component was shipped here from the Dantalion Exodus. Remember? That big Cabal ship that crashed into the Dreadnaught. I guess we found out where its distress signal went.
17:55, December 6, 2017 EDZ-OS 2.1 NV.png (file) 2.38 MB '''Non Veteran''': Ghost: This is some kind of… prototype for a Servitor. Abandoned next to a rock. Promise me you won’t let ME end up like this.
23:59, November 22, 2017 NE Hallows 3.png (file) 2.16 MB Ghost: The Vex never leave decommissioned units out in the open like this. Claw marks around the fluid chamber… I think the Fallen drained this construct. Huh.
22:37, November 22, 2017 IO Excavation Site-II 3.png (file) 1.1 MB Ghost: I'm detecting… I think this is sending a message back to the Ascendant Realm. But who's listening?
22:33, November 22, 2017 NE Hallows 1.2 Non Vet.png (file) 1.09 MB '''Non-Veteran Account''' Ghost: We came all the way up here, and this access point won’t even let me into the Vex network. I guess we should take that as a sign.
22:29, November 22, 2017 NE The Tangle 5.2 Non Vet.png (file) 2.29 MB '''Non-Veteran Account''' Ghost: All the foliage around this access point is somehow augmenting its firewall. I thought the trees were mostly organic, but… just add this to the pile of things we don’t understand about the Vex.
22:25, November 22, 2017 NE Watcher's Grave 3.2 NV.png (file) 1.33 MB '''Non-Veteran Account''' Ghost: A gold-plated Vex? We’d better not tell Cayde. He’d come all the way out here just to melt it down and make it into a pistol.
22:16, November 22, 2017 NE Watcher's Grave 1.2 NV.png (file) 1.73 MB '''Non-Veteran Version''' Ghost: It may look like a big creepy eyeball, but I’m pretty sure this is just a Vex exhaust receptacle. Just… Don’t touch it.
17:26, November 15, 2017 EDZ-SM-3.2.png (file) 594 KB Ghost: "This terminal was first powered on during the SIVA Crisis. Maybe we shouldn't get too close."
19:26, November 8, 2017 IO-Pyramid-3.png (file) 2.63 MB Ghost: "This is going to sound like Asher's mumbo-jumbo, but I swear this is real: this thing's emitting [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-wave x-wave pulses]. It shouldn't be able to do that..."
15:31, November 8, 2017 NEChamber of Water 1 Newbie.jpeg (file) 250 KB Ghost: "I don't know why the Vex would put a Conflux all the way up here, unless it was for the view. Butnthe Vex aren't really big on aesthetics. Hmm.
22:20, October 28, 2017 Thumos the Unbroken in the City two days after the attack during mission Adieu.PNG (file) 2.67 MB Thumos the Unbroken in the City two days after the attack during mission Adieu
22:08, October 28, 2017 Martirio de San Andrés, por Juan Correa de Vivar.jpg (file) 3.5 MB A painting by Juan Correa de Vivar (1510-1566) depicting the death of St. Andrew on a diagonal X shaped cross. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Martirio_de_San_Andr%C3%A9s,_por_Juan_Correa_de_Vivar.jpg
21:52, October 28, 2017 The Speaker on a St. Andrews Cross during interrogation by Ghaul.png (file) 1.27 MB The Speaker on a St. Andrews Cross during interrogation by Ghaul
20:49, October 28, 2017 SPECIAL 3 NM.png (file) 2.3 MB '''Executor Hideo''': "This must be what happens when ancient tech meets terraformming processes. New Monarchy thanks you for the specimen."
20:46, October 28, 2017 SPECIAL 2 NM.png (file) 1.74 MB '''Executor Hideo'''': "In the old days, kings were made by such discoveries. Swords in stones, and all that. New Monarchy will use this carefully."
20:44, October 28, 2017 SPECIAL 1 NM.png (file) 1.39 MB '''Executor Hideo''': "What an intriguing mystery. We shall treat your find with reverence, Guardian."
20:41, October 28, 2017 SPECIAL 4 NM.png (file) 843 KB Executor Hideo'''': "A fragment of the Golden Age, transformed by the Traveler's energies? This has great potential. We will investigate."
20:35, October 28, 2017 TM Tidal Anchor 2.png (file) 944 KB Ghost: "It seems like these floating stones mark places where the Hive have weakened the line between our world and theirs. Bet all the weird magic they have out here comes from sources like this."
20:29, October 28, 2017 TM Sirens Watch 4.PNG (file) 1.53 MB Ghost: "A broken Servitor. These parts are extremely valuable. The Hive corrosion must be really bad for the Fallen to abandon it like this."
07:13, October 3, 2017 SPECIAL 4 FWC.png (file) 125 KB Lakshmi-2: "Ah yes, this will do nicely. It seems the Traveler's awakening has brought mysteries to the surface."
07:12, October 3, 2017 SPECIAL 3 FWC.png (file) 376 KB Lakshmi-2: "What you have found lies at the intersection of multiple timelines. It should let us explore uncalculable probabilities. Well done."
07:11, October 3, 2017 SPECIAL 2 FWC.PNG (file) 331 KB Lakshmi-2: "We predicted an object of great worth in the wilderness. Likewise, we predicted that you would find it. And here you are."
07:10, October 3, 2017 SPECIAL 1 FWC.png (file) 236 KB Lakshmi-2: "A fragment of our past, touched by the Traveler in the present... I see beautiful futures spiralling out of this."
23:07, October 2, 2017 NE EX-077 Command.PNG (file) 2.77 MB Ghost: "This thing is still online. And it's connected to Fallen comms on Titan. And in the EDZ. But... those are the only places I'm seeing. Nothing on the Moon, or Venus, or Mars. Did the [[...
05:51, October 1, 2017 SPECIAL4 Dead Orbit.PNG (file) 2.21 MB Arach Jalaa: "See how the Traveler crushes and breaks everything it touches. This is valuable evidence that we are not safe here."
05:47, October 1, 2017 SPECIAL 3 Dead Orbit.PNG (file) 3.42 MB Arach Jalaa: "An intriguing find. Ordinarily I am not interested in the flotsam of our past, but this - this points to a future."
05:43, October 1, 2017 SPECIAL 2 Dead Orbit.PNG (file) 2.92 MB Arach Jalaa: "Perhaps this strange material will be useful to us as we refit our ships. It has promise."
05:39, October 1, 2017 SPECIAL 1 Dead Orbit.PNG (file) 2.66 MB Arach Jalaa: "This enigma troubles me. If it is valuable it will draw enemies and sow dissent. We will study it closely.
05:34, October 1, 2017 NE Prodromus Down.PNG (file) 3.07 MB Ghost: "This antenna snapped off an escape shuttle... that didn't do a great job of escaping. No one made it out of the Exodus Black before it went down. There must be crashed shuttles all over Nessus."
05:28, October 1, 2017 NE Artefacts Edge 1.PNG (file) 3.07 MB Ghost: "This is like a... cornerstone of Nessus. Put here by the Vex to mark linear time. It's been 127 of our years since Nessus last travelled through our system. I don't know how many Vex years that is."
04:35, October 1, 2017 Farm 4.PNG (file) 2.86 MB Ghost: "Look at this. I've heard some of the civilians talk about settling down out here once the fighting stops. I'm not sure that's such a good idea but... you can't argue with the view"
04:34, October 1, 2017 Farm 3.PNG (file) 3.52 MB Ghost: "If Hawthorne hand't been out there in the wilds, on the lookout for people escaping the City... well I'm glad we met her. Who knows where we'd be now?"
04:32, October 1, 2017 Farm 2.PNG (file) 3.31 MB "Devrim spent years defending the City from places just like this along the Wall. I can see why he found this spot comforting."
04:29, October 1, 2017 The Farm 1.png (file) 3.45 MB Ghost: "A Shard of the Traveler. I can't find any of why it's here, or how it got here. We're a long way from the City, you know I want to believe it's here for a reason. For us."
17:09, September 18, 2017 NE Glade of Echoes 5.PNG (file) 3.28 MB Ghost: "The surface of this Goblin was oxidised by some kind of Fallen energy weapon. Always different to see how different races interact at a technological level. In this case, mostly they were trying to melt each other. But you get me."
17:05, September 18, 2017 NE Glade of Echoes 4.PNG (file) 3.32 MB Ghost: "Someone tried to reforge this conductive metal into... I'm not sure what. It must have been the Fallen, which means they thought it was valuable."
17:02, September 18, 2017 TM Solarium 1.PNG (file) 2.66 MB Ghost: "Screen's dead, but the feed's still running. Ooh, kind of a catchy jingle. 'New Pacific Arcology! The next frontier is you.'"
16:56, September 18, 2017 IO Pyramidion 2.PNG (file) 2.88 MB Ghost: "The Vex calibrate their weapons depending on the tactics of their enemies. Not sure where they got the idea about lasers, but... You can't say it's not effective."
16:47, September 18, 2017 IO Pyramidion 1.PNG (file) 2.82 MB Ghost: "I'm detecting gigs and gigs of data running along that [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_computing|lightpath]. I can't even begin to understand. And look at me! I'm pretty good at this stuff."
16:36, September 18, 2017 EDZ Tunnel 1.PNG (file) 2.82 MB Ghost: "I think it's a modification for an air filtration system, which is a modification on top of the generator... But the Cabal don't breath our atmosphere, so... why did they build it in the first place?"
16:32, September 18, 2017 IO Warmind Vault JYS-2 3.PNG (file) 2.95 MB Ghost: "Ikora liked to say the Warminds were our only real link to Earth's history. Life with the Traveler, during the Golden Age. Pre Collapse."
16:28, September 18, 2017 IO Warmind Vault JYS-2 2.PNG (file) 2.11 MB Ghost: "Looks like this thing used to store files. Someone by the name of Bray scrubbed the data."
16:23, September 18, 2017 IO Warmind Vault JYS-2 1.PNG (file) 2.9 MB Ghost: "The Warmind Network used to span across the entire solar system. I guess during the Collapse, it just... fragmented."
04:22, September 16, 2017 Tower Hangar 8.PNG (file) 2.84 MB Ghost: "'Fly Girl: The Story of Amanda Holliday.' Is this... someone is writing a biography? I'd keep it out of her sight, too, if I were them. Hmm, this chapter talks about how she was born on the road outside the City, how she lost her fa...
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