Catalysts are special modifiers for Exotic weapons, introduced in the Warmind Expansion for Destiny 2. They improve and upgrade Exotic weapons within the game by either improving stats, giving bonus perks, or raising the magazine size.


Each weapon has its own Catalyst and has specific objectives to find them. Catalysts function exactly like Masterworks and generate Orbs of Light on multi kills. The drop rate for them is unknown, but they are a rare find. Once you find a Catalyst for a weapon, you will have to do specific objectives with the weapon, such as precision hits or simply kill enemies in order to unlock the upgrade.

List of Catalysts

Weapon Catalyst Obtained From Objectives

(All Kills must be done with the respective weapon)

Catalyst Perk

Ace of Spades

Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 500 Kills
Adds the perk Funeral Pyre

(The perk Firefly does more damage while the perk Memento Mori is active)

Bad Juju

45 Tributes placed inside the Tribute Hall
  • 700 Kills
Adds the perk Unending Curse

(Extends the duration of the perk String of Curses)

Black Talon

Killing any PVE enemy
  • 500 Kills
Adds the perk Reversal

(Shots blocked immediately after guarding increase the damage of Crow’s Wings for a very short duration)


Killing any PVE enemy
  • 150 Solar Mode kills
  • 150 Void Mode kills
  • 150 Arc Mode kills
Increases the weapon reload speed stat by +18


Killing any PVE enemy
  • 500 Kills
Adds the perk Focused Fire

(Hold reload to swap to a tighter, close-ranged spread)


Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 300 Kills
Increases the weapon stability stat by +18 and the weapon reload speed stat by +18

The Colony

Kills and, or Wins in Crucible Matches
  • 500 Kills
Adds the perk Deeper Pockets

(Increases the weapon magazine size by +1 and expands the ammo reserves)


Killing any PVE enemy
  • 500 Precision kills
Increases the weapon range stat by +18


Killing any PVE enemy
  • 300 Precision kills
Increases the weapon stability stat by +18

Eriana's Vow

Complete the quest from Banshee-44
  • 700 Kills
Adds the perk More to Give

(Increases the weapon magazine size by +3 and adds the perk Auto-Loading Holster)

(Holstering this weapon automatically reloads it after a short period of time)

Fighting Lion

Killing any PVE enemy
  • 1000 Kills
  • 167 Bounties completed (while catalyst is inserted)
Increases the weapon reload speed stat by +27

Adds the perk Chimera (perk)

(When Fighting Lion is fired, equipped Kinetic and Power weapon gain increased handling and accuracy stats for a brief period of time)

The Fourth Horseman

Completing Seraph Bunkers, participating in the Seraph Tower Public Events, or completing Legendary Lost Sectors
  • 400 Kills
Adds the perk And its name was Death

(Adds an additional round to the magazine and increases the reload speed stat by +40)

Graviton Lance

Kills and, or Wins in Crucible or Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 500 Kills
  • 1000 Cosmology kills
Increases the weapon range stat by +18

Adds the perk Hidden Hand

(Increases the weapon aim assist and targeting acquisition stats)


Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 1000 Kills
Increases the weapon stability stat by +18

The Huckleberry

Kills and, or completions in Heroic Adventures
  • 500 Kills
Adds the perk Bull Rider

(Kills with this weapon now reload the entire magazine)

Izanagi's Burden

Complete Heroic Menagerie with a Masterworked Chalice of Opulence
  • 500 kills
Adds the perk Peerless Edge

(Increases the damage bonus of Honed Edge when all 4 bullets are consumed)

Jade Rabbit

Kills and, or Wins in Crucible Matches
  • 250 PVP kills
Increases the weapon stability stat by +27

Legend of Acrius

Completing encounters and opening Underbelly chests in the raid

Leviathan (raid) on Prestige difficulty

  • 500 Kills
Increases the weapon reload speed stat by +36

Adds the perk Deeper Pockets

(Increases the weapon magazine size by +2 and expands the ammo reserves)

Lord of Wolves

Completions in Gambit, Crucible, Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 500 Kills
Adds the perk Fang and Claw

(Increases the weapon reload speed stat while the perk Release the Wolves is active and increases the weapon stability stat when it is not)


Kills and, or completions in Gambit, Crucible, Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 250 Noble Round heals
Adds the perk Resonant Vitrue

(Gain two Remnants per final blow instead of one)


Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 500 Kills
Increases the weapon stability stat by +36 and the weapon range stat by +36

MIDA Multi-Tool

Kills and, or Wins in Competitive Crucible matches after reaching the Glory rank of Legend
  • 250 PVP precision kills
Adds the perk Outlaw

(Increase weapon reload speed stat after a precision kill)

Outbreak Perfected

Complete the Zero Hour mission on Heroic difficulty
  • Collect 500 SIVA Nanites
  • 500 Precision kills

(You can obtain 100 Nanites per week from completing the Zero Hour mission on Heroic difficulty.

You can also complete the Terminal Sequencing Puzzle to gain boosted gains on the catalyst progress)

Adds the perk Disease Vector

(Deal additional nanite damage. Enemies that die while under the effect of SIVA nanites will spread the ailment to nearby foes.)

Polaris Lance

Complete the 5th and Final Nascent Dawn quest
  • 500 Kills
  • 50 Perfect Fifth kills
Adds the perk Dragonfly

(Precision kills create an explosion around defeated enemy)

Prometheus Lens

Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 500 Kills
Increases the weapon stability stat by +18 and the weapon handling stat by +18

The Prospector

Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 500 Kills
Increases weapon blast radius stat by +20

Adds the perk Deeper Pockets

(Increases ammo reserves)

Rat King

Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 1000 Kills while everyone in your fireteam is also using Rat King
Adds the perk Infestation

(Increase to weapon aim assist and recoil direction stats, when the perk Vermin activates, recover some health)


Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls or by completing completing the Pain and Gain questline
  • 500 Kills
  • 50 Arc Conductor kills
Increases the weapon range stat by +27

Skyburner's Oath

Completing encounters in the raid Leviathan (raid)
  • 1000 Cabal kills
Increases the weapon range stat by +27

Sleeper Simulant

Completing encounters in the raid

Leviathan, Spire of Stars on Prestige difficulty

Complete the following steps:

1. Kills with IKELOS escalation protocol weapons equipped

  • 1000 Sniper Rifle kills
  • 1000 Shotgun kills
  • 2000 Submachine Gun kills

2. Loot the Oracle Chest in The Whisper on Normal or Heroic difficulty

3. Kills with Sleeper Simulant

  • 500 Kills
Lowers the weapon charge rate stat by -250 and expands the ammo reserves

(Lowers charge time)


Killing any PVE enemy on Nessus
  • 500 Sturm kills
  • 500 Drang kills
Increases weapon handling stat by +40 and the weapon range stat by +18


Kills and, or Wins in Crucible or Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 500 Kills
  • 1000 Sun Blast kills
Increases the weapon stability stat by +18 and the weapon range stat by +27

SUROS Regime

Kills and, or Wins in Crucible Matches
  • 300 PVP kills
Adds the perk SUROS Ascendance

(Increases the weapon recoil direction stat and increases the chance for the perk SUROS Legacy to activate)

Sweet Business

Kills and, or Wins in Crucible or Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 250 Multi-kills
Adds the perk Serious Business

(Reduces incoming flinch when firing Sweet Business at full speed)


Complete the quest from Banshee-44
  • 700 Kills
Adds the perk Electric Styx

(Increases the max stack size of Dynamic Charge from x15 to x20)


Completing encounters in the raid

Leviathan, Eater of Worlds on Prestige difficulty

Acquire Gift of the Lighthouse and then interact with the forge on Mercury

(Earn all lost prophecy verses from Brother Vance on Mercury)

Adds the perk Deeper Pockets

(Increases the weapon magazine size to by +3 and expands the ammo reserves)

Tommy's Matchbook

Complete the quest from Banshee-44
  • 700 Kills
Adds the perk Heat of the Moment

(While Ignition Trigger is active, your health recovers much faster.)

Tractor Cannon

Killing any PVE enemy
  • 300 Kills
Adds the perk Deeper Pockets

(Increases the weapon magazine size by +3 and expands the ammo reserves)

Vigilance Wing

Kills and, or Wins in Crucible Matches
  • 250 PVP kills
  • 5 Blood for Blood medals
Adds the perk Full Auto Trigger System

(Makes the weapon fire fully automatic when holding down the fire button)

The Wardcliff Coil

Kills and, or completions in Strikes and, or Nightfalls
  • 500 Kills
Adds the perk Pinpoint Guidance Module

(Tightens rockets spread)

Whisper of the Worm

Complete The Whisper on Heroic difficulty.
  • Obtain 100 Blighted Essense

(You can obtain 24 essence per week by completing The Whisper on Heroic difficulty and 12 by opening all 6 chests in The Whisper on Normal or Heroic difficulty, 36 per week)

Increases weapon reload speed stat

Adds the perk Whispered Breathing

(Aiming down the scope for 3 seconds increases the weapon range stat and the weapon precision damage while the weapon scope remains zoomed)

Worldline Zero

Killing any PVE enemy while having a sword equipped You must hit all 5 level 7 Mars Protocol bosses with the Worldline Zero while they're un-shielded

(Boss rotation changes weekly, so it will take 5 weeks to complete the catalyst)

Adds the perk Another Dimension

(Reduces the activation time for the perk Tesseract)


List of Appearances