"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."
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Seditious Mind
Grimoire Seditious Mind.jpg
Biographical information




Axis Mind


Taken Hydra

Combat information


Prison of Elders


Aeon Maul


Summon Taken
Circle of Fire (Challenge of the Elders)


Seditious Mind is a Taken Hydra that was captured and imprisoned within the Prison of Elders.


The Seditious Mind operates like any ordinary Hydra, yet it has the ability to summon Taken troops at will, but it lacks the semicircular shield of Vex Hydras, making it more vulnerable to attack. However, in Challenge of the Elders, it will gain the ability to summon a circle of fire that will periodically damage any Guardians in it and the circle will eventually detonate, dealing massive damage or even killing anyone that hasn't gotten out of the way.

