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House of Light


Itzelas is an Eliksni of the House of Light and the sister of Niik.


Itzelas would work alongside the Titan, Rem to construct a Sparrow from the ground up within the Eliksni quarter. Upon finishing their work, Itzelas expresses her astonishment at the Sparrow's completion and wonders if Niik will be pleased. Rem would reminder her that her sister is a master mechanic and contemplate whether she would be more impressed by the engine or Itzelas herself. Preparing for a test run, Itzelas eagerly jumps on the Sparrow while Rem explains the basics of steering to her. However Itzelas would clasp the grips hard, causing her to into the Eliksni quarter at full speed. While Rem chases after her, Itzelas would regain her footing and would pass an open-air market. She would then skit widely and splash into a fountain, sending a plume of water towards a Hunter in the process. Racing over a crumbled building, Itzelas launches forward and after finally catching air, comes to finally understand the art of driving a Sparrow. Upon spotting an Ether tank on the ground below, Itzelas attempts to trigger the boost, but to no avail. Spectacular, Itzelas would thruster-strafe past the tanks where a Titan was feeding a flock of birds and drift around him before stopping the Sparrow. As the breathless Rem finally reaches her, the Titan would express his stupefaction at her skill and recommend that they introduce her to Marcus Ren, to which Rem agrees.[1]

During the Festival of the Lost, Itzelas would work on a Sparrow alongside her sister, Niik. When Crow called out to ask if it was done, Itzelas would hit her head on the Sparrow in shock, cursing in the process. When Niik questioned her on who taught her to curse, Itzelas would reveal that it was Niik herself. Niik would reveal that she was not an astounded before telling her to come and greet their guests. As Crow introduced them to Zavala, with the Vanguard Commander complementing the uniqueness of Itzelas's name. Niik would place her two arms around Itzelas and state that ordinary Eliksni would not do for her, causing Itzelas to shove Niik's arms away as her sister merely laughed. Zavala would reveal to Niik that they wanted to give her something today before revealing the toolbox of Niik's deceased friend, Amanda Holliday. Gratefully, Niik would accept the gift with Zavala noting that he is sure Amanda would want her to have it from the stories he has heard from Crow. Itzelas and Niik would then ask Zavala if he wanted to watch Servitor's holo-recordings of Amanda with them. The Vanguard Commander would agree while also recognizing the identical hopeful glance that Itzelas shared with Amanda.[2]

Lists of appearances[edit]
