Forum:Nightmare Unyielding

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Nightmare Unyielding Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png


Dusk Tunnel

Nightmare Unyielding


Destiny 2


The Void Within



Recommended Power Level:



Material Void, The Void


Pursue the Sanctum Heralds through various alternate realities and drive back their god.

Destinypedia doesn't currently have a walkthrough for this level; could you write one?

In the death of the Light and the Dark, only the Void shall remain.

Nightmare Unyielding is the flagship raid of The Void Within. It is made available September 14th, 2024. Nightmare Unyielding will take players through the Grand Veilgate and into the depths of The Void, through various Dark Futures and alternate timelines, to destroy the Sanctum Heralds and ensure Kothal never reaches the Material Plane.

Unique Enemies

House of Emperors (Traditionalists)

  • Barricade Vandal
  • Requiem Captain
  • Requiem Heavy Shank
  • Emperor's Guard

The Sanctum Heralds

  • Councilor Warlock
  • Devastator Warlock

House of Lions

Corrupted Servants

  • Darkbearer Hunter
  • Darkbearer Titan
  • Darkbearer Warlock
  • Darkbearer Knight
  • Darkbearer Ogre
  • Darkbearer Hydra
  • Darkbearer Minotaur


Red Legion

  • Enlightened Legionary
  • Enlightened Phalanx
  • Enlightened Psion
  • Enlightened War Beast
  • Enlightened Centurion
  • Enlightened Gladiator
  • Enlightened Incendior
  • Enlightened Colossus

Shadow Army

  • Fallen House of Shadows
  • Hive Shadow Swarm
  • Vex Shadow Divisive
  • Cabal Shadow Legion
  • Taken Reborn
  • Scorn Cult of Shadows
  • Ainground Captain
  • Ainground Servitor
  • Ainground Heavy Shank
  • Ainground Knight
  • Ainground Wizard
  • Ainground Ogre
  • Ainground Hobgoblin
  • Ainground Minotaur
  • Ainground Wyvern
  • Ainground Centurion
  • Ainground Gladiator
  • Ainground Colossus
  • Ainground Chimera
  • Ainground Taken Captain
  • Ainground Taken Ogre
  • Ainground Screeb
  • Ainground Wraith
  • Ainground Chieftain


House of Emperors (Traditionalists)

House of Lions

Twilight Council

Corrupted Servants


Red Legion


The Sanctum Heralds



  • ARZAYNA: The Sanctum Heralds found it. The Grand Veilgate. The heart of The Void... and a gateway for the rebirth of a sinister evil... Kothal. They plan to merge their world with ours and awaken their god. To unleash a chaos they do not understand. Their success means the end of everything as we knew it... and the beginning of a corrupt era. They must be annihilated once and for all.

Akildis Encounter

The Nexus

House of Lions Encounter

Twilight Council Encounter

Dark Future Encounter

Wrathborn Encounter

Red Legion Encounter

Shadowkeepers Encounter

  • KIRITO: Welcome to the end of your world, Lightbearer. The age of heroes and the Light is over, and the time of Darkness has finally begun. (laughs)


The Grand Veilgate

The raid starts in the Decrepit Wastes, where Akildis and her remaining Emperor Traditionalists have sealed the Veilgate shut and are barring the Guardians from entering.

The Tenebrous Nexus

The Teneborous Nexus acts as a hub for the Material Void. There are numerous branches that lead into various alternate realities, which can be completed in any order. The anchors (bosses) of each alternate reality must be killed in order to purify the Nexus and open up the main path. It is the only zone in the raid free of enemies.

Vision of The Last City

The upper left branch of the Nexus leads to a vision of The Last City, under attack by the House of Lions. In this reality, Atrykis managed to convince Joskaa of the errors of humanity and the Traveler, which escalated to an all out war between the Vanguard and the House of Lions. The Anchors of this reality are Joskaa, Seriviks, and Atrykis.

Vision of Levania

The lower left branch of the Nexus leads to a vision of Levania, twisted and corrupted with a massive Void-like rift in the skies above it. In this reality, AJ, Nagihiko, and Brayden-4 succumbed to Kothal's madness and became his heralds in place of Scyva, successfully summoning Kothal and beginning to merge the material realm with the Void. The Anchors of this branch are the Twilight Council, consisting of AJ, Nagihiko, and Brayden-4.

Vision of the Dark Future

The center-left branch leads to a vision of an alternate timeline in which numerous Guardians, including Ana Bray, had succumbed to the Darkness and allied with a corrupt Eris Morn and the forces of the Hive and Vex. Ana Bray and Eris Morn are the Anchors of this branch.

Vision of the Wrathborn

The center-right branch leads to a vision of the Moon, where Xivu Arath's forces had succeeded in enthralling the Fallen, Hive, and Cabal forces. In this reality, the High Celebrant managed to transform Osiris into a Wrathborn. The High Celebrant and Osiris are the Anchors of this branch.

Vision of the Almighty

The upper right branch leads to a vision of a newly modified version of The Almighty, where Ghaul managed to harvest the Traveler's light and annihilated the Solar System, crowning himself as the Lightbringer and leading a crusade against the Pyramids. He is the Anchor of this branch.

Vision of Aincrad

The lower right branch leads to a vision of a newly rebuilt Aincrad over Earth. In this reality, the Shadowkeeper Apocalypse was a success for the Shadowkeepers, resulting in the Solar Coalition being wiped out and the Sol System being secured for the Darkness. Kirito is the Anchor of this branch.

Palace of Entropy

Scyva's Throne

Survive the Material Void's Collapse

Domain of Kothal




Other Rewards
