
Revision as of 05:06, February 12, 2021 by Sinkento (talk | contribs) (Sinkento moved page Hub for Emergency Logistics and Maneuvers to H.E.L.M.: HELM will appear on google results and will be more searched for)

Template:Images The Hub for Emergency Logistics and Maneuvers, also known as the H.E.L.M., is a Vanguard operations outpost set up within a hanger of The Last City. Routinely staffed by Vanguard Frames, it was opened shortly after the Arrival of the Black Fleet and was first used to deal with the arrival of Empress Caiatl's fleet in the Sol System.


War Table

The centerpiece of the H.E.L.M., the war table offers real-time tactical information on the current conflict the Vanguard is monitoring. A terminal on the table can be used to read messages and receive incoming transmissions from Vanguard agents for briefings and reports from the field. Members of Vanguard task forces frequently meet at the war table to discuss ongoing operations.[1]

Umbral Decoder

Confiscated from Drifter by the Cryptarchy, the Umbral Decoder and Prismatic Recaster have been refined and studied by the Cryptarchs in their ongoing effort to further understand Umbral Engrams which began to appear after the Black Fleet arrived.[2]

Other Features

The H.E.L.M. has a post box for items lost in the field for recovery, along with a terminal for accessing a Guardian's Vault.


List of appearances
