Forum:Tivon, the Eternal Will

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Tivon, the Eternal Will
Biographical information

Other name(s):

Disciple of the Witness
Disciple of Rebirth
The Remade
The Nastareth


Disciples of the Witness
Created Congression




Evocator (Basis)



Combat information


Arc Echo of Tivon


High Durability
Rapid Movement
Summon Taken
Arc Arc blast
Arc Arc storm
Arc Blind
Arc Voltic Overload
Resonant Overload


Tivon is a former Disciple of the Witness who was killed when his overly fanatical view of the Final Shape led him to become a threat to the Witness and its plans. His pieces would be contained aboard various Pyramid ships. In the wake of the Witness' defeat, Tivon's spirit would amass a following of Dread, Taken, Scorn and Shadow Legion Cabal to gather his pieces, rebuild his body and enact his version of the Final Shape.


Warrior of the Quassin

Originally part of a species of lithoid creatures similar to humanity, Tivon was once a famed warrior known for protecting his people, the Quassin, against forces from beyond their world. From a young age, Tivon had learned of the powers of the Darkness and how it ravaged many worlds, but he saw it as another tool to protect his people while others saw it as another danger. However, members of the ruling government of the Quassin known as the High Council saw the Darkness as a means of controlling the people.

Tivon would be captured and experimented on with dark relics from a species that had previously invaded them, ultimately transforming him into a biomechanical construct with hardened skin to function like armour, an extra set of eyes and his arms and legs cut off and held in place by Dark energies. During the process, Tivon would hear the voice of the Witness through the massive concentrations of Darkness they were exposed to and was eventually convinced to serve its cause of the Final Shape. Tivon would eventually break free and slaughter the Quassin until only he was left. After which, Tivon would be anointed a Disciple and given a Glave by Rhulk.

Disciple of the Witness

During their time as a Disciple, Tivon grew a fascination with the Taken and eventually would come to believe that the Final Shape was to see the whole universe remade in Darkness like them and the Taken, seeing those that only wielded the Darkness as inferior, which even included his allies and fellow Disciples.

He would command many powerful Taken, what would come to be known as Primevals, to destroy civilizations in the name of the Witness. One of these would be the Karela, a civilisation of tribal sun-worshipping humanoid plant species that had previously been blessed by the Traveler. Tivon would use the Primevals to blight out the sun and bring the Karela to extinction.

However, the Witness would see that Tivon's dedication to his idea of the Final Shape led him to actions that could undermine its mission, particularly after Tivon attempted to forcibly convert a brood of Hive into Taken. Eventually, it would send Rhulk to dispatch the Disciple. Once it was done, Rhulk carved Tivon into pieces and brought them before the Witness. The pieces would be given to the Witness's Disciples to both guard and serve as a warning to any that would threaten the Witness' plans.

Lord of the Created

Unbeknownst to the Witness and its servants, Tivon survived. However, his will became fragmented and inhabited each piece of his body, allowing him to view every Disciple who acted as his warden.

After the Witness died in the Pale Heart of the Traveler, an Echo created from one of its memories in combination with Light and Dark would crash into a derelict Pyramid ship that housed one of his arms, empowering Tivon’s spirit and allowing him to call through the Darkness.

A month later, a Shadow Legion Psion named Vochun would answer when he discovered the arm of the Disciple. Tivon offered him power and liberty in exchange for utter loyalty, which Vochun agreed to before Tivon used the power of the Echo to ascend him into a Psion Flayer. Afterwards, Vochun and the universe would roam Sol in search of the other pieces of Tivon, recruiting many members of the now-leaderless Dread, Taken, Scorn and Shadow Legion on the way, eventually forming what would come to be known as the Created Congression.

Personality and traits

Tivon is determined to enact his idea of the Final Shape: a universe where every living creature has been reborn through Darkness into something stronger like the Taken and him. This determination borders on fanatical, even by other Disciples, as he believed that all other interpretations of what the Final Shape was were wrong. Additionally, he dislikes servants of the Witness who simply wield the Darkness instead of being remade by it, particularly the Hive, as he believes it makes them inferior, even one as mighty as Oryx.


  • Tivon is Hebrew for "One who loves the nature".

List of appearances