Forum:House of Lions

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction House of Lions Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

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House of Lions


Faction: Fallen house Hostile level: 0 (non-hostile)

Base: 2 Pallas

Miltila: Vandals and shanks

Personal Response: non-wolf fallen, but has unknown objectives.


A reef agent to command base

The House of Lions are vigilant Fallen House, distinguishable by their White Cloaks, they are the allies of The Last City.



The House of Lions were a Legendary mighty House, they were said to be "Strong like the Wolves, Wise like Judgment, and clever like Kings. They're the most respected House by most of Eliksni, even by the House of Kings. Untill the Whirlwind. they escaped into a Unknown asteroid belt over a unknown space system and the Lions were said to have warred with the House of Gray.

Gray Wars

Phase One

The War started when a house known as the House of Gray entered Lions territory and raided multiple camps killing countless Fallen. This caused Yorvik, Kell of Lions raged war against them. it was long courses of Battles, until Grayria a spy for the Lions found the House of Gray's Lair, The Lions Manned a raid against them with their powerful Forces, they destroyed the Lair killing Kell of Gray.

Phase Two

With the Kell dead, the House of Grey took Revenge. while Yorvik was trying to collect Ether from one of the Astroids, Gray pined him Destroyed Lionship Jobkis-Fel, killing him with it. with Yorvik's Death, The House of Lions fell to civil War by splitting into 3 groups, Tariks, Lion Baron, Skrisah, the Wise, and Skeklos, the Prowling.

War within the Lions

Skeklos began strangly rose to power. He Destroyed Skrisah's fleet, and tricked the House of Gray into Destroying Tariks. With all of his rivals dead, He became Kell of Lions, Although his leadership did not Last, Most Lions saw him as a cruel and unfair Leader, when thing began uneasy, The Lions revolted with the help of Joskaa, Burning Blade, Grayria, Winter Lost, and Andax-5. The attack led into a chase, ending in The Prison of Scars, A House of Gray facility, With the bulk of the House of Lions, they were able kill Skeklos, who apperntly was spy for Gray, and Destroyed the Prison, causing the Gray to trapped, with the War over, The Lion crowned Joskaa, as the new Kell.

Arriving in the Reef

The House of Lions later arriving into the Solar System, they moved into the Reef, living out by the Awoken, and at some point, Their Prime Servitor, Jobkis Prime, went missing. later on while living on 2 Pallas the Lions had Face the Siege of Pallas, after the Lions began into driving the Wolves out of reef, despite this going unsucceseded, the Lions had gained support by the Reef, and they shared Pallas.

Recent Events

Return of Gray

Tikmiks's Rebellion

In the Aftermath of the Taken War, the House of Gray returned, under the command of Tikmiks, An Archon and Brother of Skeklos. When the threat returned, The House of Lions send a signal to The Guardian into helping them, the Guardian accepted their offer, hunting down the Gray over Mars, Found Tikmiks Rallying the Remnants of Wolves into joining them, despite of this. Tikmiks' rally was put down by the Guardian capturing Tikmiks and sent him into the Kell's Dungon, The House of Gray on loose, Joskaa opened up the Kell's Wrath.

Kell's Wrath

Joskaa began proving Bounties against the House of Gray, with the help of the Guardians putting down most of Gray.

Rise of Skarr

With the Capture of Tikmiks, his Archon Servants began pulling strings over Gray. For Control, they captured Skarr, a fallen Bounty Hunter, and Brainwashed him, into becoming a their Kell. when the Lions found about this They made a Guardian strike against the mad Kell. While on Venus the Guardians found Skarr leading a group of fallen, with the oppuntunity, they killed the kell.

Rainiks Reborn

To replace their Lost Leaders they Built Rainiks Reborn, a Prime Servitor, When Hearing about this. The House of Lions Led an assault in Hong Kong, with the help the Guardian they head into the Lair and Destroyed the Prime Servitor.

Gray's Last Stand

With the Gray in ruins, the House of Lions led an Assault on Mars. With the death of Gray's Generals, the destruction of a Gray ketch and the breaking of the House of Gray. the House of Lions pinned them down, however, intead of destroying them. Joskaa becomes the new Kell of Gray.

Allies of Reef

While the Lost of the House of Gray, Joskaa believes they become can threat again, so to stop them from coming back again the Kell open up gladior fights with the Help of The guardians, to end Tikmiks' Rebellion, Joskaa staged a gladiator fight, despite Tikmiks's weapons and follwers, he was killed quickly by a guardian. Joskaa later declares that the House of Lions will do anything to help The Last City.

Rise of Iron

Somewhere after the Taken War, Skorvik, The House of Lions helped the Awoken in infusing Taken energy into weapons, the House of Lions' Splicers, The Lion Splicers began having a major factor, they Lion Splicers began crafting Taken-Infused armor and weapons and giving them to the House of Lions' Solders, created a new class of Fallen in the called: Infused-Fallen, giving them new ablities for fighting, they also even help Guardians during certain campians.


Despite new weapons, The Lions faced new problems, the House of Lions hid their Prime, Andax Prime, only to be captured to be captured by the Cabal. the House later fell into a civil war with the Scorn, only to fail and barely survive, because of this, the House of Lions moved out of their Lairs, and moved into the Dreaming City like the Awoken. But, later escaped as Taken began corrupting the City, forcing the Lions to move out of the City.

A Lion Splicer was on a mission, only to their armor being corrupted and transformed it into Kithrax, the Broken.

More problems began to fall under the Kell. Joskaa has been thinking into killing himself and have the Lions join the House of Dusk. But was stopped by AJ, a guardian. After a long talk, Joskaa decied to bring the Lions back together and formed the renaissance like he always wanted.

Return of Lions

With the Destruction of the Scorn and the failures of The Kell's Scourge Syndicate. The Lions began returning into glory. They first convinced The Spider into joing forces to bring the Fallen into joing Syndicates. They later created a new Christian denomination called: Equalism. and sent their Scholars into spreading these beliefs through out the Fallen. They later sent the Guardians into destroy the Scorn's remaining Dark Ether supply, to keep them broken and depressed. In order to get the Lions into joining Dusk. they rebuilt the Prime Servitor, Jobkis Prime for control over the Lions. suspecting a trap. Joskaa sent a group of Guardians into attack Bracus Za'ourg's stronghold and rescuing Andax Prime, and destroyed the False Prime. With these victories the Lions were able to get most of their Lairs back.


While the other house having rules to their house, the lions have a unusual and abnormal among the fallen due to the christian religion,the house have a normal but sole leadership, the Kell, but the house have a new leadership branch that only the House of lions have access to, . One of them is called Fallen Queens, Fallen Queens serve as the Queen of the house and consort of kell but have other duties, as for an example, if the kell is a female, then the house will pick the second oldest female or only female of kell to serve as Sov for Second in command they can also get large amounts of ether. Then,  Then comes the Barons, Most have the same regular duties as all barons, but have a different duties than a normal barons, the sons of the kell can become a baron if you first start as a prince and then you get in the age of 13 you become a squire to a Lion Guard, then after that you will be crown vandal you the choice of joining a captain's crew or join family Barons’ Lion Guards and join a station called, Rising Guards in order to become a baron after finishing that will become a baron and be crown a captain. The oldest baron will be titled the rising kell and prepare the title of the kell. Then have new stations of the house like Lion Guards, Lion enforcers, lion pike gangs, Invisible Claws, Lion Scouts, Lion Scavengers, lion kell’s guards, lion mechanics.



Lion Council

Notable Members

Notable Groups

Unique Forces

  • Dreg variants
    • Lion Scavenger
    • Lion Mechanics
    • Lion Pike Riders
    • Skiff Dreg
    • Scourge Raider
      • Bane Scavengers
    • Infused Dreg
      • Upgraded Dreg
  • Vandal variants
    • Lion Enforcer
    • Lion pike leader
      • Lion pike commander
    • Skiff vandal
    • Lion Kell's Guard
    • Invisable Claw
    • Scourge Raider
      • Bane Enforcer
    • Lion Scouts
    • Virtuoso Claw
    • Infused vandal
      • Upgraded Vandal
  • Captain variants
    • Skiff Captain
    • Lion Guard
    • Kingsguard Captain
    • Infused Captain
      • Upgraded Captain
      • Inculcate Commando
  • Servitor variants
    • Lion High Servitor
    • Lion pike Servitor
    • Skiff Servitor
    • Kingsguard Servitor
    • Hand of Gray's Bane
    • Infused Servitor
      • Upgraded Servitor
      • Inculcate Dematerializer
      • Blight Piercer
      • Knight Tracker
  • Shank variants
    • Virtuoso Claw
    • Infused Shank
      • Upgraded Shank
  • Walker variants
    • Lion Walker
    • Elder Lion Walker
    • Scavenged Walker
    • Infused Walker
      • Inculcate Walker
    • Prime Defender


List of appearances