House of Salvation

Revision as of 23:21, April 6, 2021 by Joskaa (talk | contribs) (→‎Servitors: Ok, I got the name wrong for it, it was “DRAPSIS”, although I swear I seen the big boi with The name: “Drapis”)
"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."
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House of Salvation

"To my Eliksni sisters and brothers out amongst the stars, and here at home on Europa. We are the future of our kind, and we will destroy all who threaten us. Remember, Light only burns bright so long, but Darkness is forever."
— Eramis.[1]

The House of Salvation, or House Salvation in Eliksni, is a massive Fallen House distinguishable by their white and indigo cloaks and armor.

Founded by Eramis, Kell of Darkness, a former Baroness of the House of Devils who originally sought to reform her old House, but later abandoned them to form a new empire comprised of former Devil, Dusk, Wolf and Scourge members.[2][3]

Eramis led the newly formed House to Europa and acquired the powers of the Darkness, plotting to rebuild their Eliksni civilization and take vengeance against the Traveler and The Last City.



Eramis, Kell of Darkness

"And now we have Eramis, the Shipstealer, Baroness of Devils."
— Variks on the capture of Eramis

The House of Devils fell into chaos following the deaths of their nobility: Solkis, Kell of Devils, Riksis, Devil Archon, Sepiks Prime, and Aksis, Archon Prime. Leaderless, the Devils would abandon their banners and follow the instructions of the Kell of Kings to merge with the other noble Houses to create the House of Dusk. Those who remained loyal to the other Houses were captured and sent to languish in the Prison of Elders.

A year after the Red War and prompted by The Nine, Variks, The Loyal unleashed a massive prison break. The chaos led to the release of notable Fallen such as Fikrul, Siviks and the Silent Fang. Eramis, the Shipstealer, one of the last surviving Barons of the old Devils captured during the Wolf Rebellion and who lead the Fallen charge at the Battle of the Twilight Gap, had also managed to escape the Prison of Elders. Upon learning the demise of Devils nobility, Eramis rallied former Devil traditionalists, saboteurs and loyalists to join her cause in rebuilding the House of Devils.[2] Eramis even sought to harness SIVA to enhance the Devils after learning the conducts of the Devil Splicers.[4]

Raiding the Tower

"Field reports indicate that Eramis is rallying violent dissidents to reconstruct House Devils from the ground up."

Months after her escape, Eramis orchestrated a heist into the destroyed Tower to steal the Outbreak Perfected Pulse rifle, which was previously quarantined due to it containing SIVA in its frame. Led by Siriks, Loyal to Eramis, they broke into the crumbling building and pillaged anything they could find in order to get to the SIVA-powered weapon. This caught the attention of Mithrax, the Forsaken, the Kell of the Fallen House of Light. Mithrax proceeded to drop clues for the Guardians to join him in his attempt to stop the incursion. Meeting in secret with the The Guardian in the basement of the barn at The Farm, they rushed to the ruins of the destroyed Tower to stop Eramis’ militants from retrieving the weapon. Together, Mithrax and the Guardians stopped the raiding party, killing Siriks and his allies.

The failure to steal the SIVA weapon ultimately humiliated Eramis and her attempt at reigniting the fires of the House of Devils. Since then, she decided to abandon the Devils banner entirely and remake themselves into a new House entirely of her own accord.[5]

Rise of Darkness

Eramis rallying her House

"This is our future! Our enemies stand no chance against this power! The Great Machine will finally know our pain!"
Eramis, Kell of Darkness

Following the Nightmare events on the Moon, Eramis would lead a new House of Fallen from the former Houses of Devils, Wolves and Dusk. Eramis would subsequently proclaim herself as “Kell of Darkness” and attempt to harness the power of the Pyramids to build her empire and destroy the Traveler.

Eramis visited the Moon herself, fighting her way through an army of the Hive in order to commune with "the black arrow" (the Pyramid). Armed with the new power of Stasis, Eramis rallied several Fallen Barons to lay the foundation of a new house on Europa, also referred as "Niflheim"[3]. They dismantled multiple Fallen hideouts across the Solar System and used the ruins of human Europan colony of Eventide to build Riis-Reborn, the first and only Fallen city since the fall of their old homeworld of Riis.

The first Barons to join Eramis' Dark Council were her old comrades-in-arms from the House of Devils: Phylaks, the Warrior and Kridis, Dark Priestess. The three of them used to be working as a team on the Cosmodrome and fought together against Guardians in the Battle of the Twilight Gap[6]. Another addition to the Council, Praksis, the Technocrat, was a former member of the House of Wolves who had been confined in a cell next to that of Eramis in the Prison of Elders. They used to have long nighttime talks that influenced Praksis' way of thinking[7]. Atraks, the Wildcard, was meant to represent the younger generation of the Fallen, those who were born after the Whirlwind and never knew any other home but the Solar System[8]. Last but not least was the last scribe of the House of Judgment, Variks, The Loyal. While other members of the Dark Council despised Variks for being a traitor, Eramis accepted him as a way to draw more Reef Fallen to her own house[9].


Though the House of Salvation is made of up members from a multitude of other Eliksni factions it is much more organized and disciplined compared to the other Fallen Houses, a testament to Eramis's leadership. With a number of lieutenants at her disposal, Eramis was able to maintain a firm grip on her forces, using Splinters of Darkness that are harvested from nearby Cruxs utilizied by Praksis' drone technology. Further, their command over Stasis makes Fallen of this House especially dangerous. In addition, with so many different Fallen joining forces under Eramis's banner, their various tactics and technologies give them an edge on the battlefield, almost overwhelming their foes.



Prime Servitors

Stasis Barons

Allied Associates

Salvation Elites

Salvation Lieutenants


Heavy Shanks

Former Members

Unique Forces

Major variants

Minor variants



  • This House was previously called the House of Darkness by the community.
  • The House of Salvation symbol bears a slight resemblance to, or is based on, parts of House Devil's, King's and Winter's banners.
  • The House has also been observed to use the old Eliksni suits and armor from Destiny 1 instead of the more ornamental House of Rain (adopted by the House of Dusk) armor.
  • Early traces of the House of Salvation name can be found in the An Evolution of Faith lore. It describes the Fallen to have raced across the stars in "search of salvation". In their desperation the Fallen relied on technology to survive through the use of weapons, ships and Servitors. Eventually their need to survive led to worship of Servitors. This ties into Eramis' speech where she claims the Fallen have been "chained for centuries" due to their reliance of Servitors and then proceeds to destroy one through Stasis.
    • Eramis's dislike of the Servitors, being made in the image of the Traveler, whom she hates, makes her similar to the Scorn who despise the Fallen's old traditions. Despite this, she keeps Servitors a part of her forces, albeit "defiled" by Stasis.
  • The names of the Stasis Barons all appear to be derived from Greek words.
  • In Ghost Fragment: Fallen 2 the Dark is described as something that cannot be stolen as you can claim pain. This explains the Houses pursuit of wanting to make the Traveler feel their pain as they wield their new found Dark powers.

List of appearances



  1. ^ Bungie (2020/10/06), Destiny 2: Playstation 4, Beneath The Ice Trailer
  2. ^ a b c Bungie (2019/03/05), Destiny 2: Playstation 4, Lore: Outliers
  3. ^ a b Bungie (2020/06/09), Destiny 2: Playstation 4, Rimed Shell
  4. ^ Bungie (2019/05/15), Destiny 2: Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, Zero Hour
  5. ^ Bungie (2020/11/10), Destiny 2: Beyond Light, Lore:The Once-Shipstealer - IV. The Visionary
  6. ^ Bungie (2020/11/10), Destiny 2: Beyond Light, Lore:The Once-Shipstealer - V. The Nightmare
  7. ^ Bungie (2020/11/10), Destiny 2: Beyond Light, Lore:The Once-Shipstealer - I. The Prisoner
  8. ^ Bungie (2020/11/10), Destiny 2: Beyond Light, Lore:The Once-Shipstealer - XIII. The Wildcard
  9. ^ Bungie (2020/11/10), Destiny 2: Beyond Light, Lore:The Once-Shipstealer - VIII. The Council

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