Exotic Catalyst

Revision as of 21:10, August 2, 2018 by Dretadel (talk | contribs) (I added what the MIDA Multi-Tool catalyst does, and fixed a double-spacing error)

Catalysts are special modifiers for Exotic weapons in Destiny 2. They were introduced in the Warmind Expansion for Destiny 2. These Catalysts improve and upgrade Exotic weapons within the game by either improving stats, giving bonus perks, or raising the magazine size. Each weapon has its own Catalyst and has specific objectives to find them. Catalysts function exactly like Masterworks and generate Orbs of Light on multi kills. The drop rate for them is unknown, but they are a rare find. Once you find a Catalyst for a weapon, you will have to do specific objectives with the weapon, such as precision hits or simply kill enemies in order to unlock the upgrade.

The following Catalysts can be found by killing enemies anywhere. D.A.R.C.I - Unlocked with 300 precision kills, the Catalyst will upgrade the gun's stability.

Borealis - Unlocked with 150 Solar kills, 150 Void kills, and 150 Arc kills, the Catalyst will make the gun reload faster. Note that the kills must be done with Borealis, not your Super/Grenades/Melee.

Crimson - Unlocked with 300 precision kills, the Catalyst will increase the gun's range.

Tractor Cannon - Unlocked with 300 kills, the Catalyst will increase the magazine's size and the gun's ammo reserves.

The following Catalysts can be found by winning Crucible matches.

The Colony - Unlocked with 500 kills. The Catalyst will increase the magazine's size and ammo reserves.

Jade Rabbit - Unlocked with 250 PVP kills. The Catalyst will increase the gun's stability.

Vigilance Wing - Unlocked with 250 PVP kills. The Catalyst will make the gun full auto.

MIDA Multi-Tool - The Catalyst is found by winning Trials/Competitive matches, and will grant the Outlaw perk.

The following Catalysts can be found in Heroic Strikes and/or Nightfalls.

Coldheart - Unlocked with 300 kills. The Catalyst will make the gun more stable and reload faster.

Merciless - Unlocked with 500 kills. The Catalyst will increase the gun's range and stability.

Wardcliff Coil - Unlocked with 500 kills. The Catalyst will give a perk that makes the rockets track their targets.

Riskrunner - Unlocked with 600 kills, 300 normal kills and 300 Arc Conductor kills. The Catalyst will increase the gun's range.

The Skyburner's Oath Catalyst is found when completing Leviathan raid sections. It is unlocked with 1,000 Cabal kills and it will increase the gun's range.

The Huckleberry Catalyst is found when completing Heroic Adventures. It is unlocked with 500 kills and grants the Ambitious Assassin Perk.

The Graviton Lance Catalyst is found when reaching Rank 50 with Dead Orbit in a Faction Rally. It grants higher range and the Hidden Hand perk.

The Sunshot Catalyst is found when reaching Rank 50 with the Future War Cult in a Faction Rally. It grants more range and better stability.

The Sweet Business Catalyst is found when reaching Rank 50 with New Monarchy in a Faction Rally. It grants a perk that reduces flinch when firing the gun.

The Worldline Zero Catalyst is found by killing enemies with Swords. It is unlocked by hitting all five Level 7 bosses in the Escalation Protocol event. The Catalyst makes the Tesseract perk activate quicker.

The Polaris Lance Catalyst will likely be found by completing Nascent Dawn 5/5. How to unlock it is currently unknown. The Catalyst gives the gun the Dragonfly perk.

The Catalyst locations and their rewards for the Sleeper Simulant, Rat King, Fighting Lion, Telesto, Hard Light, Legend of Acrius, The Prospector, and Sturm are unknown as of May 31, 2018.