"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."
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Keksis, the Betrayed
Biographical information




Taken Captain

Combat information


Prison of Elders


Arc Shrapnel Launcher


Summon Taken
Darkness Bolt
Suppression Explosives (Challenge of the Elders)


Keksis, the Betrayed is a Taken Captain that was captured and imprisoned within the Prison of Elders.


Like any Taken Captain, Keksis is armed with an Arc Shrapnel Launcher and can both teleport erratically and rapidly hurl Darkness Bolts that blind Guardians. However, in Challenge of the Elders, he will gain the ability to summon explosives that will supress a Guardian's ability to use their Super, melee, and grenade attacks. The explosive will be floating around in the middle of the arena, and players must run through it to avoid getting the "Suppression" debuff. Otherwise, the bomb will go off and Guardian's Super, grenade, and melee charges will temporarily reverse, and they will also be unable to use their jumping abilites.

