Freeborn Otzot

Revision as of 07:01, June 25, 2024 by AndreaPz01 (talk | contribs) (i will probably rework the phrases a bit)
Freeborn Otzot
Biographical information

Other name(s):

Freeborn Savant





Political and military information


The Cabal Empire


Imperial Scientist


Psion Flayer (Lead Flayer)


"Is this not Calus's new Empire, an empire of achievement? Can't the Psions grow fat in thought, as you grow fat with power?"
— Freeborn Otzot appealing to Emperor Calus

Freeborn Otzot is the highest-ranking Psion Flayer, and the lead scientist for the Cabal Empire. She is a prominent, albeit traitorous, leader to her own people, and was responsible for their continued enslavement.


Ancient Past

Centuries before Ghaul's coup, the Psions found the OXA Machine, a machine able to perceive the future, but it was destroyed when the Cabal enslaved the Psions. Centuries later, Freeborn Otzot, a particularly brilliant Psion, rebuilt it on Brand. Emperor Calus was impressed enough by her ambition and genius to order the machine preserved and Otzot fêted. Appealing to Calus' egalitarian values, she was rewarded by elevation to his court as Imperial Dreamer and given anything she asked.

When Calus made public his intentions to free all Psions within the Cabal Empire, Otzot rebelled because it would dilute the prestige of her status as a freeborn. Otzot participated in the coup to oust Calus by using the OXA Machine to communicate with the conspirators, ensuring that the Psions remained subservient to the Cabal.

Growing Influence

While the forces of the Imperial Cabal and the Shadow Legion were engaged in the conflict between the Witness and the Coalition, Otzot would take advantage of this to begin spreading her influence among the Cabal of the Sol System.

During the operation to stop the Witness and prevent them from completing the Final Shape inside the Pale Heart, the Guardian would help Micah-10 to do what they could to heal the Traveler and helping to locate several lost Ghosts. One of these missions involved finding and saving Bean, a Ghost that was investigating the ruins of the Exodus Black on Nessus. Once they got close to the location, Micah, Cayde and the Guardian would detect a detachment of the Red Legion despite the fact that their leadership had been dismantled for some years, leading the team to think that a Cabal warlord was acting on their own or worse they were following the Shadow Legion. Overcoming their defenses and advancing deep into the planetoid toward the Terminus, the Guardian would encounter an exact copy of Kargen, the Technocrat, that they had killed in the past.They would pursue and kill him, to prevent the Psion Flayer from tapping into the Vex Network again, thus discovering that the Cabal cloning technology was capable of even cloning Psions. After recovering Bean's signal, the Ghost would discover that Kargen's clone was trying to access Vex data on OXA, the Psion prediction machine that was able to see the future in branching paths, and also the Sol Divisive's research on the Veil. Even if they could not discover how the actions of the Psion were connected they would discover that the orders for this Red Legion squad were coming from Otzot leading the team to think that there might be defector branches within the Shadow Legion not loyal to the Witness and that the Psion defectors siding with the Dark Fleet were just creating a deception to cover their own operations[1].

In addition, during during the Upheaval on Nessus, forces of the Shadow Legion that should have been left without any leadership would show interest in Nessus again. Remnants from House Dusk turned into Pirates would investigate the planetoid following the increased Vex and Coalition activity after the crash of an Echo. The Shadow Legion would start to work together with them as mercenaries, allowing the Fallen to use their channels to communicate, modifying their bombs with their own technology and sending their forces and local commanders as support on the field. In addition Failsafe would detect the Fallen crews operating on Nessus repeatedly entering Shadow Legion territory with no incidents, leading Ikora Rey to speculate that a new force was driving the Shadow Legion to continue sending scouts to Nessus supported by the Fallen Pirates, offering them the security a House would normally provide but without understanding what in exchange for[2].

Personality and traits

Freeborn Otzot is a genius among her race, being capable of reconstructing the OXA Machine, which had the ability to prophesize using clairvoyant abilities. Calus describes her as "[glowing] with the power of her thoughts." However, she demonstrates a tragic level of self-interest, going as far as to prolong the enslavement of her own race to maintain her special status as one of the few free Psions.

List of appearances


  1. ^ Bungie (2024/6/4), Destiny 2: The Final Shape - The Oracle
  2. ^ Bungie (2024/6/11), Destiny 2: Episode: Echoes - Breach Executable