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"Brave the dark-tainted wastes of Pluto and plunder secrets from the fortified Pyramid."
— Activity Description

Expedition is a new, free rogue-lite mode introduced following the release of The Final Shape. Following a mysterious signal to a hostile, fortified pyramid buried in the world's surface, players must fight through wave after wave of procedurally and increasingly difficult opposition to discover the intent behind the dark ship's call.


After interacting with the Overview Table in the center of the H.E.L.M. or by heading to the tab in the director, players are given a map overlooking the terrain of Pluto, showing rough terrain and the goal of the activity, the Pyramid itself. If an Expedition is refreshed or failed, players will also see different paths on the trail to the Pyramid, with one - the starting expedition of the activity - at the other end. Simply put, the objective of this mode is to reach the pyramid and defeat the raider inside or, perhaps, a mysterious observer.

Each mission on the path to the Pyramid is radically different from one another, each weaving pathway and seemingly connected trail completely different from another. One expedition might find players first traversing a dust-choked wasteland and then finding a BrayTech facility while another start might find them in the ruins of a colony ship then the bowels of a Vex-constructed temple. Also completely different is the enemy composition, modifiers, objectives within and Hexes that boost enemy performance in combat. Each Expedition is unique, so players might have to change loadouts to better suit the new path.


As a rogue-lite mode, each Expedition is different and each path offers something new. Despite that, some mechanics don't change. For a start, each Expedition allows players to restart a checkpoint after wiping thrice or never depending on difficulty. Revive tokens are present and provide players few seconds to pick each other up before their fate is shared. Additionally, each expedition is Legendary, so enemies will always be a few power levels above the player and more players increases the difficulty drastically. Another common feature is extracting desired loot; each path offers meager rewards, ranging from enhancement cores or shards even to common loot with additional benefits to their name. All can be pulled with a successful Expedition plus a lot more, but a failure will cause the players to lose all they have collected on that expedition. So, players can approach a Ziggurat at the end of a path to safely extract it without losing it (however, only one item can be extracted and extraction comes at the cost of receiving Boons so choose wisely). Finally, some mechanics are shared between factions such as Incursions, Alliances or Hunting Parties, but those will be covered soon. Despite that, most of an Expedition will be completely random, so players are not to get comfortable with certain enemy placement or tactics.

Each path has four objectives, each still completely different or, perhaps shares a similar goal with a twist. Objectives can be completed without a timer, but some may have wipe mechanics, so players must be prepared for anything. After three of these objectives, the final one will always involve killing a boss of some sort with different means of bringing them down. Usually, there is no change at the first path, save for harder difficulties, but bosses may come with an immune mechanic that requires effort to dispose of. Few will have a wipe mechanic and the few that do usually involves indirect neutralization, such as disabling a splinter mine or destroying a Hive crystal and most, if not all wipe mechanic attacks WILL have a one-time redemption factor that can remedy any possible mistake.


A new feature all together, on the healthbar seen at the bottom of the screen, players will notice a space beneath the name of the boss. Whenever this boss receives a modification, a keyword will be visible to all players. Keywords are common buffs to a boss that players can see and possible adapt to or avoid when necessary instead of risking it when facing them. Bosses can either have one or three keywords, with Path bosses always having three keywords to them. Some keywords are as follows:

  • Burning Step: A recurrent ability in Destiny 2, Burning Step allows the boss to create an AoE burning explosion anytime they use their slam attack. A key warning for all players to keep away and an ability that can be the bane of the bold and foolish.
  • Quaking Step: Boss slams shake the very earth, throwing opponents out of balance. Applies Tremor debuff anytime the boss slams, whether out of defense or to unleash the ability to any still on the ground, removing the ability to jump and sprint.
  • Grenadier: The boss is capable of deploying a more powerful version of their faction specific grenades at their opponents.
  • Suppression: The boss will unleash a concentrated attack that will Suppress player abilities for 10 seconds.
  • Healer: Allies within the boss's aura slowly recover health over time.
  • Regenerator: The boss will slowly begin to recover health when not engaged.
  • Psionic: The boss, whether through experimentation, mutation or natural gift, is capable of unleashing considerable blasts of energy under players' feet. The boss is capable of the Nova Rupture attack.
  • Armored: The boss is well-protected from attacks. Non-critical damage is reduced.
  • Heavily Armored: The boss is extremely protected from attacks. Non-critical damage is severely reduced.
  • Summoner: The boss can conjure allied support at a whim. This includes Shanks, Thralls, Harpies, War Beasts, Shadow Thralls or Ravagers.
  • Unflinching: The boss will not stagger under any circumstance, come paracausal attack or steel-piercing shot.
  • Relentless: [Nemeses Only] The boss will continuously chase down their Guardian adversaries until they or their target is dead. Usually a few second pause after they have spotted their opponents, dealt a gruesome melee blow or have eliminated one of their opponents.
  • Soft Immunity: [HVT/Path Boss Only] The boss has soft health gates. Players can damage the boss over a certain threshold for a time before they acquire their immune shield.
  • Hard Immunity: [HVT/Path Boss Only] The boss has hard health gates. Once the damage threshold is reached, the Immunity shield will come right on.
  • Bomber: [Path Boss Only] The boss can call down fire support to draw out or eliminate the enemy. This includes missile bombardments, Void Spikes, Temporal Distortions, Orbital Strikes, Spiteful Incantation or Dark Ether Concentration.
  • Shielded: [Path Boss Only] The boss will defend itself with either powerful tech or magical wards. This includes Black Armory Shield Drones, Walls of Darkness, Rotating Shields, Psion Commanders, Shield Blights and Scorn Banners.
  • Protector: [Path Boss Only] Using tech or benign incantations, the boss will provide support for it's underlings. This includes Servitor Shielding, Ritual Circles, Vex Lenses, Portable Shield Devices, Vandal Dome Shields or Totem Shielding.
  • Disruptor: [Path Boss Only] The boss is capable of producing an inconvenient ability that disrupts the abilities of players. This includes Web Mines, Poison Clouds, Vex Seekers, Detain Bubbles, Shadow Touched and Tether.


Common Objectives

As previously mentioned, there are similar objectives some factions may use on a path. Some examples include:

  • Elimination
    "A considerable force of enemies have been detected in the area. If we are to safely explore this place, it is paramount we must eliminate them."
    A rather simple objective in concept, players must purge enemy resistance in the area. However, Eliminations might feature fortifications and other defenses that might make the matter all the more troublesome, such as Security Turrets, Shriekers or Scorpius Turrets. Regardless, this objective is arguably among the easier objectives to do, as it is simple elimination of hostiles.
  • High Value Target
    "We have discovered a ranking officer in the area. Eliminating them will throw enemy operations and logistics in shambles and limit possible rivals in our pursuit of the pyramid."
    A tough boss enemy will be encountered, though they lack any mechanics much like the final boss of a path. They will continue to spawn lackeys to support them as they attempt to defend themselves from your onslaught and may feature keywords that make them harder to kill, not just in terms of health but also in competitive damage. As previously mentioned, enemies will continue to spawn in and waylay into the Guardians until the boss is killed (however, the adds must also be killed before the objective is truly complete).
  • Data Recovery
    "A data collection team was reported to have been lost here. Recover any of their findings before the enemies take it for themselves and/or destroy it."
    A distinct objective, Guardians must interface with a central terminal and pick up a scanner to locate data-filled Frames that are scattered across the vast area. While dealing with an ever-coming onslaught, players with the scanner must also pay attention to an audible and distinct chiming that picks up frequency the closer to a body they get. Upon finding and identifying the body with the scanner, they can recover the data with the device and either search for other bodies or return it to the central terminal; whatever the choice matters little, as long as the data is recovered. Upon successfully recovering the data, players must temporarily defend the central terminal before eliminating what ever opposition is left and progressing further.
  • Equipment Recovery
    "Some of our teams were forced to drop their equipment as they were overwhelmed by hostile opposition. Recover them from any dead or from the hands of our enemies."
    A common objective, Guardians must haul equipment to an extraction site safely while ensuring said equipment remains out of enemy hands until otherwise recovered by ally units. Varying in terms of size and heft, equipment can either be found in distant nooks, on the bodies of dead allies or destroyed frames or on the backs of special enemies within the area. After gathering them all in one place, players must endure a horde of enemies before backup arrives to safely extract the vital equipment and are permitted to progress deeper down the path.
  • Asset Defense
    "An asset of great importance to our efforts here is being targeted by enemy saboteurs backed by a massive following of guards and apprentices. Defend it at all costs."
    Whether it be a terminal, supplies, ally, mining probe or injection rig, enemies are swarming in the hopes of eliminating it. Guardians must stave off a considerable threat and safeguard their objective until it is complete. Though seemingly formidable, players can salvage these operations by healing/repairing the subject of the objective, reinitiating a download or eliminating a thief who stole data. Regardless, despite the menace of punishing failure, asset defense isn't nearly as bad as other defense or escort objectives.

Mid-expedition Modifications

Disregarding objectives, sometimes, other factions might get involved, either in opposition to another faction or working with them. These are these said new objectives:

  • Incursion
    "Jumping at the opportunity to seize more land, another hostile group has deployed enemies to control this territory. Expect heavy cross-fire, but continue forward."
    Indicated by ships, transports or portals from other factions in the sky, players should expect another threat on the field as this new one butts heads with the expected force from the Guardians. Though little really changes in terms of difficulty, groups should expect objectives fitting for the new threat, as well as their high-threat enemies, keywords and, possibly, Hexes.
  • Ceasefire
    "Recognizing the threat you pose, our enemies here have made a non-aggression pact with another force in the hopes of quashing you together. Prove them wrong, but watch yourself."
    Indicated by both forces means of transportation seen together in the sky, unlike an incursion, players should expect to see the two forces working together in the hopes of bringing them down. Players should expect a slight bump in difficulty as these two factions fight as one and may share in an Incoming Threat operation or objective, as well as synergizing their keywords and Hexes.

Incoming Threats

Sometimes, whether in the middle of an objective or during a transition, players might find themselves interrupted by an unprecedented threat:

  • Ambush!
    "A sizable enemy force has tracked you down! Hold your ground!"
    In the distance, players might hear a distant bellow, siren, horn or visibly see a flare or bright light flash over the horizon, followed by a cacophony of voices answering it. These are the few-second-early portents that indicate an incoming Ambush. Composed of a hodgepodge of units, but can feature tougher command units and Elites, as well as Majors. Regardless, most of these units are noticeably more concerned with melee, though are not opposed to keeping at range to deal with their opponents.
  • Nemesis
    "Your actions have caught the attention of a heavily armored threat. They are closing in on your position rapidly, so expect a tough fight to come your way."
    At times, a distinct guttural howl might rip the air or the clatter of armor will sound closer and closer. Nemeses are "mini-boss" units that will attempt to eliminate their opponent with extreme prejudice. They lack any true mechanic to them, save for increased aggression and agility, as well as ability regeneration, allowing them to unleash attacks more frequently. Though they come alone, they might feature a keyword much like end-of-path bosses and High Value Targets.
  • Hunting Parties
    "A massive contingent of high threat hostiles are searching for you. They are among the best the enemy has to offer and are equipped with some of the best of their arsenal. They do not know your position, but are closing in as we speak. ENGAGEMENT IS NOT ADVISED."
    For any faction, players have a chance to encounter a Hunting Party. Hunting Parties are extremely dangerous groups consisting only of Elite and Major enemies that follow a certain path on the field. Players are advised to avoid these groups as much as possible UNLESS they have received a considerable stack of boons from Ziggurats and/or are extremely confident in their builds. Players can detect Hunting Parties by distant chants that get closer as the Hunting Party does too and players can use terrain and Concealment places to avoid them or catch them completely unaware in an ambush. Be warned that Hunting Parties are noticeably more aggressive than their standard counterparts.
  • Elite Ambush
    "Hostile commandoes have located you and are closing in. Watch yourself and engage if necessary. Elimination might yield some insight on the area."
    Sometimes, a Guardian(s) might face an Elite Ambush, an entourage which features some of the toughest enemies each faction has to offer, from Stasis Fallen, Hive Guardians, Wyvern squads, Red Legion elites, unique Taken models and Baron-like Scorn. Noticeably more aggressive than normal and just as devastating, especially on Legendary difficulty, Elite Ambushes can yield more rewards upon the elimination of these units or can be avoided and, with time, can disappear.



Pirates seeking to loot the wastes of Pluto, rebels plotting vengeance against the forces of the city or agents of the House of Salvation, the Fallen have rooted themselves on this world and will fight tooth and claw to keep their holdings on this seemingly desolate rock.

Faction Specific Objectives

  • Supply Destruction
    "Where there is concentrated Fallen activity, there are great caches of Ether. Seek and destroy their life-source, and they will retreat."
    Simply put, Guardians are to find nearby Ether canisters and destroy them. Though simple in concept, fireteams should notice that Fallen presence is greatly increased here, and Guardians can easily be overrun if they tunnel-vision on the barrels. Additionally, sometimes, these barrels are shielded, and require an override code from a nearby major to disable it and expose it. On higher difficulties, as well, a noticeable, pale blue cloud should be visible; any Fallen within this cloud gain minor health regeneration, as well as heightened aggression. Regardless, Supply Destruction is a simple objective and can be completed fast enough by a competent Guardian(s).
  • Equipment Destruction
    "We have tracked Fallen ordnance to this location. If brought to bear against us, our efforts will be greatly impaired. Destroy with extreme prejudice."
    From landed Skiffs to racks of Fallen weapons, from idle Brigs to slumbering Walkers, or even active ones for that matter (a combination of both is also likely), players simply must destroy these equipment. There are different ways to go about this objective, from overclocking their systems to hauling bombs to detonate them in a glorious fireball. Active targets may also require the use of Scorch Cannons or, at times, even other elemental cannons to destroying them, or even recovered bombs to disable shields.
  • Den Sweep
    "You are approaching the heart of Fallen operations in this sector. Do whatever you can to clear it out to impair their movements and allow us to pull essential data we need."
    A combination of a bunch of other objectives, Den Sweeps require players to clear out a vast and well-fortified den, whether that means neutralizing Servitors, disabling turrets or stealing information that isn't nailed down. What sets a Den Sweep apart from an Elimination objective is that the Fallen are considerably more aggressive than normal and is extremely likely to spawn a Nemesis.
  • Drill Hijack
    "There is a well defended Drill on our path. Whether it is extracting glimmer or something of great importance matters not. Seize control of it."
    Players will encounter a Fallen drill in the middle of excavating the ground. Whether it is just defending the drill or powering it further from stealing access keys from nearby enemies, hauling fuel to feed it or throwing power into it's core, players must defend the drill from the incoming Fallen onslaught and stand their ground as they seek to recover it. The drill will also move around, so players must follow it around and reestablish their defensive positions.
  • Fallen Prisoners
    "There are friendly Fallen nearby being held captive by our common enemies. Free them and allow them to safely extract."
    Whether Awoken allied spy, turncoat Fallen or House of Light soldiers, Guardians must seek out the cages scattered across the arena and allow them to escape. Sometimes a keycard is required to access them, but most don't. However, proximity to these cages might summon their wardens in great droves so that they may secure them. Additionally, players may have to defend these units from an onslaught whether they can defend themselves or not.
  • Splinter Mines
    "You have entered a Fallen kill zone! Disable those Splinter Mines before they detonate!"
    A common objective for many players, Guardians must disarm Splinter Mines that will continually spawn around the arena. Whether it requires being in proximity with the mine, shooting it or disarming them with switches from a central console, Splinter mines are not that complex of an objective for the few who have faced their menace before.
  • Ketch Raid
    "The Fallen have established a teleportation pad to a nearby Ketch. This is an opportunity we cannot pass up. Board it and disable it."
    Players must overtake a Fallen teleportation pad and board a Ketch. Though the map usually stays the same the objectives can change, from destroying a pilot servitor to send it careening into the earth, destroying a reactor to leave the ship disabled, killing the baron of the ship or turning the ships guns against the Fallen's own fleet. Regardless, players must enter the well-defended Fallen ship and do as much grievous damage to it as possible.

Special Enemies

Name Table



  • Hex of the Wolf
    "The bitter-hearted veterans of a House long dead fight with brutal vigour and hatred. They will stop at nothing to kill their adversaries."
    Fallen units fire faster and enrage quicker. Melee attacks deal more damage.
  • Hex of the Shipstealer
    "The sinister influence of the pyramids have seeped into the hearts of these Fallen warriors. Their cold demeanors have become physical."
    Some fallen are coated in obvious rime, and are more tolerant to damage. Killing these units will cause a Stasis blast that coats nearby units in similar shielding and freezes nearby enemies.
  • Hex of the Prime
    "There is low-spread SIVA readings across the area. Seek out "safe zones" to cleanse yourself of their taint before they reach critical mass."
    Flesh-warping SIVA nanites are found in the area. Over time, players will continue to gather stacks of SIVA contamination. When it reaches 20 stacks, the Guardian dies. Players must seek out a nearby white bubble to slowly but surely cleanse themselves of its infectious influence. A bubble lasts 10 seconds before vanishing once entered.


Faction Specific Objectives

Special Enemies

Name Table



  • Hex of the Navigator:
  • Hex of the Deceiver:
  • Hex of the Warlord:


Faction Specific Objectives

Special Enemies

Name Table



  • Hex of the Conflux:
  • Hex of the Simulator:
  • Hex of the Blade's Edge:


Faction Specific Objectives

Special Enemies

Name Table



  • Hex of the Ghost:
  • Hex of the Bitter Mind:
  • Hex of the Emperor:


Faction Specific Objectives

Special Enemies

Name Table



  • Hex of the Overseers:
  • Hex of the Krill:
  • Hex of the Black Fleet:


Faction Specific Objectives

Special Enemies

Name Table



  • Hex of the Devoted:
  • Hex of the Wishfiend:
  • Hex of the Pyramids:

The Pyramid

Faction Specific Objectives

Special Enemies

Name Table



  • Hex of the Dominator
  • Hex of the Dream-walker
  • Hex of the Cacophony



  • Unjust Clemency (Story Completion)
  • Waste Nomad Armor (Path completions)
  • Legendary Armors (Path Completion)
  • Legendary Weapons (Path Completion)
  • Enhancement Cores (Path Completion)
  • Enhancement Prisms (Path Completion (Rare))
  • Triumphant Conviction Armor (Successful Expedition only)
  • Artifice Armor (Successful Expedition)
  • Restitution (Scout Rifle (Successful Expedition))
  • Acquittal (Hand Cannon (Successful Expedition))
  • Liquidation (Submachine Gun (Successful Expedition))
  • Indictment (Combat Bow (Successful Expedition))
  • Probate (Fusion Rifle (Successful Expedition))
  • Exoneration (Glaive (Successful Expedition))
  • Extradition (Sniper Rifle (Successful Expedition))
  • Arraignment (Sword (Successful Expedition)
  • Objection (Rocket Launcher (Successful Expedition))
  • Recusal (Machine Gun (Successful Expedition))
  • Exotic Engrams (Successful Expedition)
  • Ascendant Alloy (Successful Expedition)
  • Ascendant Shards (Successful Expedition)


Special Missions