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Biographical information







Eye color:

Light blue

Political and military information


Vanguard (formerly)
Cult of Osiris


Sagira was the Ghost who belonged to the legendary Warlock Osiris. She appeared in the expansion Curse of Osiris, acting as a guide to the Guardians.[1]

Because Panoptes, Infinite Mind could see Sagira and her Light, Osiris had to send her out of the Infinite Forest for her own safety and to keep himself hidden from Panoptes' gaze. Sagira was wounded by a Vex blast as she returned to Mercury, where she was found by one of The Hidden and brought to Ikora Rey. Ikora gave Sagira to the Guardian, who attempted to fix her by bringing her to a temple hidden deep within the European Dead Zone. Sagira was placed in a device that fused her consciousness with Ghost, allowing her to temporarily use his body as she guided the player through the Infinite Forest, until her capture by Panoptes.

After Panoptes' defeat, Sagira returned to Osiris as they bade Ikora and the Guardian farewell.

Eventually, after the Guardian deployment to Europa, Osiris and Sagira had begun investigating the Cryptoliths that had appeared around the solar system. When Osiris encountered and was nearly killed by the High Celebrant of Xivu Arath, God of War, Sagira had sacrificed herself to save Osiris, leaving him Ghostless.


Resurrecting the Phoenix

"I raised you until you could stand on your own. You'll do the same for them, in your own way."
— Sagira explaining why she resurrected Osiris

After resurrecting Osiris, he began to experience visions. On one such occasion, Osiris was resting by a campfire, and Sagira had to remind him the fire was going out. She told him that his visions would get clearer with time, not because he forced them. He asked why she brought him back, and she explained that she saw a spark in him. He grew frustrated, stating that the world was dying repeatedly, but Sagira reminded him that he was as well, before she brought him back until he could stand on his own, and believed he would do the same for others. Sagira then warned him of someone approaching, and dematerialized and concealed Osiris.[2]

A Warlord by the name of Reich leading a group of humans approached Osiris and demanded he stand. After he refused, Reich's Ghost flew out, and repeated the demand. The Warlord told Osiris that he was in his territory, and burning the wood would cost Osiris his arm. Osiris told him he had a spark, and killed him with a Dawnblade before grabbing his Ghost. Sagira rematerialized and the Ghost asked for her help. She attempted to calm him by telling him Osiris wouldn't hurt him, and they communicated through eye motions. Eventually, Sagira told Osiris to let him go, and the Ghost left. She explained that he wanted a fighter, as he felt the fear of the Traveler when it created the Ghost, and made a choice it shouldn't have. Osiris asked where he would go, and Sagira told him he would return to the Traveler and find a better Guardian.[3]

Osiris and Sagira travelled to the Last City in the early days of its construction, following a rumour from Felwinter. Sagira would be surprised by the amount of Ghosts in one place, and asked if they would be staying long. Osiris explained that underneath the Traveler is the most likely place for them to find the answers they seek. Sagira was disappointed, and thought the City would be grander. A nearby Exo asked them what could be grander, as this was a place of hope. He asked them to sit with him, and shared that his name was Saint-14. It became clear to Sagira that Osiris wasn't going to introduce them, so she took it upon herself and said it was nice to meet Saint.[4]

While Osiris sat with Saint, the Exo asked Sagira if she could deliver meals like some of the other Ghosts, which she gladly agreed. Sagira laughed with the other Ghosts as they danced through the air delivering plates.[5]

Geppetto, Saint's Ghost, contacted Sagira and asked her to maintain a communication channel between them so Saint-14 and Osiris could communicate. A few days later, Saint-14 told Osiris to remind Sagira that if she upheld her promise (which was likely to remind Osiris of his duties in the Vanguard), that he would owe her a debt.[6]

After finally returning to the City, while Osiris spoke with Saint-14, Sagira met with Ikora Rey, although Geppetto wished to speak to her as well.[7]

Sagira spent significant time with Tyra Karn's Ghost, causing Tyra to become annoyed when her Ghost began to want to be given a name.[8]


"Later haters!"
— Sagira

Ikora met with Osiris in the Underwatch to inform him of the Consensus's decision to banish him. Sagira turned to listen, but Osiris ignored her. Sagira exclaimed that the decision was ridiculous, as they were at war against the Darkness and Osiris was able to do what everyone was too scared to do. Osiris held up a hand to silence her, and said the Ikora knows, despite pretending otherwise.[9]

Sagira angrily chased down Ikora as she began to walk away, and demanded to know if she was really going to let them be exiled after teaching her everything she knew. Ikora remarked that he only taught her everything he knew. Sagira argued that if it weren't for him, she would have still been training in the Crucible with Shaxx. Ikora angrily told her to stop talking, and that the conversation was over, as she walked away. Sagira angrily replied that Osiris and her were leaving.[10]

Exploring the Infinite Forest

"Sounds like a challenge."
— Sagira

Upon entering the Infinite Forest on Mercury for the first time, Sagira noted that her and Osiris were physically below the surface of Mercury which had been hollowed out to make space fore their simulations. Osiris told Sagira that simulations grew like infinite fruit on a forest of trees, and Sagira took this as a challenge, likely to learn all they could about the infinite space.[11]

A Terrible Future

Rise of Panoptes

"Ominous rocks, killer robots, people in mortal danger. Seriously- aren't you tired of this?"
— Sagira

Sagira and Osiris traveled through the Vex Network arriving in the Vault of Glass, just as a Fireteam had begun to raid it. The Fireteam and Vex seemingly froze in time. Sagira asked Osiris if he grew tired of the killer robots, before accidentally running into a laser from a Vex rifle. She began to complain, but Osiris told her to focus on the task at hand. Sagira began to raise the Vex's rifles as she passed. Osiris began to struggle manipulating a Vex device, and Sagira asked if he needed her help again, but he successfully opened a portal and stared into for a moment before closing it and walking away. Sagira questioned what he saw, but noticed one of the Vex she had moved had returned to it's previous position. Suddenly, the Vex began attacking Osiris, as Sagira called out hostile positions to him while he fled for cover. Hiding behind cover, Sagira grew annoyed that with all the places they could explore, he continued to go to the places where they get shot at. Osiris told her that if the Vex succeed, it would be the everything. He realized the Vex could see Sagira because of her Light, and told her she needed to leave, although she refused. Finally, he opened a portal and forcefully threw her out, but she was shot by a Vex on the way, causing critical damage as she landed in the sands of Mercury.[12]

Sagira was later discovered by a Hidden agent who was investigating strange reports from the Cult of Osiris on Mercury. They delivered her to Ikora, who showed her to the Guardian and Ghost. Ikora asked them to bring Sagira to the Cult on Mercury, and discover what her presence means.[12]

On Mercury, Brother Vance would ask the Guardian to bring Sagira to him, as Ghost believed she could open the gateway into the Infinite Forest. He shared with the Guardian coordinates on Earth to a hidden temple for his cult.[12]

Searching for Osiris

"Osiris saw something in the Infinite Forest— and it terrified him. NOTHING terrifies him. We need to find him."
— Sagira

Sagira reawakened in the European Dead Zone, within Ghost's Shell. The Young Wolf had put Sagira's old Shell in a Vex device in the possession of the Followers of Osiris. Ikora was glad Sagira was back, but Sagira told her they needed to return to Mercury and find Osiris. She also reassured the Guardian that Ghost would be back, as she was merely sharing his Shell at the moment.[13]

Sagira warned the Guardian that something in the Forest terrified Osiris, and stressed the urgency of finding him. Ikora warned Sagira that entering the wrong coordinates could prevent them from finding their way out, and Sagira shared her confidence that she find a route. Travelling across the surface of Mercury, Sagira told the Guardian that Osiris created Reflections of himself using technology from the Vex. One of the Reflections contact Sagira and warn her she shouldn't be there, and questions who the Guardian is with her. She tells it they are a friend of Ikora's. The Reflection send word to each other that Sagira has returned, and tell her that she was done away for her safety, and her return has caused branching timelines that they need more Reflections to investigate. Sagira asked where the real Osiris was, and a Reflection told her that she couldn't go to him. Sagira asked what was so terrible that it scared Osiris, and the Reflection warned her that if they continued ahead they would see. As the Guardian enters the Infinite Forest, Sagira warns them that despite being a simulation, everything in their can still kill them. The Guardian eventually came across a blocked pathway, and Sagira explained that killing the Daemon controlling the local simulation will clear the way, allowing them to enter a simulation of Mercury's past. A Reflection explained to Sagira that the Vex were attempting to reshape reality, and the root of the problem was Panoptes. The Reflection led Sagira and the Guardian to a simulation of the Lighthouse in the future. The Reflection explained that Light and Darkness no longer existed, and all life had been wiped out. However, it noted that this was before the Guardian, and it believed they were the key to preventing the dark future. Suddenly the Vex awakened and Panoptes found Sagira, and she fled with the Guardian. After fleeing from Panoptes, Sagira realized the direness of the situation, and that the Guardian, Ikora, Osiris, and herself had to work together to prevent the dark future. Leaving the Infinite Forest, Sagira contacted Ikora, who was surprised as she had thought they just left. Sagira explained the situation to her on their way back to the Last City.[14]

Preventing a Vex Future

"The Vex have been two steps ahead of us so far. But you and Ikora have given us a chance to actually SURPRISE them. That's impressive."
— Sagira

Arriving on Mercury, Sagira was informed by Ikora of Red Legion survivors in the area, and she encouraged the Guardian to eliminate them. As they traversed the Infinite Forest, Sagira explained that Osiris's Reflections were looking for Panoptes as well, but they would never find it in time without the map. The team arrived in a simulation of Mercury's recent past, where the Vex were testing alternate outcomes of the Red Legion invading. The Vex began redirecting the Cabal to destroy the map before Sagira and the Guardian could reach it. Arriving at the map, Sagira commented on the beauty of it. Suddenly, Khartion, a Minotaur appeared, but it was crushed by Valus Thuun. Sagira warned the Guardian that he would be much worse to deal with. After defeating him before he could destroy the map, Sagira hacked into the database, but realized she didn't have enough processing power to search through the constantly shifting map. She decided they needed to go to Nessus and find a Vex Mind that might do the trick.[15]

Ikora's Hidden contacted Sagira with a location for an Entangled Mind. Travelling through the Tangle and arriving in the Mists, Sagira saw Vex patrol the reason for an unknown reason. The Guardian defeated the Entangled Mind, and Sagira followed them to the Well of Echoes so she could access the Vex Network through a conflux. She connected the Vex Mind's core to the conflux, but it shorted out and only showed an image with coordinates. Ikora realized that if they traveled to a simulation of Mercury's past, they could find the code that created Panoptes, which combined with the map, would allow them to track it. Sagira congratulated Ikora, and told her that she wasn't the same; she was better.[16]

The Guardian arrived in the Fields of Glass on Mercury and Sagira noted that finding the right time frame for the simulation would be tricky, and warned the Guardian that it would be were the Vex are most vulnerable, so it would be well defended. As the Guardian traversed the Infinite Forest, Sagira thanked Ikora and the Guardian for giving her a chance to suprise the Vex, and commented that she would miss being the Guardian's Ghost. Entering a simulation of Mercury's past, Sagira told the Guardian to go to the top of the nearby tower so she could access the data on the creation of the Forest. She reminded the Guardian that the Vex anticipate everything, and they need to be unpredictable. After the Guardian defeated Dendron, Root Mind, the Guardian reached the top of the tower and allowed Sagira to access the database. She isolated Panoptes patterns and overlayed it onto the map of the Forest, and discovered the pattern Panoptes travels in. One of the Reflections of Osiris informed her that it detected a new future, and left to contact Osiris. Suddenly, Sagira detected a new defensive subroutine and branching realities, just as Panoptes appeared and took her out of Ghost's shell before disappearing.[17]

The Guardian returned to the Forest and battles Panoptes with Osiris, and defeated the Vex Mind and saved Sagira. Sagira congratulated "her" Guardians, annoying Ghost who called her a Guardian thief. Osiris reunited with Ikora, and told her the Infinite Forest was open anytime she wanted to talk. Sagira and Osiris ultimately returned to the Forest to prevent further possible dark futures.[18]

Panoptes Defeated

"I thought we averted this future!"
— Sagira to Osiris

Sagira noted that Osiris had began to pity the Red Legion being trapped for eternities in the Infinite Forest, but she believed they were getting exactly what they deserved.[19]

She later searched for Osiris in the Infinite Forest. She jokingly asked a Goblin if it knew where he went, and fled when it begin shooting at her. She then found him sitting at the Lighthouse in Mercury's future, a dead sun in the sky and countless Descendants below them. Surprised, Sagira told Osiris that she thought they had averted this future but Osiris replied that many different possibilities led to this future. Suddenly, a sound like a drumbeat with the strength of an earthquake shook the planet, and Sagira panicked, asking what they should do. Osiris said they needed to start over, but first she needed to revive, as a shadow began to eclipse the Vex below.[20]

Sagira and Osiris contacted the Guardian and Ghost to prevent the Vex from gathering combat data from simulated Fallen in preparation for an invasion on Nessus. Osiris and Sagira caused a disturbance in a nearby simulation, to draw away some of the forces. As the Guardian traversed the Forest, Sagira warned the team that the Vex had detected their intrusion, and were shifting platforms away from them. Osiris and Sagira reminded the Guardian that they have little time to react, and Sagira reminded Osiris that the Guardian was still one of her Guardians. After the Guardian defeated a pair of Fallen Captains, platforms began to phase in and out, and Sagira reminded the Guardian to not look down.[21]

If the Guardian defeated the Fallen in time, Sagira congratulated the Guardian on thwarting another Vex plan.[21]

If the Guardian didn't defeat the Fallen in time, Sagira wondered if the Vex took the Guardian into account for their prediction, and thanked them for eliminating some of the hostiles in the Infinite Forest.[21]

Later, Sagira informed the Guardian that the Vex were studying the Cabal in the Infinite Forest. Sagira noted that the Vex were focusing significant processing power on the simulation. Sagira figured that the data the Cabal carried was important to their plans, but wasn't sure why they decided to simulate the Cabal. When the Guardian encountered Valus Traud, Proxy, he ran, and Sagira told the Guardian to chase him down. If he was defeated by the Guardian, Osiris noted that the Vex would need to recalibrate, and Sagira translated that as his way of saying "thank you".[22]

The Missing Saint-14

Ghost picked up on a mysterious signal on Mercury, but noted he was getting interference. Sagira explained that signals tended to overlap in the Infinite Forest because of the simulations. Ghost detected a familiar Light source, and realized it was coming from a Guardian he once knew, Saint-14. Osiris blamed himself for Saint becoming lost in the Forest, but Sagira tried to comfort him by saying he couldn't blame himself for every missing Guardian.[23]

The Guardian and Ghost continued to search the Forest, and Ghost wondered if Saint was okay if he had been lost all this time. Sagira reassured him that nothing could stop him, and joked that he was probably lecturing Vex. The Guardian travelled to a simulation of Mercury's future, and Ghost was surprised at the changes. Sagira forgot he wasn't with them the first time they visited the area, and joked the the Vex were quite the decorators. The Guardian came across a gate blocking their way, and Sagira told them to defeat the Vex Mind guarding it, believing it was keeping them out and Saint-14 in. Inside, Ghost realized Saint had been drained of his Light, and Sagira told Osiris how sorry she was.[24]

They traveled to his tomb, and Sagira questioned what his ribbons were for. Osiris explained that he had called them his "accolades". She asked what they were for, and Osiris told her that he never asked.[25]

Sagira created the theoretical plans for the Sundial, which Geppetto would later read after she and Saint-14 were rescued, and told Saint she had wrote stories in it.[26] Once Osiris constructed the device, she scanned it, and was unsure if using the device was a good idea. Osiris explained that he needed to rescue Saint-14, as he died because of him, and Sagira questioned who else he would decide deserved a second chance. Osiris was surprised at how blunt she was being. Drifter arrived, and Sagira suspiciously asked why he was here, and Osiris explained that he invited him to inspect their engineering work. After he left, Osiris sent Reflections into the Sundial to search for Saint. Afterwards, Sagira asked if it worked, and he told her to shut it down, much to her disappointment.[27]

Continued Research

The Guardian celebrated the Festival of the Lost, and Sagira asked that if they wanted to continue to explore the alternate version of the Infinite Forest, to do it in a simulation away from them.[28]

Shortly before the Revelry, it was rumoured Sagira complained to Osiris about the dreary atmosphere in the Infinite Forest, and was likely the one who hacked it to change its appearance.[29]

Two years after Sagira and Osiris heard of Saint-14's death, they returned to the debug chamber in the Infinite Forest. Sagira keyed in a frequency, and the simulations around them was pitch black. Osiris questioned if she had detected it right, and she had, so they contacted Ikora who told them they had defeated the Undying Mind, which had changed all possible Vex futures. Osiris asked Sagira to take them to the Traveler, and when they arrived, they saw a Pyramid in the place of the Traveler. Osiris asked when this was predicted to happen, and Sagira told him it would happen within two to three decades, but could accelerate based on certain events involving the Guardian. He asked her to end the simulation and bring her back to Mercury.[30]


The Witch Queen's Trophy

"She can help us one last time, and then we can bring her home."
— The Ghost, after recovering Sagira's remains

Sagira's remains were recovered by Savathûn and placed within the depths of the Temple of the Wrathful in her throne world, which was dedicated to the Witch Queen's sister Xivu Arath. The Ghost Fynch learned of her shell's location during his brief time with the Lucent Brood and informed the Guardian of her location during their investigation into how Savathûn acquired the Light. Sagira's shell was recovered by the Young Wolf after they slew Brutiks, Lightbane, a Scorn commander who had claimed the temple as his lair. Upon recovering her shell they experienced a brief glimpse into a memory of Savathûn that was left behind as a psychic imprint.[31] In order to view the memory fully, the Young Wolf sought out the Altar of Reflection within the throne world. Placing Sagira's shell on the alter, the Young Wolf was able to listen to a memory of the Witch Queen which discussed her plan to infiltrate the Last City while posing as Osiris and revealed the existence of The Witness to the Vanguard.[32]


  • Sagira was the first Ghost to appear radically different from those partnered with the Guardians, and was also the first Ghost other than the player's to be voiced.
  • The name Sagira is Arabic for "little one."
  • Sagira was the first confirmed female Ghost to appear in-game. Eriana-3's unnamed Ghost was also female,[33] but appeared only in Grimoire. The player's Ghost mentions that Cayde-6's Ghost was female as well.
  • The player's Ghost and Sagira don't exactly get along well as she "borrowed" his Guardian and used his body. He calls her "Guardian thief" on one occasion, and gets very defensive when Sagira idly suggests that they team up again. On one occasion, when the two actually agree on something, Sagira is disconcerted by this.
  • Sagira initially expressed dislike for Ikora as she led the group that exiled Osiris but admits that the people were not ready for what he had to say. She later expressed admiration when Ikora came up with the idea of looking into the past to find Panoptes, declaring that the idea was "Osiris-level good". Sagira was happy that she, Osiris, and Ikora were able to be friends again.
  • Sagira was voiced by actress Morena Baccarin.


List of appearances


  1. ^ USGamer: Destiny 2 Expansion introduces new characters and level caps
  2. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: 4: Moths to Flame Part I
  3. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: 5: Moths to Flame Part II
  4. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: 6: Foundations Part I
  5. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: 7: Foundations Part II
  6. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: 19: Reunion
  7. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: 6: Foundations Part I
  8. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Lore: Don't Call Me Ghost
  9. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Sol Pariah 6
  10. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Sagira's Shell
  11. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Kairos Function
  12. ^ a b c Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - The Gateway
  13. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - A Deadly Trial
  14. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - Beyond Infinity
  15. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - Tree of Probabilites
  16. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - Hijacked
  17. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - A Garden World
  18. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - Omega
  19. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, D.F.A.
  20. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Null Calamity 9
  21. ^ a b c Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - The Up and Up
  22. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - The Runner
  23. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - Signal Light
  24. ^ Bungie (2017/12/5), Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - Not Even the Darkness
  25. ^ Bungie (2019/12/10), Destiny 2: Season of Dawn, Playstation 4, Weblore: The Accolade
  26. ^ Bungie (2019/12/10), Destiny 2: Season of Dawn, Playstation 4, Item Description: Primer
  27. ^ Bungie (2019/12/10), Destiny 2: Season of Dawn, Playstation 4, Weblore: The Sundial
  28. ^ Bungie (2018/9/4), Destiny 2: Forsaken, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Bounty: Prepare for Launch - "If you want to cause more explosions in the creepy shadow nightmare world, do us a favor, OK? Pick a simulation over that way."
  29. ^ Bungie (2019/3/5), Destiny 2: Season of the Drifter, Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Tess Everis: "Is it true that someone hacked the Infinite Forest to simulate something a bit more… cheerful? I heard maybe Sagira complained to Osiris. Ha! Wouldn't that be rich. But maybe you could follow up on those rumors for me. Do you mind?"
  30. ^ Bungie (2019/12/10), Destiny 2: Season of Dawn, Playstation 4, Weblore: Actions of Mutual Friends
  31. ^ Bungie (2022/2/22), Destiny 2: The Witch Queen - Mission: The Ghosts
  32. ^ Bungie (2022/2/22), Destiny 2: The Witch Queen - Mission: The Mirror
  33. ^ Bungie (2015/9/15), Destiny: The Taken King, Grimoire: Ghost Fragment: The Hellmouth 2