Biographical information



Combat information


Servitor Eye
Void Blast
Buff Fallen Troops


Servitors are large, spherical flying machines used by the Fallen. It gives a nourishing boost to the accompanying Fallen units by emitting purple glow.[1] They are shown to be very durable and are capable of firing devastating blasts of energy from their eye, which is also a weak spot. They frequently try to protect this weak spot when in combat, making them difficult targets. There are more powerful servitors known as High Servitors. Above High Servitors are Prime Servitors, the highest form of Servitor known. Prime Servitors take the place of a religious leader among the Fallen, with each Fallen House having their own Prime Servitor.


  • Elder Servitor—Heroic Difficulty
  • Ether Runner—High Servitors in charge of Ether resupplies
  • High Servitor—Major
  • Pilot Servitor—originally navigational aids for Ketches, re-purposed by the House of Wolves for combat. They are roughly the size of a Prime Servitor.
  • Prime Servitor
  • Spy Servitor
  • Trawl Servitor
  • Wolf Servitor—House of Wolves Servitor
  • Wolf High Servitor
  • Wolf Servitor

Known Servitors


List of appearances
