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First Ascent Suit






First Ascent Suit is an Armor set introduced in The Final Shape. It can be unlocked by completing the Final Days series of quests.


"And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going."
The following is a verbatim transcription of an official document for archival reasons. As the original content is transcribed word-for-word, any possible discrepancies and/or errors are included.

First Ascent Casque / Helm / HoodEdit

"Choose what you will become next."

Light forgets, Darkness remembers.

Once, a Ghost was heard to speak thusly.

This one is Luzaku. Here, this one tells what is known of Sky.

Sky is the breath taken between actions. It permits speculation. It invites doubt. It slips from sight and grasp, and yet persists.

This one's Ghost would have us yield to certainty. He wishes us to walk the Bladed Path, to seek Hive-strength in the Witch Queen's abandoned logic, whereby all things prove themselves in slaughter.

This one turns from simple inevitability. This one makes a choice: this one does not kill and does not die. Yet this one exists. Aiat. What follows? What other choices are to be made?

This one must know.

This one hides within a blade-ship of the Witch Queen's great foe. This one's Ghost is angry now, but he remains. In the hollows where a worm once coiled, this one senses our swift motion through the firmament, toward a center.

This one seeks Sky. In the Sky, there are many paths.

In the Sky, there is change.

First Ascent Grips / Gauntlets / GlovesEdit

"Hold close your own."

Light forgets, Darkness remembers.

Caiatl wonders what waits inside the Traveler. She's heard the stories from Red Legion defectors about how it swallowed Ghaul like a warbeast choking down a bone.

"He's still in its belly," a Valus on her War Council once told her, and Saladin Forge had made a breathy sound through his nose that Caiatl interpreted as laughter.

That was days ago. Now she stands on the bridge of her ship, wondering what of Ghaul remains, the Traveler's glow reflected in the black of her eyes and the ornamental jewelry she wears on her tusks. She does not feel the pull of it, as she imagines Ghaul did, or even Saladin's quiet reverence. It is not a thing to be conquered or worshipped, but it is important to the people who are important to her—and that is all that matters.

When she hears footsteps behind her, she does not turn. She already knows whom they belong to.

"I did not request your counsel," she says without reprimand. "But if you have something to say, then speak."

"Must I always have some wisdom for you?" Saladin asks. "Can't we simply await the end together in comfortable silence?"

"Your worth is your wisdom. It's the only reason I let you live."

Saladin makes that noise again. He knows that isn't true.

And so does she.

First Ascent Vest / Plate / RobesEdit

"Oh, to read a pulpy golden age detective novel… just once more."

Light forgets, Darkness remembers.

Ikora studied the strange approximation of the Tower, dust kicked up around her as the wind gusted through creaking halls. She felt the pull to explore… to find her old office. To see just how deep the recreation would go.

But as she took a step up the stairs, her foot caught something—a small but familiar rectangular shape. She picked up the book and gently brushed dust from the cover. It was a copy of "The Spine-Tingling Adventures of Sedona Kane, P.I." The pulpy cover art told her it was the fourth installment of the series, with the subtitle "The Curious Case of Doctor Pennyworth."

Light forgets, Darkness remembers.

Darkness. In a place of such potent Light, would it be enough to manifest… everything? She flipped through the book; even the coffee stain still adorned page 95.

Flashes of memory came back to Ikora as she studied the bold colors and heavy lines of the book's tattered jacket. She recalled kicking her feet up against the wall in her bunk one night after a particularly nasty Crucible loss… Ophiuchus's glow providing just enough visibility. Remembered cleaning the spilled drink off the pages in the mess hall and praying there was no lasting damage. And thought of other moments, of a warm hand covering her own as she read the text out loud for the thousandth time…

The Warlock held the book to her nose. Just to take in the scent once more.

Light forgets, Darkness remembers, and so would she.

First Ascent Strides / Greaves / BootsEdit

"To enter the body of a deity would be to unquestionably defile it."

Light forgets, Darkness remembers.

Mithrax stood at the bow of the H.E.L.M., watching as Zavala's ship vanished from view into the portal. That awful gateway pulsed and wavered, and though the H.E.L.M. was pointed straight at it, he was resolved in his decision.

The notion of venturing inside the Great Machine was innately revolting. It reeked like a taboo as certain as cannibalism, as unthinkable as besmirching a house of worship; to enter the body of a deity would unquestionably be to defile it. He could find a way to support from afar. Surely that was plausible.

"Father, the Queen is asking for you."

Eido sidles up next to him, and the two look out over the Great Machine. It takes up the entirety of the window—the center of all Light punctured by the oscillating violet of the portal, and Mithrax realizes how small he feels alongside his daughter.

"I'm not going down there without you," she says.

Mithrax holds back his shiver and confesses, "To step inside feels like a transgression."

"And who made that rule?" she says. Ever acute, ever wise. When Mithrax cannot answer, she continues, "The Traveler is in peril. So long as we can care, we are bound to enter and defend it. I have seen you still have fight in you, Father."

"Would that not be worse? To wage war at the very center of Light?"

"Only you can decide that. But I believe the Traveler would want you to enter the portal."


His daughter puts a loving hand on his own. "Because it knows you aren't there to hurt it."

First Ascent Cloak / Mark / BondEdit

"There is nothing as exquisite as the feeling of doing what no one has done."

Light forgets, Darkness remembers.

Mara Sov grit her teeth as she held the H.E.L.M. steady, straining all the while to keep the portal open with her power just long enough for the Guardian, Ikora, and Commander Zavala to slip through.

Mara shifted her focus to watch the live feed in the viewscreen beside her as the Guardian took their first steps into the Pale Heart.

And instantly… she remembered what it felt like to be first.

She remembered unending emptiness, the spark of protons, cold rock against her back, and the sensation of spilling upwards eternally. She remembered glacial till veined with platinum, a forest that spread as mycelium, and alpine saddles cradling crystal clear lakes. She remembered a world so young and old, where all life was equal, meaningless and meaningful. She remembered making that memory, that place, calling it awake from the cauldron of her own imagination and raising it into matter, her lips curled on its name. The Distributary.

Mara would never see that world again, and yet, on the grainy video stuttering before her, was its doppelganger. It was not home, but it was close.

The video feed sputtered out.

A roar of violet streaked past the H.E.L.M., and with a sudden silence, the ship burst from the portal into open space. The portal did not snap shut behind them—the Witness must have let go.

Mara caught her breath. Her hands shook. There was no sign of Crow in there, or on comms, no sign he was alive other than the tug on her own heart. She glanced back to the Traveler and the Pale Heart within.

Mara Sov thought once more of home.

List of appearancesEdit
